6[]Treacherous claẁs

Landing exactly on the spine of a faceless deer, the Landing wasn't so clean in fact my weight was enough to make the deer roll over.

Falling om my knees I was surrounded by so many faceless deers, it looked like a horror portrait with all these deers with no faces and just blood pouring slowly from what used to be faces.

The second I was on the ground I didn't take more than a fraction of a second for me to immediately jumped as fast as possible.

The image I took a glimpse off of as I touched the ground and glanced at the herd of deers, froze my sweat and blood in an instant, but I didn't have time to be afraid.

As I landed on the far end of the flock of deers I took off in high speed, the deers obviously tried to follow me but they obviously failed.

Looking in front of me, before I get too far, a dark small silhouette appeared out of a tree, slowly moving and it stood in front of me blocking my way out.

The silhouette stood motionless in front of me, forced to stop running I stopped and took a closer look at it from a far.

The creature seems the size of a dog, not a big dog, having four limbs, long claws, sharp black eyes, no hair except for the neck with short hair.

The rest of its skin is covered with elongated silver scales that shined like a new piece of metal, and it had two heads one of them in its correct place while the other was at the tip of the tail, the front one seemed more predatorious while the other one seemed more humanoid even though it lacked everything except for a brain eyes and ears.

Despite the young age of the this baby, it's body was muscular beyond even massive animals are.

As soon as took the shortest glance of it, I lunged in another direction in a right angle of the beast.

I ran as fast as I could, running fast enough to feel my muscles tear, my sweat flowed like a waterfall, my breathing speed up, even my vision blurred.

But is all that enough to get away, after running and running and running for what seems like eternity I took a glance back.. OH SHIT!!!

the beast was following me, but was running slowly as if waiting for me to fall tired.

My eyes widened as I saw it, running towards me with a playful speed and effort, but the distance between us shortening second by second.


...I got something, it's not a plan but it's something.

As I was running I prepared the peerl-belt that I took off because it seems useless, I know it's still useless now after all this thing has four ears and an animalistic nose, I have no chance of hiding.

I put the belt then I jumped as high as I could, reaching a top hight of five meters I fell on high branch.

I stood there as I prepared my second tool, the gun.

The second I pulled it out I heard the sound of claws abuse against wood, as I thought the second I landed on the tree branch the creature heard me, because I was invisible as I jumped he had to wait until I make another sound, but with his four ears am not so sure.

The instant I realized where the direction of the sound was and how close it was immediately I jumped down, while am still invisible I could surprise this creature if I was smart enough.

But as I just off of the tree I felt agonizing pain of my flesh getting torn, the pain was blinding and it was in my leg.

As I was falling I glanced just to see the monstrous claws that glided through my flesh.

I tried to fall down on my other leg and roll forward, hopefully surviving it, since those legs can handle great falls, but can I?

Fortunately I managed to survive that fall, and immediately silencing myself, I pointed the gun towards the tree.

I looked carefully but couldn't see a thing, the pain in my leg was getting greater and the blood that came out is enough to make me clearly visible to the creatures nose.

I couldn't hold my breath longer so I let go and took a deep breath for the first time in a while, I hoped to hide my presence by making no sounds but now it's useless.

Taking raspy hoarse and painfully tired breath after another, the creature seems to take its time or that's what I thought.

I took a piece of cloth and wrapped my wound as hard as could, letting no blood out.

That was my mistake because the second I was done wrapping my injury, the beast attacked me from the back, embedding his claws into my back and then pulling it off with a piece of my flesh.

As that happens I tried to resist and fight back, despite the pain I directed the gun at its chest and.. pulled the trigger, five shots were fired each one implanted deeper than the other and more deadly all directed at its heart, each shot prevented the creature from attacking again.

The creature seemd to stop moving, immediately I made enough distance to take a breath, just then that the pain from my back fell on me like an avalanche giving me no power to even think, the only reason this attack didn't cut my spinal cord and kill me instantly is because I still had my backpack on, which now is torn and covered with blood.

I was trembling in pain and agony, with this amount of blood coming out it was certain that I'll die, my blood spread covering the ground for at least half a meter.

Is that the end, will I die?

I can't even think with all this ãgonγ.