Two Perspectives

"The Final Project Dynasty? That sounds propitious," Adam started as the four of them seated on the table to have their lunch.

Doctor Odd nodded while taking a sip of his coffee. "You're right about that, Adam."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is the Final Project?" Iris asked.

"In simple terms, the Final Project refers to the final stage of the project, namely creating a way to create new life forms from some living matter."

Iris frowned. "Like animals?"

Adam noticed Carl who's busy munching the sandwich, paused briefly. When he turned, Carl continued eating like usual. Somehow, Carl's behavior seems suspicious to him but he brushes it off.

"Yes! Exactly like animals." Doctor Odd confirmed. "But we're not talking about animals here. The idea of creating creatures from living material and using the DNA sequence from one of our man-made cells in creating these creatures was first conceived by the former Scientologists. So far, we have succeeded in creating four extraordinary species from this DNA code. The plan is for them to evolve to become sentient and eventually develop the ability to create one more in the future. That is the Final Project."

"Which means, overall there will be five of them? But if I may ask, what is the main purpose for you to make so many of them?" Adam turned to ask.

The professor looked amused. He put his hands under his chin and leaned his elbows on the table. "That is classified information. It isn't my place to divulge. But the only purpose that I'm going to disclose regarding that subject is because we care for our world greatly. I hope that would answer your question."

Iris took a deep breath. At that moment, however, she had more important things on her mind to focus more.

"I know you're being sincere to help me searching for my missing friend but... I'm just curious, Doctor. Why would you be willing to do this for me even though this is our first time meeting?"

Doctor Odd gave a gentle smile. "Helping you is not much trouble for me, Miss Iris. It's quite the opposite. In fact, it has given me a great opportunity. I've been waiting for someone like you to come across this facility for quite some time now."

Iris stared at Doctor Odd confused. "What do you mean? Someone like me?"

Adam watched how Iris seemed to have a troubled look on her face which caused him to feel worried and concerned for her.

"Before that, there's someone who would love to meet you. You might be surprised when you meet him." Doctor Odd put down his arms.

Iris blinked. "Who-"

She did not get to finish her sentence when someone pulled her chin and rubbed her nose with theirs. Her eyes widened in shock as she recognized who the person was.

A warm chuckle filled her ears. "It's nice to see you again, my jewel."


Both Adam and Carl froze in their seats after witnessing such a shocking sight. Adam automatically pulled the man's arm, causing the unknown guy to stumble backward. "Hey! What do you think you're doing to her?!"

Iris immediately gasped after realization hit her, staring at the two men. "Adam! Don't!"

Adam looked at her with disbelief. "Don't? Are you seriously taking side with this pervert? He's trying to do something horrible to you!"

"Oh? Is rubbing our noses considered horrible? This is how we've been greeting each other whenever we meet." That man replied nonchalantly although his collar already being grabbed by Adam.

Adam furrowed his brows. "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Carl continued munching sandwiches while enjoying the free show with sunglasses on.

Whereas Iris sighed heavily after realizing the two were about to get into a heated argument. She then got up from her seat and approached them, pulling Adam's shoulder forcefully. "Just stop that! You're attracting too much attention, Adam! Please!"

"Hold on! I'm not done yet! I should beat the sh*t out of this guy--"

Iris quickly interrupted him. "Oh God! He's my freaking uncle, alright?!"

Adam halted, his eyes widened as he stared back and forth between Iris and the man who was just smiling even though he almost got beaten up. "Which of your parents side?"

"My father's youngest brother."

Then slowly, Adam's body relaxed and he exhaled deeply. He let go off her uncle's arm and stared at him for a while. "Why didn't you just tell me earlier?"

"It's fascinating to see mister boyfriend trying to protect my niece. Alright, I approve."

"What?! No! We're not!" Adam and Iris shouted in union.

He raised his eyebrows. "Really? That makes me feel a lot better now that my jewel told me about herself."

"Okay, that's enough of that." Doctor Odd interjected, clearly not amused with what was happening. "I'm sure you guys haven't met him properly yet. This is my assistant and also my companion, Roman."

Roman was wearing a white lab coat similar to Doctor Odd's and had a long-wavy pinkish hair with blue eyes. Now that Adam observes carefully, both Roman and Iris share a very distinct resemblance to each other except for the color of their eyes.


"No wonder you rarely visited us back home, Uncle Roman. I didn't know you work in this place."

Roman grinned. "That's because it is difficult for me to leave work at times. Especially during my busy schedule. It's been years since the last time I met you, jewel. How are you faring these days?"

"Just alright. Nothing unusual. Wait, you already knew I would come here didn't you?"

"Of course! I was the one who told Doctor Odd to escort you and take a look around. Now you can see that the place I'm working at is no ordinary place. This is a place where all sorts of wonders are possible. If your father knew that you would come and visit me, wouldn't he be so happy?"

"No. Don't ever tell him. He doesn't know I went in here. Please don't tell him." Iris begged.

Roman chuckled lightly. "Looks like I have to complicit in keeping my niece's secret from her father. And you, jewel, what have you been up to these few days? You look a bit tired. Have you not been sleeping enough?"

"How can I get a good sleep when I'm worried for my missing friend's well being?"

"As long as my jewel is alright and safe, it's enough for me. And I believe you will find your little friend soon. You have this great and powerful guardian angel protecting you, yes? As expected, your uncle must be very proud of his jewel. Oh, wait! That's me! Hahaha!"

"...Uncle Roman, I appreciate what you said. Thank you. But what are you capable of?" Iris raised an eyebrow.

"What am I capable of?" A mysterious smile appeared on his lips. "Anything within my power."


"Iris, can we have a talk for a moment?"

Iris was about to enter the bedroom, when Adam stopped her midway.

She turned to the guy who's leaning on the wall while crossing his arms. His face looks really serious. "O~kay. What's wrong?"

"I'm just wondering," he began, looking at the floor and tapping his foot slightly. "Don't you find it strange?"

She arched her eyebrow. "Strange? Were you talking about Doctor Odd?"

"Not just him. Everything inside this building. Maybe it looks normal enough, but I don't know. It feels like they are hiding something."

"Hm..." Iris hummed quietly. Then she placed both of her hands clasped together. "If you want to be able to understand this place, you need to accept whatever happens here."

"Yes I know and that's what I'm doing right now. About what Doctor Odd explained to us earlier, I don't understand what he's talking about. He seems to be speaking from an extremely scientific point of view but he never actually told us the truth. I'm sure you also realized that, right?"

"Adam..." Iris's voice became quiet and her gaze lowered on the ground. "You seem rather bothered by this, aren't you? Yes, I could understand your curiosity but we're just guests here. We were never belonged in this place and we should just keep our own business."

"What if you're ignoring something that will lead you straight into danger?" He asked.

Iris shook her head. "Look, Adam. I don't know what you are expecting to find. I'm sorry but no matter what you're trying to prove, I can assure you that nothing is there."

"Why were you so adamant about denying that there is anything strange going on here?" Adam tried to control his voice which gradually became a bit deeper than before.

Iris sighed. "Because this is the only alternative I have left. No matter how dangerous and suspicious this place is, it's the only way for me to find my best friend."

There was a moment of silence after those words. Adam stared at Iris who remained standing in front of him. "Fine, if you say so. Just promise me that you won't take any risk until the end, yeah?"

"I promise."

"What are you two doing?"

Both of them snapped their heads towards the door and found Carl with an empty glass watching them from afar.

Iris frowned. "Oh... Hi Carl. Didn't notice you there."

"Well... I felt thirsty. So you were discussing something?"

"I forgot to apologize to her uncle earlier so I asked Iris to invite him to join us for some drinks." Adam makes an eye signal.

Iris nodded quickly. "Yeah, he's right."

"I see... Then, I hope everything works out. Good night, guys."

"Thanks and good night."

They watched as Carl went back inside the bedroom after putting the glass in the sink. Then Iris whispered to Adam. "Why are we lying to him?"

Adam stared at Carl's bedroom door. "Just for precaution."

He still remembers the way Carl looked at them. Although Carl's smiling like usual, tonight, that smile looks somehow different. It's like that person is not the same Carl he knows.