15[]Burninĝ savagery

The difference between animals and monsters is a very simple thing, animals have a more round skill set because they want to be able to survive any possible situation and adapt, they rarely considerate on a single thing in their biology, even humans aren't that intelligent, instead they have accumulative intelligence instead.

Monsters on the other hand considerate on a single ability "to kill" nothing else matters, that's what makes them so fearsome and so fragile, just like a sword while it can easily kill you, a stone can damage it extremely.

Monsters while capable of killing you easily, can't survive a situation like... a burning house despite their hard skin, actually that might end up being the reason why they easily die when burned.

This is why when I saw Cerberus who is supposed to be a monster, come out alive after being cooked alive for thirty straight seconds.

Either Cerberus has a round skill set like a human, or Cerberus was fueled by hatred, and somehow managed to survive just by willpower.


In front of me moving weakly like a starving cat, Cerberus with his entire skin burnt black, struggling to open his damaged eyes.

His tail that ends with a head consisting only of a cranium and eyes, now is nowhere to be seen as if Cerberus got rid of it, the entire tail is gone.

But that means one thing, it means that the only thing remains in Cerberus is predatorious instincts after losing the head of reasoned and intelligence.

As Cerberus gaze at me his blood boiled with fury, every muscle of his body tensed as he immediately lunged at me.

No matter how damaged his body is, am still in absolute danger.

I instinctively just as hard as I could to avoid his attack, unlike previously when his dashes were nearly the speed of sound, now his attack was possible to see and avoid.

Cerberus fell to the ground tensed and lunged again towards me, his attacks now lack strategy, thus it's possible to fool him...

I just have to think fast enough while evading death.

The problem is that he has six limps making the idea of attacking him while he jumps at me... well, impossible.

But still, I have to be crazy enough, so as his one hundred kilogram body flew towards me, I tensed every muscle in one of my legs and lunged downward dashing beneath the monster, I then used my other leg to push me upwards as hard as possible.

At the same time with my left hand, I dug the knife deep into the monsters torso between the two limps in the middle.

As I did this Cerberus body started falling and every limp he had was moving to tear me apart.

With the claws of my right hand I dug them into his belly and tugged as hard as I can, to make the knife go even deeper.

At the same time my back got two slashes already, despite the regeneration, the pain doesn't disappear and the bleeding doesn't stop immediately, thus I had to change my plan.

I used all my limbs to both push the heavy monster to the side and jump to the other side.

As I did it I felt like some of my ribs are already broken and that my bleeding won't stop any time soon.

I was breathing as heavy as you might imagine as I fell to the ground slightly away from Cerberus, covered with sweat and blood I was in a terrible condition, but Cerberus is in a worst one.

The monster burnt lost its tail doesn't have an army at the moment and more then that, has a deep cut through his chest that definitely reached his heart.

For the first time I saw Cerberus bleeding, his blood as yellow as fake gold is, and as dim and dirty as vomit.

The bleeding monster struggled to stand up with such a deep injury, yet he stood with fury burning all the pain off his expression, leaving only bloodlust.

The monster ran forward with his claws caressing the ground instead of the usual assault that leaves a trail of dust in the air.

Now weak slow and injured he was definitely gonna die, but if I learned one thing from Cerberus is that you must never let your guard down.

I started running away seemingly after, my bleeding back in front of his eyes to give the impression that am dying, yet am not.

A few moments later the weak monster's paw fell deep into a trap, impaired by a few sharp sticks, Cerberus was clearly struggling and after managing to get them off, he continued running towards me.

A new more moments and the tired bleeding burnt monster started to really struggle, even his vision starting to give up, a second later the bleeding prey he was chasing disappeared from sight.

A moment later, a wooden spear went deeply through his chest from the side, the point of impairment was threw the weaker skin which is underneath.

The blood started soaking the wooden spear, careful not to give any chances I kept my space, and Cerberus turned his head looking at me.

I stared at him ready for a possible attack and moments went by yet no movement, I looked carefully at the body then realized that he died.

I grabbed my spear and pulled it out, no blood came out, it seems Cerberus has a very little amount of blood in the first place, that's why he only bleeds when his heart is injured.

Now he is just a motionless image of what used to be Cerberus, I am sure that Cerberus already died in the house when he lost his other head.

I made sure that he was dead then went back to the burnt house, made a resting place near it and prepared to sleep, just then cold breeze carried whispers of ominous misfortune...