The Guardian's Creation


I watched from behind when Eight knocked softly on the door. Not long after that, the door opened from the inside, revealing a boy with his turquoise hair was still all over the place while he rubbed the other eye trying to stay awake.

"Eight...?" He called her name while yawning.

"Hey, Ten. I'm sorry for interrupting your sleep. But if you don't mind, can this brother borrow your shower and sleep in your bedroom for a night?" She said softly, looking down at him.

He only hummed an agreement while stepping aside to let her enter.

Eight turned to me and gave a slight nod. Once we entered the room, he was already laying down on his bed and started closing his eyes, continuing his sleep.

"You can go have a shower and here's a new toothbrush. I will try to find Ten's clothes that might fit you. Is it okay if you sleep beside Ten? Don't worry, he rarely moves that much and is not the type to snores aloud. Also, try to wake up early tomorrow and meet me in my room. Make sure Ten didn't see you, alright?" She whispered quietly.

I nodded and slowly walked towards the bathroom on the side of the room. Before I closed the door, I saw Eight pulling the blanket to cover the sleeping Ten.


My bare foot touching the cold tiles as I looked around the bathroom. It was filled with mint color. This kid must be obsessed with a greenish-like color.

I went to stand near the sink, my hands resting on the counter. My gaze was fixated on the mirror which shows an image of a young man. A pair of scarlet eyes, a small nose, a pale skin and a white but weird hair.

My eyes moved from side to side. Looking at my own hair that has different lengths. On the right side, my hair was above my shoulder and on the left side, it's shorter. My hands went up, touching the hair.

No wonder Eight gave me a shocked look. She must have been weirded out when seeing a man with a weird haircut.

I tried to search for a sharp tool that can cut my hair but nothing came to my sight. I sighed and looked at the mirror again. Should I ask Eight to help me?

I was about to let out a sigh again when a sound made me stop what I was doing. I was startled when I could feel something in my right grip. When I turned my hand and looked down at it, there was a scissor appearing out of nowhere.

I pulled my hand in reflex. I didn't know how my hand held that thing without me knowing. Because of my reflex action, the scissor was about to fall.

When I tried to catch it, it suddenly disappeared. A second later, it appeared in my hand again.

I froze for a moment.

"Huh?! How...?"

My eyes widen, observing the object. It's not like any normal scissor because there's something moving around the handle. It looks like some black dust flowing in the air and there's a red line along with the scissor. The lines almost similar to veins of blood, the glowing red keep disappears before reappearing again.

I had never seen such things before. It's kind of creepy. But when I touched it, the black dust still remained on it. After I grip it, I felt some kind of energy flowing in my arm. It's really strange and unsettling. However I have no choice but to...



After showering, I looked back at the scissor on the counter. How am I going to make this thing disappear?

Just as I thought of that, the object suddenly vanished. The remaining of the black dust, falling to the ground like snowflakes and disappeared into thin air. After everything that's weird is completely gone, I get out of the bathroom.

My gaze stopped at the figure which had already landed on the floor with both his arms and legs open wide as if gesturing 'this room is mine'. Eight said he rarely moved too much. I guess she must be mistaken.

I reached the folded clothes on the table and put it on. Done, I turned my focus back on the boy. He was sleeping soundly, that he didn't even realize he's no longer on his bed.

Carefully, I picked him up and put him on the bed and covered him with the blanket, the same thing like how Eight did earlier. Then, I sat beside him with my back facing his. I watched him in silence for a bit.

When I noticed the frown on his face, my finger moving on its own, slowly caressed those furrowed brows. His face relaxed and his brows less tight. The frown on his face is gone. His features look so innocent in slumber.

I couldn't help but smile.

Is this how it feels to have a younger sibling?


"Hmm~ Hmm~" Eight busy humming while she is wiping the table in the dining room. A smile never leaving her face ever since she met with Twelve. His personality is different from what she thought.

Before she approached him, Four's image appeared in her head. The man is still in a coma with bandages all over his body. And the one who caused for those was Twelve alone, although it was just a speculation in her mind until now.

Even though Eight has Instinct, she is not someone who is good in combat like Two and Six. So she was a little worried, especially when the person she met at that moment was the so-called killer, which accused by Six with non-existence proof.

However, after she took a seat in front of Twelve, she did not expect that she could have a normal conversation with her own Subject. The one she thought might be targeting her as his next prey, casually accepting her handshake.

That was also when Eight realized something. The reason why she never felt any fear or unease around Twelve. Clearly, he did not have any intention to harm her and yet she misunderstood because of her fear. And perhaps because she was guilty for turning that young man into something that scares her.

Eight remember when she told One about her plans to continue the experiment which has been delayed by the former Scientologist.

'Are you sure you want to continue the experiments? You can just reject it if you want to. Before it's too late.'

Eight frowned. 'I just couldn't dare to reject Master Zero's offer. Who knows, this might be the only chance for me to show my full potential.'

'Alright then. I give you permission. But there's one thing I'm going to remind you.'

'What is it?'

'Never let your own creation be the cause of your fear.'

Eight remembered that day vividly. She thought it was just a simple reminder but when his sentences echoed through her head, she got goosebumps all over her skin.

One was right. All this time, her plan was to create a perfect Subject and she would always end up being a failure. Not until Twelve showed up, that she actually understood his warning.

But was she really too late? Did she already make mistakes when she created him? Does seeing him back to life was something remorseful? Or does she just regret the decision she made before? Is that causing the problem? If she could turn back the time...

Eight snapped out of it when she noticed her train of thoughts went off the track. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. It was not a good idea to think about such things. Now is not the time to think about that incident, she needs to focus on Twelve first.

How is she going to tell the rest of the Infinities about Twelve?

And the only one she's more afraid of was Six. That woman is still holding a strong grudge towards Twelve even during his 'death'. But now that he is alive which is so sudden, Six will not let go of the chance to get her revenge.

That is why Eight needs to find an excuse to talk to Twelve. She needs to know the real story behind Four's injuries.

'Looks like the anaesthetic Nine gave to him that contain Unustav substances, has a small effect. Although he could remember some part of his past memories, but he does not seem to remember anything about himself. Not even his own name. But does he remember what we have done to him?'

Her hand stopped moving as she thought. What if Twelve is the one who tried to kill Four? Does that mean, she has been helping a murderer all along? That is the last thing she wants!

She slowly sighed and turned around.

"ARGH! Oh God!" Eight yelps surprised when she saw the tall figure standing right behind her.

"Eleven! Can you stop doing that!? You scared me!" Eight said exasperatedly as she tried calming her breathing. This guy really likes to make people jump out of their skin.

Eleven make an expressionless face but that pair of cobalt orbs glaring to the chair, where Twelve had seated before.

Eight followed his gaze and back on him. She gulped silently. "Why are you staring at the chair? Would you like to have a seat?"

After a moment of silence, one word came out of his mouth.


Eight felt her blood froze. "W-What do you mean..."

He turned his gaze towards her. "Prey. Danger. Stay away."

Then he walked away from her direction, leaving her stunned in her place.