
Breathing heavily after that long chase, I glanced around the woods really never change, as usual there are no birds and not a single animal around let alone animal sounds.

I got used to the atmosphere somehow, but some of the things in these woods are really horrifying.

After a while of walking in a specific direction, I said in an audible voice-

"Do you think I can deal with Cerberus"

Just as always, Ciphr loves to take his time to reply, then the cold breeze carried his whispers which sounded more eerie and more uncanny than usual-

"You'll dıe, naturally"

Those whispers sent shivers through my bones more than usual not just because of his words, but those whispers sounded more scary.

I didn't reply and kept walking, to be sincere was there anything natural in this place anyways?

...if I remember correctly the moon eclipse can occur at an absent moon and at a full moon, which means one week from now I might have to deal with another moon dweller.

I don't even remember how I killed the last one, I was a running corpse and managed to survive by a thread.

The gem in my hand seems to be the same as the one on the tomb(the small stone statue) and gives life to corpses.

I don't think they're as strong as those rabbits or the Golem but I feel like they'll nor die easily.

How annoying, hmmm, what I'd I took the stone instead will that work?

Or should I run away on sight.

Well, am already here in front of me is a group of animals, as dead as I remember them and walk just fine.

There dead eyes, and damaged or injured bodies, and sometimes they don't even have head or limbs, all that just gives me chills.

As I approached the group, in a second all of them turned their heads towards me without even changing their position nor their posture.

Gazing at me with their dead eyes, and some with no eyes.

It was annoying how everyone can see me even though I am invisible at the moment.

As the bunch started hysterically rushing towards me, my knife was already in my hand.

As I thought they are way more clumsy than I imagined, some even hit the trees and fall back but the majority are running clumsily towards me.

It seemed as I'd they're missing some muscles.

As they reached me I used my speed to either cut their heads or cause long injuries.

One by one they fell to the ground, some birds tried attacking me but faced the same fate.

After dealing with them I turned my head towards the gem that awakened the corpses.

It was the same as mine, I took some steps towards it but then the gem glowed in bright red light, It was bviously trouble.

I Unconsciously turned my head towards the corpses...!!!shit!

They started rising to their feet as if nothing happened, the severed heads reattached and the severe wounds stitched back naturally and disappeared.


I turned back towards the gem and lunged as fast as I can, I snatched the slowly dimming gem and ran towards a specific direction.

The light of the gem now fully disappeared.

I looked back but those damn corpses are still following me, I kept running and running even though I was way faster I had to keep my energy.

After running for an hour I glanced back just to see two corpses already fell down.

HAH, I just have to keep running, but in reality it didn't take even five more minutes for the rest to all fall down.

I put the gem in my bag and slowed down, it was obvious that the gem alone can't do much, only on a tomb that it revive corpses, and on massive stones it seems it makes Golems.

How much power is there in these gems? Goddammit.

After walking through the woods for a while, I froze in place as I saw in front of me!! A massive grasshopper!!? It was the size of a car standing still few meters away from me.

The creature seems to not move for a while neither will I.

After a while the grasshopper just disappeared flying away with extreme speed.

Just what was this thing doing here??

After pondering for a minute or so I just kept walking forward, through the woods it seems I am very close to the house.

My hopes are now up, I was getting excited until... I saw this.