The rumor

During the time seff was searching about the mask, someone noticed him and started following him, after finding out the woman was living in dangali village,the man kept following him up to dangali village.

While seff was being held by sir Nim, the man followed kwang's wife,

Later that night after seff went back to the clinic, he asked around, but couldn't find the woman, he went to her house, he bumped into a man on his way with a sword , but he continued, when he reached the house, he found the woman dead, he started thinking • what ,,,, who,,,, maybe it's that man• he ran back to see if he can find the person but he couldn't, he went back to the woman and he started looking around checking everywhere, but in that moment someone entered and put a sword on his neck " don't even try to escape", it was harlim. Seff stood up slowly while facing harlim, he immediately grabbed Harlim's hand with a sword and twisted it, and they started fighting, they reached outside, when harlim tried to punch seff, he grabbed his fist, they fought, harlim reached his sword, while they were fighting he sliced seff on the arm, but seff escaped until harlim couldn't find him.

* sila's village *

Caas was walking down the street, on her way she bumped into someone " am sorry ", the man continued, caas looked behind again to see the man walking " where do I know him", but she didn't mind a lot, so she continued her way, while she was going she saw a lot of people standing reading a notice

{ Her highness is offering young women to work at the palace, the payment is 500 }

People were murmuring saying it was a lot.

At the palace, prince Ahn was at arrow shooting, then one maid said to him " your highness you should rest, u've been shooting for a long time"

" why,,, can't I do what I want now, at least it's worth it,,,, soon it will be a royal hunt, so I need to practice more" he said

But in that moment he kept missing, until he got angry and gave up, he went back to his chambers and laid down in relief, haru was standing watching him " dan how about today we go out of the palace, maybe I can have fun there, here it's boring,"

They suddenly went out of the palace, the prince was looking around smiling, looking at peoples activities, while they were moving Iris was also around buying somethings, they saw each other, Iris approached and greeted them

" lady iris, how are you, I didn't know you come here too" Ahn said

" ahh! I come here sometimes to buy somethings" she said to Ahn, then she stared at haru, but she immediately turned away " your highness, it's a surprise to see you here" she said.

After a moment they went to a restaurant and they were served food, Iris looked at the food and stared at the prince, and the prince said " eat, this it's the most delicious food here"

" U've came here before your highness?" She asked, the prince grabbed his spoon and started eating " I feel like I've missed this food"

Iris was shocked, and she stared at haru, haru nodded to her, she also started eating.

Later that night haru at home with caas,

" so you are telling me the prince came back to that place" caas said " wah! he's so funny"

" her highness mentioned his engagement which has to be soon" haru said , even though they were sitting talking haru wasn't happy " I'll go to sleep first, sleep well" he went

caas remained " it must be hard for him,my poor haru"

Haru couldn't sleep, he touched his chest in pain• mother,,,, what do I do•,after a while caas entered and she stared at him, she cleaned his tears on his face " he must be having that dream,,,,everything will be fine,,, you must be in pain but please endure it,,, don't worry haru", she covered him up with a blanket and she went, after that haru opened his eyes.

At dangali village Lana received letter, from a man at the clinic " she gave it to me, to give it to that young man"

{ am sorry I made you suffer, but thank you for helping me and the people, I might no meeting you again but my husband left because he was behind the killing of the queen,he ran away because he was afraid that those people will kill him, he didn't tell me who they were but they were high in power}

Harlim was standing there, he saw Lana's reaction changing " what's wrong "

She folded the paper and said " find that man quickly,,", harlim was in shock," we must find him, we must find him, he knows something,,,,about the queen,"she said • maybe I can find my twin brother, i can feel he's alive•

Prince Ahn and haru and other maids were walking, some women passed, when prince Ahn looked, he saw someone he knows,he got shocked "isn't that your sister?", haru looked and he saw caas • what is she doing here•

" will she be working here at the palace, how interesting", the prince said and they continued their way.

* at the women's hall*

" from today you'll start to work from the palace, you must follow the rules here, if any of you try to misbehave, they'll be punished heavily," a leader of women said to new maids

" and all of you must follow the senior maids, you'll get your uniforms too, also you should be grateful to her highness "

As they were told, they were given uniforms and started working.

While the prince was reading his book at an open hut house, he looked at haru and smiled " dan maybe you could bring me some beverage am thirsty ", haru looked at him in shock and looking at other maids " me!!"

the prince nodded " yes you", haru went and the prince continued smiling " looking at him,makes me think his sister didn't tell him, what a family ts ts"

" you must work hard" a senior maid said to other maids who were washing clothes

" eiy!! If only I knew this was the work, I wouldn't dare come here,,," caas said, while a senior maid is passing by " did you say something?", then caas denied • they look scarier,, but I must help my poor haru, I have to•

In that moment haru came looking around , every maid was shocked and kept looking at him and saw caas washing, he immediately grabbed her and took her " what do you think you are doing here"

" aah! why are you angry, I wanted a job so I came here, and they'll be paying me good," caas said

" you can't,,,,, you,,, you should have told me, u can't be washing clothes like this" haru said while looking at her and nagging at her

Caas sighed and said " honestly I came here to help you, I hate being around there doing nothing, but at least here I can see you,,,, but I swear I'll do well,,,,mhh!"

Haru looked at her and sighed " look,,, this will be your last day,,,,", but a maid came looking for her and then she went " don't worry I'll be fine"

Later Haru was waiting for caas on the palace gate, then she came and they went while chatting, while they were on the way caas saw kids selling lantern, " look those kinds are selling lantern" caas said to haru, haru looked around to see and caas grabbed his hand" let's go,,, we can make a wish", she bought the two lantern and she wrote a wish on a paper, haru was just looking at her" do you really believe in this" haru said

" of course, when you make a wish with a lantern, It said to be true, because it flies away in the sky, and heavens grant those wishes,,,, come on write your wish" caas said while handing haru an ink pen,

They made their wishes they let the lantern fly, when haru looked at caas, her eyes were closed, and she was making a wish, he smiled, when she opened her eyes haru was still staring at her," what!!! why are looking at me like that,,, is there something on my face" caas said, haru stared away and started walking " let's go it's late", they went ,caas kept asking him about his wish, but he didn't say, when they reached home, they heard something, their house door was open," caas stay behind me,,," haru said while approaching the door, someone came out, haru punched him but when he looked closely he stopped " seff!!!",

they sat in the house and started talking, and caas was putting ointment on his punched area on the cheekbone, " it hurts but endure it" caas said

" am sorry I thought you were a thug,,,,, but am glad you are fine" haru said while being apologetic

" what about where you went did you find anything" caas asked in that moment

" the woman was killed before she told me, the person must have known about her, and maybe saw me there with her" seff said

" killed,,,, did you see that person " haru asked

" no,,, I didn't have time, I had to escape I was being attacked " seff said

" escape,,,, what happened " caas asked

" that's why you have a wound on your arm?" haru asked

seff started explaining everything to them, and they were shocked

caas looked at him with pity" seff,,,, are you fine now?!!, maybe we should find a doctor for you" caas said in worry and teary eyes

" am sorry all that happened to you," haru said" so that means that person is not from here"

" I heard she's from denali, but she felt familiar" seff said

Rumors started spreading in sila's village

" did you hear, apparently someone saved dangali people" one person said while others were listening "apparently it's the exiled prince,because he was born there, and when people were suffering he came to rescue, my cousin who live in dangali told me, it was him,he sent medicine and food ", another person said" but isn't the prince dead" , the other one continued " noo,,,, he's alive,nobody knew his face maybe he escaped and they took another child,,,, think about it" a woman came from behind and hit his head " ts ts, you stupid people when will you learn to respect people, how dare you open your mouth like that and say such rumors ", while they were talking someone was listening( guard shik),