[]Ṭhe watcher

? My sweat is already sliding down, my heart is racing with horror, every motion of air is as cold as ice, my blood feels heavier and my legs are ready to run for kilometers.

Every second that pass I feel like my lungs will give up.

Still I still didn't move, I cleared my throat and cautiously said-

"Who are you...?"

After few seconds of silence, I was about to turn my head but i stopped.

Then another few more seconds passed...then I said with more fear-

"What... are you?"

The entity replied after few seconds of annoying silence-

"Hımph your questıons... are no fun~"

The chilling breeze of the wind that carried his whispers carried with it sinister intent and horrifying playfulness. It was hard to considerate on his voice, it felt like trying to hunt an invisible prey.

I answered with a slightly more composed tone-

"Can't you answer my question?..."

I shivered again, speaking to an unknown entity more terrifying when you are the prey, especially since I know nothing about 'it'.

After a minute of silence I turned my head... but I saw nothing, to be honest I expected that.

It means that the whisperer doesn't have to be here to talk to me.

Then the whisperer said-

"Where ıs the fun In answerıng your questıons, I prefer keepıng you ın the dark~"

My bones started to feel cold, not knowing where those whispers are coming from really started messing with my head.

Surrounded by the eyes of this entity made me feel like I am already dead but is being played with before eaten.

"Whats your name?" -I asked with shivers going through my bones.

And after an agonizing minute the whispers resounded-


This time the wind carried a different tone to his whispers, one with hesitant but composed.

Still the fear in my heart was enough to keep me in the dark.

I walked to my camp preparing it, while i do that I thought carefully of my next question, minutes later I asked-

"...Why do you watch me?"

The air cooled down even more before I got Ciphr's answer-

"Ever sınce you step foot on my garden"

He stopped talking immediately after his last words as I'd keeping himself from telling me too much.

I laid my eyes on the weird book... then I asked holding the book in my hand-

"What do you know about this mysterious book?"

Ciphr didn't answer for about three minutes straight, by that time I gave up on getting an answer and prepared a makeshift bed to sleep.

But then he answered whispering even slower-

"Thıs book ıs lıke ocean water, ıt'll never gıve anythıng but more questıons, unless you don't seek answers but seek knowledge"

This was the longest he had spoken, I was in shock when his whispers kept flowing through the air.

Still, his answer was of someone knowledgeable, in addition he also mentioned his "garden"

This entity is getting more scary by the second.

I started preparing a way to keep the peerl in touch with my skin to keep me invisible through the night.

...Reluctantly I asked-

"What is this place"

After mere seconds Ciphr answer but not with words but instead with mocking chuckles that flowed with the air.

After that I tried to ask more questions but mostly got no replies.

Resigned, I went to sleep but the air was too heavy to breathe, the trees that were eerie are now obviously eyes of Ciphr.

After two hours of restless anxiety I finally fell asleep.




In the morning I woke up before the sunrise out of instinctively fear.

Took my bag and I put peerl belt in it, as I continued walking away from the lake.

Through those woods that felt like they are less dense, the amount of trees are lessening by the minute.

It was eerie, speaking of the devil lets see if Ciphr is awake-

"Good morning"

After about half a minute I heard the air move faster making whispers from the tree branches, then I heard a distinct whisper-

"Shhh~ I told you, don't mınd me~"

My breathing was heavy as I heard those whispers, the air as cold as always.


I forced my legs to move forward through the woods.

After half an hour of walking the distance between the closest two trees was already more than five meters.

Walking through made me feel too visible, easy to see easy to kill.

But as I felt I reached the ends of the woods I saw.. a silhouette laid on the floor, after two steps I was sure.

It was a human...