
A shiver caressed my skin as I gazed upon the dark mansion... and after a second of doubt I took a step forward.

Every step I took didn't feel right, as if I wasn't walking on earthly grounds more like I was walking inside a dream land.

After trying to shake of my anxiety I looked back... I saw... I saw the dust that I left behind by my footsteps strained in the air deprived off of the chains of gravity like an image on a screen.

The scene made my eyes widen in surprise.

I slightly got used to the horrors of this unnatural woods of nightmares but...

But I didn't expect to see something truly out of this world.

I froze for few seconds but I can't go back I have to go forward.

With that I forced my frozen muscles to take me forward.

The air in this ethereal place was as unreal, it had the smell of smoke and the taste of cold water.

After walking for a while I glanced back just to see the tail of dust left by my feet, the seen was unreal.

I shook my head forcing fear out of it I then kept walking.

Looking at the old mansion felt... wrong, something was wrong, after taking twenty more steps I realized the reason, it didn't matter how many steps I take towards the mansion the mansion doesn't get even slightly bit closer.

I took thirty more steps and still couldn't get closer.

I stopped, not knowing what to do I looked around me but all I could see is the lack of trees, the ground was filled with dead old leaves that probably ten years old covering the ground with yellowish color.

I looked back and all I satisfied the trail behind me... but one thing was different the end of the tail of dust was slowly descending to the ground bit by bit.

Time seems to go slowly for it, it was taking its time as if gravity was struggling to push it down.

The scene was fascinating, which for some reason grasped my attention until the last particles of dust descended right in front of my eyes.

But I was really too occupied by the descending particles hence why I didn't sense the dark presence behind me.

I flinched and turned my head just to see the massive walls of the old mansion, with it's nice rusty doors in front of me.

The air was even more smocky and the empty mansion seemed to have it's own hidden eyes staring at me.

The brocken glass and dead decorative plants surrounding the mansion and the spider webs, all gave the old mansion a classic horror feeling.

I looked at the doors not realizing when they opened, I just chose to go in.

As I was taking my steps inside the eerie mansion, the feeling of being watched never left my chest.

The sound of my footsteps echoed lacking any texture the more it echoed.

The insides of the mansion held every item that it possessed before it got abandoned, every furniture and every painting on the walls and every symbol of it old inhabitants are left where it was only covered with webs.

In front of me wide stairs leading to the second floor, I took my legs making my way in my anxious feeling of ignorance to possible threat.

Maybe... just maybe this mansion is an entity.

I took out my book and scrolled through the pages finding no new pages.

But remembering what happened before entering the mansion, it was obvious that this mansion is an anomaly.

Putting the book back inside the bag I walked through the corridors looking around.

... I noticed scribbles carved on a wooden door:

"Slow when ascending, fast when descending, that's the time in this dimension.

Fear the sunset and leave the graveyard or you shall be one with the graves"

Unconsciously I turned my head to the nearest window, despite knowing that it was just sunrise when I entered the mansion the light was too bright for it to be the morning.

... in this mansion somehow time was speeding up.

I turned back to the door to open it, slowly the door was hard to slide open dew to rust.

At last the open door revealed a dark room full of spider webs occupied by families of spiders.

I laid my eyes down... what!!!?

I saw piles and piles of bones, they were full skeletons with every piece in place.

It was truly a graveyard.

I took a very deep breath, I knew I'll have to follow the warning carved by an unknown person.

I closer the door slowly dew to friction. And glanced at the window once more the time was obvious after noon, the light was dimmer slightly.

I turned towards the stairs ready to leave but... obviously...

In front of me, piles of spiders clued to each other formed a humanoid body.

The entity that was made of spiders started talking with a voice that tries to resemble a human voice.

The entity said-

"Must you leave so fast? I was hoping you would... stay. stay. stay. STAY"

The entity screamed and started disassembling to tiny spider that began to run towards me with unbelievable speeds.

Surrounding the floor walls and sealing.

At that second I remembered that I was invisible so, how can those spiders see me.

It didn't matter because I was already on my feet running.