
Nine accepted the brown file handed by Doctor 90. He immediately opened it, and began reading through a few pieces of papers.

"His blood was normal. Everything looks normal, Prof. Although there is one thing I found strange about the subject."

"And what is that?" Ten asked, leaning closer to Nine to see what he's reading. His eyes started to spin when seeing letters mixing with numbers on the paper.

Huh? X? Hundreds with decimals? Dot dot dot? Clearly, Ten could understand none of it!

Finally the boy gave up and rubbed his side forehead like an old man. He really hates complicated things! Except making his favorite 'toys'.

Doctor 90 seems a bit hesitant to answer but seeing Nine permitted him to do so, he continued.

"Err... How should I say this...? It's just like what Prof predicted from a moment ago, it is true that the subject was not a normal human being. According to his blood test results, there was something mixed in the Subject's blood."

"That one I already know." Nine put the papers back in the file.

Doctor 90 makes a shocked face. "You did?"

Nine nodded. "There are things that were mixed into his body as those things are the new experimental materials which I have made this year. We made him as a subject to test the experimental material but unfortunately he failed."

"How many percent of the substances successfully entered inside the Subject's body?"

"If I'm not mistaken, 80 percent. Why?"

Doctor 90 gives a second thought before shaking his head. "Nothing. I'm just curious. Maybe that's the thing I found in him. But strangely enough, the materials can be found on the right side of his body only"

"His right parts?"

"Yes. When I tried checking on the left side, I couldn't find the ingredients. It looks like the ingredients are only flowing in the boy's right part of the body. Strange isn't it?"

"I guess, it might be because of the incomplete experiment. The machine was destroyed when we almost succeeded but oh well, I guess it's no longer important anymore."

"I see. But, if I may ask Prof, what happens if the experiment succeeds? And what would happen to the subject?"

Nine went silent. "Doctor, do you still remember what happened three years ago?"

Doctor 90 frowned a bit, trying to wash his memories. "Was it about the Subject that was also being kept in the Ice Capsule?"

"It feels like history has repeated itself. That Subject was the first to succeed in the hundred percent quantity."

"Which means, one of the machine experiments has become successful?"

"Both yes and no. Yes, it was a successful result but that Subject tried to kill one of us."

Doctor 90 gasped. "K-Kill?"

A small chuckle escaped Nine's lips as if he just told a funny story. "Don't worry. No matter how strong the Subject was, but as long as they are in this premise, they will still lose the battle. That's because you have the Infinities to protect you…"

Nine paused when he realized something. Then he stared at the middle-aged-man with a serious look on his face. "Have you checked his eyes?"

"His eyes?"


"How was it? Did you get the results you're looking for?" Ten asked after both of them went outside of Room 90.

Room 90 or can also be called as the Infirmary where Nine's PADs are working at. Most of them are majoring in health but only the Elites who are in charge with the highest title as the Doctor. Other than that, some of them are also in charge of chemical substances to make medicines. However, Private Medic and ICU are in different buildings from Room 90. The reason is to separate the patients so that they would not get disturbed by the bustling environment when the PAD became busy.

Nine smiled and patted the boy's head. "I did but it's not enough. There is still one more thing we need to do before we can confirm anything."

Ten pouted. "How long will it take? I really can't wait to know the result. I am dying of suspense here."

Even if Ten listened to their conversation from the beginning, he still ended up lost anyway.

"Calm down Ten. Don't worry, tonight, we will find out everything."


"Yes. Completely."


"Why were you suddenly asking about my handkerchief?" Asked Eight after she went inside Nine's office, crossing both her arms across her chest.

"It's a secret. It will spoil the surprise if I tell you now."

Nine organized all the files and other papers that he's holding in his hand. Then placed them neatly on the table. He was busy doing everything while trying to avoid Eight's sharp gaze.

Eight clicked her tongue. "Fine. Whatever. Suit yourself. It's not like I'm that curious much anyways." She muttered while taking a seat on one of the chairs across Nine's desk.

Nine could hear her mutterings, holding his smile. "Do you need anything, Ms. Eight? I had to go meet with Doctor 90 later so I won't stay here longer."

"Give back my handkerchief. I know you took it."

Nine grinned. "Weren't you going to throw it away?"

"I'm not that heartless you know, also that was my favorite handkerchief. I can just wash and keep it rather than letting it be thrown away. Now, give it back."

Eight blinked when Nine took off his glasses and put them down. Then he walked out from the table. The girl could not control her blush when that man unbuttoned half of his black shirt, revealing his upper bare chest while approaching her closely. A pair of amber orbs met with his hazel-green ones and she lowered her head, keeping her eyes shut.

'What is this guy trying to do?! No! I mean! Why don't you run away, Eight?!'

Suddenly something got thrown and landed right on her forehead causing Eight to open her eyes again. She pulled that thing away from her face, looking at it. She then turned back to look at Nine who's already sitting on the couch with a laptop in front of his coffee table.

"My handkerchief?"

"Yeah, your favorite handkerchief. I already washed it for you using your favorite lemon detergent, so don't worry about the smell. It's completely fresh, new and clean." He casually folded his sleeves up to his elbows. Then he starts typing on his laptop, looking focused.

Seeing that man seems busy, Eight decided to leave to not disturb him. When she turned the door knob, she glanced over her shoulder. "Thanks for returning and washing it for me."

"No problem."

Eight smiled and went outside of the office.

After the door got closed, Nine let out a long sigh. He leaned on his back and threw back his head, staring at the white ceiling. His conversation with Doctor 90 keeps replaying in his mind.

'I need to find out the truth about that Subject. As soon as possible…'

He takes a look at the watch on his left wrist. In ten minutes, it will be 12 o'clock.

He focused back on his laptop.


His phone vibrating brought him back to reality. He picked up the phone and answered immediately. "Hello?"

['Prof, I have finally got the complete result, and I think you should come here. There are very important things that we need to discuss.']

"Alright, I'm on my way."

Nine closed his laptop and put it on the table. His hand reached for the lab coat hanging on the rack next to his desk before heading out the door. Not to forget to turn off the electric switch. Once again, he looked at his watch.

'Five minutes left.'


After he covered it back with the white sheet, Doctor 90 went outside of the Private Medic. When he was about to close the door, his phone rang. Automatically, he let go of the handle and took out his phone.

"Hello Prof, have you arrived?"

While talking on the phone, his attention was no longer focused on the door. Instead, he walked away to meet Nine.

The window on the hallway suddenly opened, letting in the night wind blowing onto the door and pushed it open slightly. The same shadow appeared and walked forward until it revealed itself. Wing.

Wing's right front paw raised up and his sharp nails scratched the white sheet, making it ripped and got pulled down revealing the body underneath, exposing a human figure. Wing jumped on top of the bed and sat down while staring at the albino boy. His tail moving from side to side along with his ears twitching.


The sound of the clock tower echoed inside the Infinity Premise, indicating it was a midnight time. The loud sounds gradually become silent until finally, everything is completely quiet. Only the swishing of wind could be heard, blowing onto the boy's body. That is when a strange phenomenon is happening.

His pale cold and lifeless skin began to change. From pale blue, slowly becoming a pinkish color and spread throughout every part of the body. From the tips of his fingers to toes, the pink color became more and more abundant like a blooming flower. His bones started turning into solid flesh. Skin became transparent. Hair grew longer and thicker.

His fingers start twitching. His chest began rising and falling up and down like a normal person sleeping soundly. And slowly, his eyes opened, revealing a pair of beautiful scarlets.

Once again, the Vigilante has been resurrected.