The very first thing I saw after opening my eyes was a small black creature that was sitting on top of my bare chest. It was staring at me and I also did the same. What a weird combination of eyes colors. Its left side was yellow while its right side was white. Must be blind one eyed.

Then I looked around only to realize that I'm in what seems like a dark small room but the light coming from the crack on the door gave me enough to see everything around me. There are not many things except for a table, a chair and a single bed.

Slowly, I got up from my sleeping position and stretched my body. It feels like I've been sleeping for a long time. I don't even know how many hours I've slept but by looking at the atmosphere, it should be night time already.

I look back when the black animal or the kitten didn't make a movement as if it were watching me. I raised my hand, ready to touch when suddenly it moved closer to me. My hands froze in mid air. I can feel something warm radiating onto my cold skin and slowly, I let my fingers touch its fur.

So soft...

My hand gently stroked the kitten trying not to frighten it. But it just keeps staring at me without moving an inch.

"What's your name?" My voice is barely audible due to my throat being dry. I tried clear my throat. Now that I realized, I'm feeling thirsty. Maybe I should drink some water...

Although I already moved my hand away, the kitten is still staring at me. The name hanging on its collar has a turquoise color with silver words written. My finger slowly glides through the name on the collar.

"Wing..." My voice trailed off. When I looked back at the kitten, its tail had now started wagging.

"So you like your name huh?"


The rumbling sound caused both of us to stare down on my stomach. I rubbed that place gently. "I'm thirsty... and hungry."

Wing as if it could understand me, jumped off from the bed. Then it started walking towards the door. It paused and looked back at me again.

I stared at the kitten for a while before moving both my bare legs onto the cold floor. When I stood up, I almost stumbled forward. Weirdly enough, it feels like I didn't know how to use my legs. I guess my muscles don't want to do anything other than lying down for 24 hours. When I finally regained my balance, I looked down to my naked body then moved to the white sheet on the floor.

After done covering my body with the sheet, I started making my way to the door. Wing was already outside waiting for me. It turned its head to see me approaching and then start running away. My mind right now is only filled with foods that keep my stomach growling.


While lying on the bed, she keeps flipping the handkerchief, trying to find anything that catches her eyes. Her mind kept wandering off what 81 told her two days ago.

'I think there might be an answer you're looking for.'

"What kind of answer? There's nothing here." She sighed and put the folded cloth back on the drawer.

When she was about to switch off the light, her ears caught a loud noise. She instantly turned her face towards the noise and tried to listen further. A frowned form on her forehead as she could recognize the familiar sound. "Who in their right mind cooks this late at night?"

Eight shook her head slightly. "Maybe Nine is the one who's cooking. But that guy rarely cooks during this late night. Was it Three?"

Eight adjusted the blanket on her body. "That guy would most likely fail in cooking but the fastest one to finish the food. Then, Six?"

Eight moved one of the pillows to her side. "I don't think so. She always sleeps early because she dislikes staying up too late. Two?"

The golden-haired girl laying down back on her bed. "From what I know, Two never went out from her bedroom especially at night. And the others are out of the list. None of them know how to cook."

Finally, she closed her eyes. After what felt like minutes, she opened her eyes again. Curiosity is killing me!

Slowly getting out of bed, she walked over to the door. She softly pushed open the door and peeked outside. She blinked when a delicious smell hit her nostrils. The aroma makes her mouth water and she starts salivating although she was already ate.

She was guessing it right but the question is; who is cooking?

Having a Sixth-Sense Instinct, Eight is not just able to catch a mild scents and sound, but she is capable of detecting her sixth sense to the direction of the source. That's why she decided to go downstairs.

Next to the Infinity Premise, there is a four-story building where the Infinities live called Eternal Dorms. Each floor has four rooms with different functions. The first floor is used for living spaces, dining room, library and mini training center. For the rest of the floors, are bedrooms dedicated to each individual member of the Infinities. And Eight's room happens to be on the third floor which is easier for her to reach the first floor without needing to use the elevator.

When Eight reached the bottom of the stairs, the food smell got stronger but now it was mixed with another scent that she could not identify. It made her confused that she walked towards the dining room. There is something familiar in that scent but she could not pinpoint it yet.

The sight made her stop her tracks after she entered. Her eyes were locked on someone sitting across from the large window in front of the giant flat black screen television glued on the wall. A loose white sheet holding dear life to cover his naked pale body with his long white hair looking messy and uneven length. He is facing away from Eight, looking at the huge windows while waiting for the ramen cup to finish warming.


I was staring out of space when I heard footsteps come close to me. It took me several moments before I managed to blink and look up.

Standing not far from me was a young girl with short golden hair in pajamas. The expression on her face is clearly shocking. The look on her eyes tells me that she didn't expect to see me here.

Seeing the stranger, both my hands wrapped the ramen cup and pulled it towards me. My eyes keep staring at the girl who already smiled when she sees the cup of ramen in my hands.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to steal your food," she said while smiling. At first she seemed unsure whether to approach me or not. With her hesitant steps, the girl sat across from me.

After making sure my ramen had cooled down enough, I lifted my chopstick and started eating. Ignoring the strange glances of the young girl, I focused on enjoying my late dinner.

Suddenly she spoke. "Y-You..."

I lifted my gaze up to meet hers. Once again, she was hesitate to continue speaking. But eventually she forced herself to finish.

"...You want a drink?"

I stopped chewing for a moment before looking around the table's surface. Totally forgot to prepare my drink. I looked back at her and nodded slightly.

"Alright." She stood up and walked towards the kitchen bar. Her movement never left my field of vision. From the way she reaches the glass on the cabinet, opening the fridge, taking out a box of orange juice, then pouring it into the glass.

I give a quick glance at Wing who's still sitting beside me before turning back to the girl.

She put the glass in front of me and went back to her seat, still showing her smile. "Let's get acquainted, shall we?"

She extended her hand towards mine. "You can call me Eight. I know it's kind of a bit weird but that's what I've been called ever since I live in this premise. How about yours?"


I hesitated for a little bit but when I noticed that her hand still stretched towards mine, I grabbed it. When I looked back at her face, a flashed picture of someone smiling at me was there. Her violet eyes were bright and her smile was warm.

I froze up for a moment. Ir-

"Is there something wrong?"

The rose-gold hair girl dissapeared from my sight. Right now, Eight's face with concerned expression was staring right at me.

"No..." my voice half-whispered, lowering my gaze back to our intertwind hands. "It's just... you remind me of someone."

Her smile grew wider but she didn't say anything for a while. After few seconds, she spoke again. "If you remembered that someone, that means you also remember everything about yourself, including your name. Am I right?."

"My... name..." My breath caught in my throat for a moment.

She tilted her head curiously. "Yeah?"

I blinked once.

"My name..." I mumbled, trying to recall anything that can remind me of my own name. But I don't seem to remember it. All I feel right now is numbness. Like my memory has faded away.

Eight must be realized that I keep repeating the sentences. "Well I won't force you."

Her eyes drifted off for a few seconds before she asked again "Then, how about I give you a name for temporary? Hmm... Snow?"

I almost frowned but I only shook my head.

"How about Frost?" She offered with a grin.

When I didn't respond, she added "Ice?"

Once again shaking my head.

"Ice Flower?" She suggested next.

I still shake my head.

"Ice Cream?"

Again my head shook.

"Alright, alright. I was just joking." She laughed while shaking her head. "Since mine is based on numbers, you should have the same unique name too. We already have one until eleven. Hah!"

Eight gave my hand a little squeeze. "From now on, I will call you Twelve. How does that sound?"

I give it a second thought. It doesn't sound bad to me. Finally, I give a little nod.

"Urm... Twelve. I think you need a shower and some clothes." She said while standing up.


"No worries. I know just the right person to take care of you. I just hope he doesn't freak out when meeting you."