First Handshake

The sound of ocean waves could be heard. Looking towards the left, an expanse of dark sea greeted her violet eyes. The view of the horizon was so beautiful, so mesmerizing even though the sky was pitch black. She was about to enjoy this feeling of tranquility and freedom when the sound of someone puking ruined her peace moment.

Iris quickly turned around to see where the sound came from. Seeing Adam vomiting behind her with the help of Carl who is busy slapping on the guy's back a few times.

A soft sigh escaped her lips. "If I knew that you got seasick, I would have asked my parents to prepare a jet plane instead."

Carl raised an eyebrow. "How much richer you can be? You got the best of both worlds, princess."

Chuckled before turning their attention back at Adam. "And this dude better get his sh*t together or I'm kicking him out of this yacht."

Adam coughed as he tried to speak. "I'm... sorry for being... such a pain in your a*s." He paused before continuing.

"But I can't swim..." His voice trailed off.

Carl makes a face-palm. "Great. What's worse than not being able to swim and getting freaking seasick? You're a really helpful one, aren't you?"

This time it was Adam's turn to make a face.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that. This is your problem now so you're going to fix it." Carl walked over to Adam, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry man. We're getting there soon."

"How... much longer is that... soon?"

Carl looked up before answering. "Not long. You know, until we see a land."

Both Iris and Adam also turned their heads to face the direction where Carl's eyes were facing. They were surrounded by nothing but ocean, no signs of land whatsoever. Not even a tree can be seen.

Adam starts trembling and he becomes paler, almost turned purple. "You're killing me Carl... Urk!"

Once again, the sparkling rainbow appeared, almost similar like a waterfall only brighter and more concentrated in its light source. Carl was blinded by its radiance, pushed up the sunglasses while continuing slapping Adam's back.

"Rest in peace, my friend. You will be remembered forever."

"I'm still... alive you idiot! Urk!!"

"There, there. I got your back son, no worries."

Iris only shakes her head while watching both of them before throwing her gaze towards the sky. It was dark except for some scattered stars.

'Don't worry. No matter what, I won't give up until I find you again. Just like back then.'


<7 years ago>

The sound of the gate tingles the air as he makes his way out of the hell. He observed the surroundings, taking everything in. The streets were clean, everything seemed familiar yet very foreign. He was so used to living in the darkness that the atmosphere around him felt overwhelming. As if he is in a very much different world. The world where he will start from the beginning. The life which he has lost for the past thirteen years.

He looked down, hands inside his pockets as he started walking forward with his head hung low. He does not have much belongings to begin with and even less money. All he had was the clothes on his body and his cap.


His stomach let out a loud rumble, signifying that he is hungry. He barely eats when staying inside the Juvenile. It is not that the food was not up to his taste because he would still eat it even a trash can would suffice to keep him alive. But because his stomach could not accept such food, he ended up throwing everything away.

His thoughts wandered off to the events he went through. After the nightmare incident which he could barely remember, he was brought to the Juvenile Detention Center where he spent most of his days sleeping or being punished. Sometimes he would wake up after having nightmares and feel extremely depressed. He could not stand any emotions because of those experiences. Moreover, after he found out that his mother suddenly disappeared without trace and came back with the news of her death.

Everything happened so fast and the last thing he remembers is the present, standing alone in the middle of nowhere, without a single clue on what to do next.

He stopped after walking for so long, leaning against one of the walls surrounding the streets. His legs were giving up on him and he sat on the hard cold floor, hugging his knees. His mind wandered around as if he was trapped in a maze, looking for an escape. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against his knees. Closing his eyelids tight was the only thing his brain was able to focus on.

Where should he go? No, was there even a place that would be welcoming enough for him right now?

His stomach growls loudly, reminding him that it did not know when to stop. He let his head drop down, covering it between his arms.

Why did he always end up in situations like this? Where did all the good come from? Why does he keep living this meaningless life?

"Hey... you want some?"

A soft voice made its way into his ears. He lifted his head up slightly only to spot a girl standing in front of him with a pink cotton candy in her hands, the same color as her hair. A smile plastered on her face. An easygoing, happy smile. The kind that makes everything seem okay. Like the sun is shining, lighting the entire world as it glimmers in his eyes.

She stood still, waiting patiently for an answer from him.

He stared at her for what seemed like eternity before finally finding his voice. "I don't want it."

He had no choice but to lie. Even if she offers him the food, he does not want to take advantage of other people's kindness. Because even just small things, she might expect him to pay back somehow, that's why he does not need any extra trouble.

The girl frowned slightly in reply but nonetheless handed him the cotton candy anyway.

"Here, just take it. I can hear your stomach rumbling from miles away."

He would not budge but that girl was as stubborn as him. Finally, she put the cotton candy on his mouth, forcing him to open his mouth automatically. With one bite, the sweetness hit his tongue instantly. He did not realize how hungry he really was until it was all gone in one go. It has been so long since the last time he tasted such sweetness that it almost brought him to tears.

"Why are you being nice to me? We don't even know each other."

"I'm not that nice. I just don't like eating sweet foods. Plus, you're too skinny."

"Then, why did you buy it?"

She smiled once again before replying. "So, you were stalking me."

He froze. "Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Well, I could understand. Who would resist with such beauty?" She starts flipping her hair over her left shoulder.

"Not really. It's just, your hair looks stand out to me and I've always wondered..."

Her smile vanished. "This is my natural hair. People normally tend to find it odd to see someone with pinkish hair but mine is actually rosy-gold. Well, compared to me, you're the real deal, albino."

He frowned a bit. "Don't call me that."

"Why? It suits you." She smiled teasingly.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone." He stood up and started leaving.

"You can run but you can't hide! I will search for you and offer you more food until you become a guinea pig, albino!" She shouted.

He ignored her, hoping that would be their last encounter. However their meeting did not end there. Almost everyday he met with little miss rosy-gold who was always smiling with many kinds of food in her hands whenever she chased after him. Even if he tries to hide, she would eventually find him again and again and again. She really wants to fatten him up and even orders her bodyguards to check for him now and then.

'Now, who stalks who?' Little albino thought to himself.

He tried to push her away a few times but she kept coming back to him. Every time she forced him to eat something, he tried his best to ignore the fact she was treating him nicely although in such a terrifying way. He had no other choice but to submit to her. Eventually, he gave up and accepted her offer. Thus, they became good friends, bonding over their friendship which begins from a cotton candy.


"I told you not to call me that."

"Oops! Habits die hard. Right, I just realized we didn't know each other's names. Let me introduce myself. My name is Iris Jacqueline. Just call me Iris. What about you?"

He looked down at the hand she was extending towards him, not knowing what to do. After thinking for a moment, he extended his own hand towards hers. He could feel a little warmth on his palm when she shook it.

"My name is..."



<19, ISFJ>