
How the hell is Cerberus this fast?!

I made a distance of at least twenty meters but he got to me in a matter of a fraction of a second? I couldn't even see it he just appeared close to me.

While running Cerberus is slightly slower than me but he can dash a considerable distance in a fraction of a second, this is just cheating.

I have to strain my muscles just to not get my leg actually torn off, this bastard doesn't stop, and I think he'll charge another dash, 'Tsk'.

I had to change course, as I did Cerberus managed to do the turn as well with just a slight delay, 'shit' but I chose this direction because there is two traps here, I grinned.

In the next few seconds, I crossed one of them going over it, without making even the slightest deference in my movements, a second later Cerberus jumped exactly over it, avoiding it specifically.

My eyes widened, just how does this bastard remember their spots, I had to find another way to counter him.

I glanced over and saw a weapon I prepared and hid in a bush, although Cerberus is getting closer and closer, and he'll be able to dash forward and kill me, thus I must do something.

My breathing was as heavy as someone who was drowning, as well as my heart beats, Cerberus looks like a grinding machine as he is running towards me with unbelievable bloodlust and speed.

The bastard was tearing wounds into the ground, drawing scribbles of savagery in his trail.

As I passed by the bush I swiftly grabbed what looked like a spear, then I twisted my entire body and turned to face Cerberus then!?

He disappeared ! But where?

I looked around with wide eyes in a hurry, unable to even sense his damn presence.

Then- in a fraction of a second I managed to turn my body just enough to receive the..

This time he attack from above, breaking my spear as I held it up to shield, his claws dove down caressing my face and chest, goodthingi had chest guard.

I fell backwards, but held my weight up as I was bleeding, Cerberus was on the ground in front of me, even more careful than a human even though he knows that he is stronger, he is still careful.

The bastard.

As I held a broken half spear in my left hand and I stretched out the claws in .y right hand, I took a step back.

My bleeding somehow stopped again, Cerberus on the other hand was getting closer step by step, not giving me even the slightest chance to attack.

Then, in a flash as Cerberus dashed forward, I used my right hand to attack.

Thrown back a few meters I realized that Cerberus managed to slash my chest again, I gritted my teeth but then I saw Cerberus, which now have a claw mark on his damn shoulder, but despite the deep injury still it didn't bleed.

Damn it.

On the other hand I glanced at Cerberus just to realize the damn bastard disappeared again, I can't believe this how am I supposed to defend... wait, do I have to defend?

Immediately I lunged forward running towards the far old house, I might find a way to... I don't know, survive maybe .

This damn abomination just doesn't take chances.

As I was running towards house, I could feel Cerberus following from hidden places, maybe from above I don't know.

The chase just doesn't stop.

I could handle simple bleeding but just few more slashes and I'll lose enough blood to die, I just didn't have good defense at all.

Finally I reached the house, I immediately entered the house and closed the door and I even put the same wooden desk on the door.

Hoping that this could slow him as much as it did to the Tigers...

Then claws got implanted through the woodwidth of the door, their sharp ends can be seen from my side then slowly the powerful claws started tearing through the door.

I started sweating and I took some steps backwards out of reflex, just then I realized something, looking to the side I saw it, just like last time their was a window, but I'll have to be fast.

As Cerberus was struggling to tear the door in one go, he turned his head to the side and saw his human prey, immediately he started running towards him.

I on the other hand was back inside the house as fast as I could, waiting for Cerberus to jump through so I could slash him from underneath.

Just then in a blink of an eye Cerberus jumped through the window, the class shattered instead of injuring him leaving only shallow marks.

I didn't have the time to slash him from underneath but I expected it.

Instead I immediately jumped out, with a big stone by my side, I hurriedly close the window with the big stone, which I brought here before I lured Cerberus.

And the fire already started inside the house starting from the direction of the door to close his only escape.

A second later I stood in front of the burning house with a knife in my left hand, all my wounds already fully healed somehow, which I suspect because of the gem in my chest.

A second later the entire house was devoured by flames, the fire was just too fast.

But I kept hearing the sound of claws grinding against wood, after few seconds of it the sound stopped.

Then the door shattered and something dark and burning came out.