
Absolutely terrifying !...

What's in front of me about ten meters away, a deer with a torn off face, as scary as it is what's actually terrifying is that Cerberus it and it seems he made it recently.

The deer's seems too alive if not for it's face I would never realize it's true condition.

So Cerberus made it a few hours ago, but why, what's going on?!!

It's seems as if Cerberus is just playing with his prey, toying with it to make it as scared as possible.

But this still doesn't make any sense.

The dead deer stopped moving instantly the moment it realized my existence and turned it's head towards me.

Flinched, I took out my knife, this time I want to try to kill a spawn of Cerberus without the gun.

I stared at the motionless dead creature for several moments until the abomination took the first step, lunging towards me I didn't even flinch...this time.

As the deer was rushing with its clumsily movements and flimsy limbs, the creature wasn't even as fast as a deer, the only redeeming quality is that it reached it's body's top speed in an instant.

The second the deer got close enough I dodged to the side, testing my ability before I do something dumb...this time.

The corpse just hit a tree at top speed, it's blood spilled onto the tree painting it in a terrible image.

The dead deer turned around and jumped forward running towards me.

I stood my ground as the abomination got close, the I dodged it before it reached me then I cut through the deer's chest and abdomen with one slice from it's side.

The creature kept running but then stopped before it crashed it's...skull? Into another solid tree.

It seems the cut isn't deep enough to provoke the parasite inside to show off.

Anyway, the corpses just rushed again coming to me for another slice, and delivered.

It was rather easy... wait?! Easy!!!

Oh no OH NO.

There must be something wrong... if there is a child of Cerberus here then Cerberus is here most likely watching in silence, witch possibly means that Cerberus is either entertaining himself or he is exhausting me to make it easier to ear me.

A possibility since I'm fast and I have a gun.

As the dead deer rushed again, I simply cut one of its legs and started running away towards the abandoned old house.

The creature was way too slow and clumsy to be able to follow me.

And I managed to lose it after running for only few seconds... or so I thought.

After running for a while, I thought I lost it now, but then right in front of me is a faceless deer.

I flinched then I saw about twenty faceless deers grouped in front of me.

The bunch were motionless then in a flash they all turned their heads towards me.

I trembled, I might manage one or two or even four, but this.. this is impossible.

At that moment there was only one choice to survive... RUN!

As the herd started maniacally running towards me, I had to run to the side instead of running straight through them.

A bunch were already in front of me and rushing towards me, all I had to do is to jump over them.

As I landed I glanced back just to realize that their numbers is way more than I thought, they are at least forty.

I rushed forward continuing my way around the flock, as I glanced at the swarm a deer jumped towards me from the behindmy sight, the impact threw me to the ground.

The second I got up there was already no distance between me and the faceless deers.

Forced to it I jumped up and stood over one of the high branches.

As I was up there watching them try climbing to no avail, after a few seconds a weird looking mutated and deformed deer with an inflated and transparent chest, I couldn't see what's inside it but I had a good idea about it.

It's probably a Cerberus embryo, and by that I mean a stage between being a weird parasitic bug and a four legged killing machine.

Because of the distance between this particular tree and other trees I was in a way trapped.

Could it have been... planned? No no, no way, At least I hope it isn't.

For now I'll have to think of a way out of this situation, my best way to kill the Cerberus embryo is by using the gun but what about the others?

More over looking from up here I can see that there are more than fifty faceless deers, this is a shitty situation.

A few seconds later as I was pondering a way to run away, I started hearing a terrifying sound sound and by that I meant the sound of claws scratching the wood.

Looking down, I could see the embryo!!! Wait what is this!?? No no.

Down there, I could see the body of the deer that used to have something in its chest, now it's on the ground with an open chest, blood pouring from it's guts.

The sound of claws resounded again, much closer.

I knew what that meant and I don't want to even check it.

Soaked in sweat with a terrified expression, I jumped as far as I could.