
*sila's inn"

"Haha,,,, am sure the king right now he's stressed" man 1 speaks

" he always looking down on us,, his kingdom is collapsing,,,, people will start to think he's useless,,,ts ts what a pity" man 2 speaks while sipping on his drink

" we must ask for help,,," sir mun said to them in a calm manner , as they were surprised " what??,,,, help??,,,where,,,"

" if the king's kingdom is collapsing, so are you,,, so that's why we need help,,,, help from her highness " sir mun said to them

One man cleared his throat " but sir, do you think her highness will be of help ,,,, she's only in charge of women at the palace she's away from politics " while he was speaking, sir mun said to him" that's why we need her help,,, the outbreak is spreading fast, if she calls out help from her sister who married in a foreign land,the king has no choice but accept the offer to help people"

" so you want us to be on her highness's side" they said while laughing and agreeing to the plan.

That night haru was standing outside staring at the moon, caas came and gave him a bread

" eat this, you haven't eaten the whole day"

Haru sighed and looked at her "am not hungry", but caas took the bread and put it in his mouth" better eat or I break your teeth,,, or you want to starve to death?!!", haru smiled at her and ate the bread " I wonder if seff is alright, am starting to feel bad about this, I shouldn't have let him go"

" am worried too, that fool never listens, but I trust him" caas said

" this is all my fault, this started with me, I shouldn't have made you guys suffer" haru said to caas while staring at the moon

" it's not your fault,,,,you are the only friends I've ever had since I was a child after my parents died the queen brought me in and told me that would be my home, that's when I met you, and you were a trouble maker, and played a lone so I used to watch you every where you were cause I wanted to play with you, and her highness made me stay by your side " caas said to haru in a calm smiley voice,

" wait you used to follow me,,, why didn't I notice you before,,, I remember when I met you, you were so annoying and you hit me a lot" haru said to her, they had a long conversation about their childhood, and caas added " that's why you shouldn't feel bad, we are friends and we will always be,,,,, and don't call me your sister anymore "

" why,,, why,, you don't like it,,, but it suits you" haru said to her while teasing her and pulling her cheeks.

The next day at the palace, sir mun convinced her highness sala about their plan, while he was walking out he met prince Ahn and he bowed for greetings" your highness how have you been" he said while smiling, prince Ahn looked at him and replied " am doing good,,, I can't believe I ran into you this morning"

"aah!, i was from greeting her highness, and am glad she's fine" sir mun said

" alright, see you then" prince Ahn said while going.

* dangali village *

At the clinic, seff was still helping people, in that moment a man came rushing to the doctor " doctor,,, the medicine has arrived " he said smiling happily, the doctor was relieved, and he started sending people to help bring medicine and food for people,when seff looked at the woman he brought, she wasn't feeling better, so he also volunteered to bring medicine, he followed other people, they reached at sir Nim household, they were unpacking the medicine and food, While seff was at sir Nim he felt dry in the throat, started feeling dizzy, he touched his stomach in pain " I ,,,I can't breath" and suddenly he fainted,

other people who were there got worried " young man wake up,,, what's wrong", in that moment lady Lana came , she touched his stomach with two fingers lowering to his abdomen, and back to his neck,to feel his pulse

" take him inside and prepare the medicine" she said, they quickly put him on a bed,she got her emergency kit and started needling his body on his chest and wrist , when the medicine was brought she got a spoonful of medicine and put in his mouth," his fever seem to be down, give him more medicine when he wakes up"

She said to the maid.

" your highness, we are so grateful for your help, you saved people here" sir Nim said to lady lana,she looked at him and smiled " I hope the medicine and food is enough,"

* at the palace *

Her highness went to visit the king at his chambers, she entered and bowed to the king greetings and respect and she sat down," your majesty how have you been " she said while giving a smile to the king, " am fine, how are you too,,,, why did you suddenly come to see me", , the king said while looking at her,

" of course I wanted to see you, how you've been doing, as a king you are always busy helping your people, and it's a good thing that the country has you but you are also human you need to rest " she said to him

" yes,,,you are right,,,,am sorry I don't visit you often "the king said

" you don't have to be sorry your majesty,,,,, and your majesty these days it's not easy and the outbreak is spreading, am afraid people are getting worried" she said

" about that, we will figure it out, am finding away so don't worry " the king said

" how about I help you, your majesty, my sister has married to another kingdom, after hearing about this outbreak she agrees to offer help,, and am sure this would help our people" she said to the king.

In that afternoon, the king went for a meeting, he was sitting while listening to others opinions " your majesty the outbreak seems to be increasing, why don't we use some help too"

The king kept on listening while thinking hard, in that moment a guard entered " your majesty, I have news from dangali,,, someone sent medicine and food ", everyone started murmuring, and the king asked who it was, the guard said he didn't know.

Prince Ahn received the news too, and he was shocked " how can a mare person offer to help dangali just like that, isn't it shocking " Ahn said while talking to haru but didn't respond , haru too was in shock • who could that be•

Sir mun went to see her highness

" I swear I don't know what went wrong, I don't know who that person is, or maybe the king knew about it, what if I made a fool of myself ", her highness sala said to sir mun

" don't worry your highness, I'll find out who it was".

At dangali village some people seemed to get better, kwang's wife looked around and couldn't see seff.

Seff finally woke where he was laying, when he went out it was already night, some maid noticed him" oh! You woke up, you must rest more and take your medicine", but seff didn't pay attention to it " no, it's fine I need to go"

while he was about to leave harlim came " wait,, you can't leave now,,,"

Seff was sitting in room confused and harlim was standing staring at him, when seff turned to look, he was being stared at•what's wrong with him, why is he staring at me•,then sir Nim entered and went to sit facing seff " so young man, I see you are good now,,,,I heard you were going to leave in a such a hurry " seff looked at sir Nim and said " yes am good now, thank you, but I have to leave now "

" I see,,,, but you can't leave yet, until you tell me who you are,,, I've never seen you before and people who leave here have never seen you before"


*The same night*

While kwang's wife reached home,she found her house in a mess,she got scared, when she turned someone was behind her" who are you she said ",...... the person sliced her with a sword.

" the exiled prince is a live??"