2[]Mind čliff

As I saw the vast woods flowing down from the horizon and covering the vast ground, some unrecognizable silhouettes in the distance silhouettes of what looks like massive objects can be seen yet not grasped.

Still I couldn't gaze for more than a second, still the fact that I didn't hear nor feal the presence of the Dweller meant that he isn't rushing, he can only hide his presence and the sound of his footsteps when he walks slow or dash through the air.

Running towards the mansion might be for more reasons than one but one of them might be the thrill of the moment when I realized what type of Dweller I'll have to deal with the idea just came to mind.

I could try to find a way to deal with him... like a plan or something, but most my ideas won't work.

As I was running down the cliff from the side which is less tilted, as I did I kept thinking about the possibilities, the target is to deal with his invisibility a plan like covering him with any material won't work since clothes disappeared as well, and any complex plan is a death sentence because they take a long time to set up, additionally... sigh, it won't work either.

I have to rethink many things, mostly the moon eclipse thing, it's weird and seems out of place, I've seen and faced multiple weird things in these woods but the moon eclipse is way too different.. it and Ciphr, both are weird almost similar.. in a way.

According to the book the moon eclipse is supposed to happen two days from now not today, so why would it lie? Or is it even a lie, in a way it seemed more like ignorance instead.. yet many things about the book seemed wrong.

In the first moon eclipse I faced a deer fused with a rabbit but, that's not all it's stronger even, so how strong will Cerberus be?

I'll face him at the lake actually, I have an idea I'll try one that doesn't need a setup.

After crossing the wide river, I was getting closer to the lake with my speed I'll only need a few minutes to an hour time.

On the other hand I also want to understand the moon eclipse's world a bit more, it's like a different world entirely but how? And what else is deferent.. many questions and I really want answers, unfortunately this place hates to answer anything.

As I got closer to the lake a specific question was the most unanswered: what is these woods? Is it a different world, Or is it a different place?

The wall that surrounded these woods and separating them from the city is actually recent, there was even some people going missing in the woods, but adding these points will just make answering the question that much harder, they disprove any theory i have.

Giving up, I'll just concentrate on two questions with the first and most important being is how to kill the Dweller of the moon, then the second which is what is this world by that I mean the world of the moon eclipse.

There is a possible benefit to the moon eclipse it is simply to explore, it is too dangerous to explore outside the moon world, thus if the Dweller I have to deal with is weak then I could easily explore.

This is actually why I want to go to the mansion both to explore the limits of the moon world and more over to explore the mansion since spirits seem to disappeared.

This is one of the weaknesses I got the moment I opened my eyes in the moon eclipse, my hand is now back to normal.. which means my only weapon is the rugged knife, and that the spirit isn't here.

Am almost there only a couple of minutes and I'm there, for now I'll rehearse the plan which will rely on the water, after dragging him there I'll find a way to deal with him, I just hope his octopus side doesn't give him the ability to breathe under water.

Such many problems, after a few moments of running as fast as a car(≈100km/h) finally I am in front of the lake.

This lake as plain as usual but this time it's more gray and lifeless.

Surrounded by sand it wasn't the best for swimming, I walked towards the lake and slowly stepped into the cold water, last time I was here I was captured by the octopus and was about to die, this time I'll try to drag something here to die... hopefully.

It's ironic but I like the idea.

As I was half covered with water I kept waiting for the Cerberus abomination, it's weird to wait for the monster to come to you in fact I didn't care about exploring the moon world anymore, as fear started rising through my veins.

A few moments went by and nothing happened, I expected that much though but... a moment later a splash of water on the edge of the lake.