First Meeting I

"Yawn! Man! I'm so tired!" Nine groaned as he walked inside the Eternal Dorms, exhausted. He could feel his energy was drowning but he still forced himself walking towards the elevator.

"Sigh! Why is my room placed on the upper floor? Good thing we have an elevator here."

As soon as his finger touched the button, he heard someone speak from behind. "Nine?"

He turned around to see Eight with both her arms crossed over her chest. "Eight? You're not sleeping yet?"

"I was about to go to my room but I'm too lazy to use the stairs."


Both entered the elevator together. While waiting for the elevator to reach their floor, Eight glanced at the man on her side. The fatigue and exhaustion were clearly showing in Nine's face.

"What kind of conversation did you have with Doctor 90 that you were late for?"

"Hmm...? Oh, we were talking about the Subject."

Eight frowned. Earlier, it was Eleven and now, Nine is the second person to mention Twelve. Was it a coincidence or what?

"What about him?"

"I asked Doctor 90 to do some tests on the Subject's right eye. One of your PAD told me before that there was a black spot on your handkerchief. That was his tears."

"Tears? How come he has black tears?"

"That's what I want to find out."

"So, did you get the result?"

Suddenly Nine chuckled, making Eight blinking in confusion. "What are you laughing for? Was my question that funny?"

"No, I mean... Hah! It's just, both of you and Ten were really alike. He also asked the same thing before. Hmm... That kid will pout like a duck if I didn't tell him first like how I promised him. Sorry but I can't tell you now."

"Fine. Just don't forget that I'll find out eventually if I ask him."

"Yeah, I know. At least, you're not the last person to find it out."

The elevator finally stopped. Eight who just walked out, paused when Nine called her. She turned around, looking at him leaning against the elevator wall, looking half-awake. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow morning."

Eight nodded. "Goodnight too."


"As expected. Sleeping for four hours is not enough. It only proves how tired I must be."

Nine opened his eyes slowly, trying to wake himself up properly while yawning. He reached for his towel as well as his new clothes and proceeded to take his shower. 30 minutes later, the bathroom's door opened, revealing the brown haired guy wearing an oversized white shirt with a pair of gray sweatpants.

He walked outside while drying up his hair. Then he hung his towel on the rack near his balcony. The sun was starting to shine its light in the room, causing Nine to look outside. While wearing his glasses, he smiles upon seeing the clear sky that has white clouds that look like cotton. He can feel that today is going to be a great day.

After bathing with the sun for some seconds, Nine went outside of his bedroom. His stomach is already calling for food and today is Eight's turn to cook for their breakfast.

He glanced to his right, looking at the door while holding his smile. He could not wait to tell the boy about the result he got from Doctor 90 last night. Nine can already imagine how excited Ten was after hearing the news.

He took out his key and locked his bedroom, since he is planning to go out for a while after having breakfast. Once again he glanced to the side when he heard the door being opened by someone.

"Good morning, Ten-"

His greetings died down when he saw someone who he thought was Ten at first. His smile slowly fading away, replaced with shock after looking at a man wearing a Penguin onesies. But what caused him to freak out most is when seeing the Subject who was supposed to be placed in a morgue today, came back alive and now standing a few meters beside him.

Nine was too shocked to speak and move, until he lost his grip causing the key to fall on the floor.

'Have I lost so much of my sleeping hours that I began hallucinating?'



The sound of birds chirping, caused me to blinked. For the whole night, I didn't sleep because of the uncomfortable feelings when sleeping beside another person. Whenever I tried to push Ten away, he would always turn back and hugging me like a koala. He wouldn't stop cling on my body and finally, I give in because it wasn't worth the struggle.

I sighed while looking outside at the view of the forest. Weirdly enough, although I didn't sleep a wink, I didn't feel tired at all. There's just something I can't quite pinpoint about this situation.

Why can't I sleep? It's strange to say that but everything feels different. Not bad though. Just... weird.


Another sound of birds chirping made me realize something. I glanced down at Ten who's still sleeping. Eight told me to go meet her first before Ten woke up.

What time is it? Oh well, I guess I can leave him alone.

After washing up and brushing my teeth using the new toothbrush Eight bought for me last night, I stepped outside.

I was just closing the door when I heard the sound of a key falling into the ground. I looked down at the key on the floor before moving my gaze towards the guy wearing spectacles.

He looks like he is just seeing a ghost. What's wrong with him?

However I didn't say anything. Instead, I just bow my head slightly and walk away.

"Ah! Wait!"

I turned around to see him running towards me. I gave him a questioning look, prompting him to explain himself.

"I, uh... How come you..." He stuttered, seemingly unsure of what to say.

'How come you are alive? No, that would be rude for me to say that to another person.' Nine thought to himself.

After taking a deep breath, he spoke again. "Did Ten say something to you last night?"