A Little Hero

While the atmosphere in the ICU room was filled with a certain amount of sadness, the complete opposite of what is happening in the Private Medic which is placed only a few rooms away from the ICU. There was no one in it but one bed where a young man, around nineteen years old laid, unconscious and pale as he was.


The sound coming from the heartbeat monitor on his chest was loud and clear, indicating his life still remained. On the screen displayed the normal numbers of heart rate and he seemed to be stable so far. The boy's eyes were still closed, white eyelashes brushing against pale cheeks, as if he was sleeping and yet there he was, not moving and barely breathing. It was unsettling.

The door was not fully shut, allowing a little bit of light in. In a moment, a small shadow from the floor can be seen walking slowly inside before it disappeared.

On top of the bed, a pair of weird colored eyes appeared in the darkness and watched silently at the boy. Carefully it was moving to the side of the bed while it kept observing the boy and closed both its eyes, making it seem like it disappeared completely.

A few minutes later when suddenly...


The numbers in the heart monitor dropped and the line changed into a long horizontal line. The sudden noise causes the shadow to open its eyes once again.


Almost an hour has passed and now, Ten started to feel bored waiting for them on the outside. He wasn't sure whether to go back to the room or look elsewhere but then again, Ten was also curious to see Four's condition although he already heard of what happened to him from what Eight told them the moment they arrived.

He was about to turn when something suddenly jumped onto him. He quickly caught it with both his arms and looked down at the little paws that had landed on him.

"Wing!" He exclaimed with joy, still holding his beloved kitten who purred happily and snuggled closer to his neck. With his free hand he reached out to touch Wing's cheek and felt fur, gently stroking its head.

"Did you miss me? Me too Wing! I missed you so much!" Ten pouting his lips, trying to kiss his pet but Wing already jumped off him.

Ten was stunned, then he started sniffling dramatically. "How could you? Did you just reject my kiss? When did you become so heartless, Wing? Was my feelings not strong enough for you?"

Wing continued his walk without giving Ten another glance.

"And now you're leaving me? Where are you going? Wait! You should give back your love, you know! Wing!"

Ten called out while following his cat until Wing eventually stopped walking in front of a door. Ten stopped and looked at the door in front of them. There was a sign above him, labeled 'Private Medic' in big letters.

"Woah! It's my first time visiting a private area. I rarely come here because I don't like the smell of medicine. It's nice though! This place is really cool- Wing! What are you doing?!"

Ten quickly covered his mouth as Wing had walked inside the room with the door left ajar.

"Oh no... He actually went inside. Bad kitty. I should have scolded you for rejecting me and now you are trying to intrude on Nine's territory."

Ten sighed deeply and followed behind the kitten. When he finally stepped inside the room, he found himself standing in front of the only occupied bed. His kitten was lying peacefully on the pillow beside the stranger he had never seen before.

Ten could not help but stare at the guy while approaching the bed slowly. He did not know why but his eyes could not leave the stranger's face. It's Ten's first time seeing an albino male, that must be the reason. The white hair was soft and fluffy, framing the man's face perfectly with his delicate features.

"Wow! He looks like a living doll." Ten mumbled softly. But his focus was broken when he could hear the loud noise coming from the monitor next to the bed. At first he totally did not realize that it was the heart monitor but it quickly dawned on him after seeing the red line in the chart.

"Hold on. That means... He..."

Ten took a sharp intake of breath and quickly ran outside of the room and went inside the ICU where Four was.

"Save him!" He said, panting heavily. But the only people inside the ICU was Doctor 90 and the nurses, who gave him a shocked look.

"Eh? Where are the others?" Ten questions looking around.

"They just left some minutes ago. Ah... Professor wants us to tell you that they are having a meeting right now. You should go there, Master Ten." One of the nurses answered.

"Okay, thank you nurse!"

"But is there anything- Master Ten?!"

They were about to ask him when the boy already dashed out. He immediately ran toward the elevator. As fast as he could, he pressed one of the elevator buttons with shaking hands. And he did not wait any longer until the doors were open to rush inside the lift. He could feel his heart beating in his throat as the numbers on the elevator panel kept increasing while Ten waited anxiously for the elevator to reach the eleventh floor.

As soon as the doors opened, Ten saw the rest of the Infinities were just entering the meeting room, talking among themselves as usual. Ten rushed forward trying to catch their attention. But as expected they did not notice him. Fortunately, Ten managed to stop Nine before closing the door behind him.

The glasses guy turned his body around and faced Ten. "Ten? I asked Eleven to go check you in your room but you weren't there. Where were you? We didn't even know where to find you."

Nine seemed surprised but then he frowned slightly as he noticed something unusual on Ten. He could see the boy's chest was heaving and Ten's whole body shook as if he was in a state of panic.

"Wait. Were you running here?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

Ten nodded, unable to say anything as he felt his vision getting blurry, tears threatening to fall. The Infinities noticed this as they all started to focus their attention towards Ten. Fortunately, they have not started their meeting yet.

Eight went closer and looked at the boy full of concern. "What happened?"


His voice broke as the tears began falling and he sobbed, unable to say the words.

"Please save him. Save the albino brother!" Ten cried out desperately as he grabbed Eight's shirt. "Please... before we lose another person again."

Everyone inside the meeting room fell silent, staring at the sobbing boy in disbelief and shock after hearing the sentences escaped Ten's lips.

Ten does not know the truth but that does not mean he is completely clueless of his surroundings. Even if they tried to hide or conceal everything from him, he would still notice it. And he knows, there were many people who died in this building but for some reason, he chose to keep quiet and pretend like nothing happened.

However, now that he already witnessed it, he can not believe that he was oblivious enough not to realize something like this was going on. That was when Ten realized. If only he had noticed earlier, maybe he could have prevented them from dying.

But how? Ten is just a kid who has always been protected by the Infinities. All of them are like his families ever since he stepped into this building, on this island. And if he decided to save those people, meaning that he had to oppose the Infinities? After everything they have done for him?

This is something that Ten's old self would do. In the past, he would keep questioning himself and hesitate to do the right things. But now, all those questions have stopped because Ten feels that he has no more doubts about his decision. He knows exactly what is right. He knows that it is not his fault for what happened and it is not his responsibility. At least, he is trying to make up for that.

Just a small part, he is hoping that he does not regret it later.


Amongst them, Eight was the one that reacted the most. She kneeled in front of the youngest boy and stared at him with wide eyes. Her hands were raised to hold Ten's shoulders and she gently pulled him towards her.

"What did you just say? Albino brother? You mean, the one in the Private Medic? What happened to him, Ten?"

Ten continued to cry. "When I went inside, I saw the screen monitor showed the number zero. Does that mean... he died?"

Without wasting any time, Eight stood up. "Sorry guys but you can start the meeting without me and Ten. I'm gonna go check for the subject."

She started leaving while holding Ten's arm. The boy followed her with teary eyes.

"Eight! Wait!" Nine tried to keep up with their pace.

Whereas everyone inside the meeting room was quiet watching the three of them leave together.

Five turned his gaze onto Six, who was still seated while looking outside of the window. "Are you satisfied now that he is already dead?"

Six turned around and looked at him with a stern look. "Never. Not until I watched his corpse with my own eyes."

"Wow! Just look at that twisted mind of yours! Before this you were sympathizing with him even though he was also a criminal. But now, you're ready to kill him because you want revenge? How ironic."

Then a smile appeared, showing his dimples. "Yeah. But the funny thing is that our little hero, he looks like he really cares for the last Subject. Now I'm curious, are you going to tell him the truth or do you plan to lie to take care of both sides at once?"

For a moment, Six was lost for words.