
Reminds you I'm invisible at the moment, still this two legged creature is following me.

I even noticed that the injury was in its leg, specifically the left one.

I had an idea to try, I looked around and chose a perfect oak tree for my plan, I stopped in front of the tree and silently climbed it till I got ubove one of the branches.

The long-eared creature stopped in front of the tree not sure where exactly I went or did I just stop in place.

Making the slightest sounds would give off my hiding.

The creature was very cautious as if it could here my heartbeats he had no doubt that I was there.

I held my knife tightly and lunged at the beast, piercing the throat, even I was surprised how easy it was.

But it didn't stop moving like in films, in fact the beast went berserk on me trying to tear me through the air while I was still invisible.

The beast landed two slashes with it's short claws but then fell to the ground twitching twisting like having a body spasm.

It was a disgusting sight and horrible, the blood on the ground was covering a wide area and spreading further.

My knife was still in it's neck while dying slowly.

After a long minute of watching a beast suffocate, I went and pulled my knife out of the neck then I remembered something.

I looked around making sure that the woods are as empty as always, I pulled out the mysterious book and scrolled through the pages, 'that's the one'.

As usual a page that describes the beast that I just faced.

The title reads: [long-eared assassins].

'With there speed I'm not surprised' I said to myself.

The description isn't very informative as usual, but something took my attention:

"Hiding in their caves

running from the graves

Hunted by the flying elves

Seeking the eye that hides them from the eyes"

So there are hunters that hunt thess fast creature! That's terrific utterly terrifying.

'I got to leave this place'

After making sure that nothing fell from my bag especially the "eye", I resumed my adventure through the woods, my pace was way faster this time.




After a while of walking through the the woods my feeling of unease reappeared.

The feeling that something is watching me the feeling that something is walking with me.

Even the sound of my footsteps seems to occur twice as if someone is walking in sync with me.

In the past I dismissed it as me being anxious, but after seeing all these nightmares... I think it might actually be another anomaly lurking in the light and even at night.

The more I walk the more I feel like someone is breathing behind me, and I feel like I'm being watched from all directions.

Especially from those trees, their trunks seems to have eyes carved into it.

Finally I found a nice spot to rest and complete my sleep since those "long-eared assassins" disturbed my slumber...*sigh*.

I looked around still as paranoid of those "hidden eyes", I had to investigate it.

I went to one of the closest perch trees and started investigating the carvings on the body of the long tree.

They unfortunately seems too natural but eerily precise.

I used my knife to slash one of the eyes, but nothing happened after that.

*sigh*... I walked back towards my nice spot annoyed, but I again felt a presence behind me.

Without turning my head I tried to concentrate on it as much as possible.

!!!it seems to... fidget! What? The sounds were as faint as the sounds of the clapping of an owl or just slightly higher.

It was very unnoticeable as long as you are not concentrated on it.

Hmmm, I thought for a while then I spoke with an audible voice:

"Who are you?"

My voice wasn't so sure nor was it steady.

But then a shiver ran down my spine as i heard the sound of whispers.

As if two unhuman entities whispered in sync.

There words blend with the sounds of wind.

"Ṣhhh~ donť mınd mə~" ...