1[]Midnight eclipşe

As I laid on the cold ground and rolled between sides to hopefully get comfortable enough to sleep, moments later a breeze of cold air as ominous and horrifying as the first time I heard it, he whispered-

"Sleep good because you wıll not get to sleep agaı~n, not anytıme soo~n"

A cold almost freezing feeling seeped to my core, no matter how many times I hear Ciphr's whispers I never get used to it, almost like it gets more terrifying every time.

Yet the meaning behind his words isn't less terrifying not even a little, what will happen? I am not sure what to expect yet I have a feeling that it's not any safer than Cerberus.

Well, with Cerberus I really did get lucky, but do I have enough luck for whatever is coming next.

After few hours of sleep I was brought back awake by an invisible feeling of dread, I woke up with an accelerating breathing and after a second took a look around.

Nothing unusual, but it was darker than it should be... I felt like I've seen this before.

I stood up and carefully looked around and even looked at the trees, then I looked up and noticed it the black circle with a dim white outline.

A "Moon eclipse" !!

But wait!? What!! It shouldn't happen yet! The book made it clear that it only happens at full moon and absent moon, it is yet to be absent the moon is still a crescent.

I started sweating, I couldn't understand what was happening.

But then I remembered that I had something more important to care about now, to fear.

If I remember correctly the creatures I've killed since the last moon were a long-eared assassin an invisible octopus a bunch of parasites an infant Cerberus and a Cerberus, which meant that they will... fuse together making a more horrifying abomination, it's truly a nightmare to just imagine what that thing will be, just the idea of an invisible Cerberus is terrifying enough...

After panicking for a few seconds I took the knife and opened the mysterious book, after opening the right page I saw... the same thing, shit.

This means that this book is not accurate, that's a problem...

I remembered a line Ciphr said about not trusting this book, but.. sigh.

My breathing isn't slowing down, I threw the book and held the knife tightly, if am correct then the dwellers of the moon have the ability to know where I am as ridiculous as that is and as terrifying, what's more terrifying is the idea of a faster invisible Cerberus, with those abilities, am doomed.

Still unlike stealthy predators like Tigers Cerberus lack the stealth ability, it is easy to hear the sound of his footsteps... as long as he is running that is.

I have to think of a way to survive the invisible enemy, wait if no other entity or creature exist here except the dwellers of the moon then what about the haunted mansion? Maybe I'm onto something here, I might have to run to it but before that I'll test something. I said-

"Ciphr, are you there?"

After few moments of silence I heard his whispers, blending with the sounds of the forest itself just as I used to it, his whispers seemed like a camouflage but still as terrifying as the first time I heard it, he whispered-

"Obvıously, but you are on your own... he ıs watchıng~"

He!? 'Tsk' shit.

This is not new from Cerberus but this is not Cerberus so I must not expect him to act the same.

I took a deep breath, glanced around hoping to spot him but as I thought I can't see him, especially with the dimmer light.

I will go back through the same route that I crossed twice... 'it's almost sarcastic'.

Now I must go before he gets too close, I turned to the specific direction and started running as fast as I could.

Through the woods, I remembered something and that is that unlike my old "weak useless legs" i miss them though, those legs somehow don't get tired even an injury to them doesn't hurt that much, moreover it's not easy to stop them from working... somehow.

As I kept running through the woods I got an idea, my biggest problem with this moon dweller is that he is invisible which meant as long as I get rid of this ability of him then I have a greater chance at dealing with him, still it's a faster Cerberus and God knows how strong this one is, if I remember correctly a deer and a rabbit fused to make a terrifying monster that I struggled to kill.

As I kept running and running through the woods and after about an hour I reached the spot where a few days ago I saw a bunch of dead animals walking like they are fine.

I looked to an empty spot on the ground and there it was, the same small statue...

After getting closer to it my chest felt a weird sensation, but I ignored it and continued running, after few moments I reached the cliff...