
My eyes laid on that black uniform, it was easy to recognize it it was the exact same as the ones worn by those armed group who stood in front of my house before I run towards this unnatural nature of a forest.

Looking at the body laid on the ground... my blood froze and my sweat dripping at the second I laid eyes on his face.

It wasn't even a face, he was missing his face as if torn off by force.

The blood was dripping down the sides, it was easy to see the bones even the hole that leads to the throat.

The brain was missing leaving behind nothing.

There were no blood on the ground except the new drops of blood.

After a second of horror the head rolled to the side forced by gravity.

It was easy to recognize that this was a new incident.

A cold breeze forced a shiver through my heart as I heard the disgusting whispers of chuckles.

It was mockery to my horrified expression.

Ignoring him, I had to leave quickly before the monster comes back but...

I had to know something I had to get any possible information about those black dressed group.

I looked around and saw a broken weapon it was sizable and looked futuristic but it was easy to see that it was made in this age but with extra effort into it's shape.

Unfortunately the weapon was split in n half revealing it's insides.

Looking back at the corpse, I started searching through the black uniform.

I couldn't find much except for an ID card that had symbol, it was three lines going in three different direction contained in a circle.

I continued searching the dead man for any clues.

Unfortunately all I got is a gun, this group seems very secretive.

I hid 'my' gun and started walking away as fast as possible and as invisible as possible.

Obviously, the second I realized there possibly roams around a monster that seeks brains I immediately turned invisible using the peerl-belt.

As I was walking as silently as possible cold winds carried terrifying whispers of mockery to my ears, speaking with sounds easily mistakable for a breeze just as always Ciphr whispered-

"...Behınd you~"

The shock threw me off guard unable to even jump from the terrifying words.

I looked behind me but...

Unable to see anything I gulped and hid behind a tree then grabbed my gun without revealing it, I then whispered-

"Are you serious...or just toying with me"

The dirty bastard answered with serious tone-

"Try me"

He knew am not stupid enough to ignore such a high possibility of... death.

It was easy to recognize that the predator was here minutes ago.

I carefully peeked around the the tree trunk, my eyes laid on a seen as terrible as I first laid eyes on it.

I saw nothing I saw no deed body, the corpse disappeared.

I took out my gun and kept searching for the thing.

Unable to see it I sighed but this was a dumb idea.

A second later I heard the rumbling of a four legged creature running towards me.

Looked at the direction, jumping over a bush I saw the despicable corpse running on all fours towards me.

Shooting it on the spot the dead body seemed irritated by my shots for a few seconds twitching around.

Then the faceless dead stood up on two and started running towards me at full speed.

Shooting it again, most of my shots were directed at the torso, after 4 shots the dead finally trembled to the ground twitching furiously in agony.

Then laid on its back seconds passed but I wasn't sure that I was safe.

Then the chest of his corpse moved a little then cracked open by a wasp looking ocean arthropod.

But I didn't give it time to say hi, Shooting it with the consecutive bullets the thing took it last breathes on the ground twitching and twisting in pain.

*sigh* finally I took a breathe.

But the sound of gunshots will only bring more chances of death but my legs couldn't move right now dew to the absence of adrenaline.

Remembering the mysterious book, I opened it to check quickly before I leave but in fact I was already walking away.

I opened the book and to no one's surprised there was a new writings.

The title: [Cerberus]

Huh! Isn't that...?

I gotta read the description.

After reading the long page I understood the following.

'Cerberus, is a two-heade predator one of its heads in the right spot but lacked a brain dew to a small cranium.

The other head was at the end of the tail, it lacked a mouth having only two prey eyes which were to the side plus a big brain and ears.

Cerberus have six legs but two are always off the ground.

The beast looks like a wolf only with the rest of its features.

Moreover it's massive and faster than a cheetah.

Lastly ,the xeno-Cerberus or the eggs,

In short they occupy the chest of an unbeaten prey of the Cerberus and use the body to get as much food then eat the corpse and turn slowly to a Cerberus youngling later.

Sigh. I put back the book and started running as fast as I could while still invisible.

After few hours of running and resting and resuming. I finally reached the empty land lacking any trees.

It was obviously more dangerous dew to lack of any cover but I had my special cover.

In front of me two to three hundred meters away, a mansion...soaked in dark gloomy air.