6[]Neŵ darkness

In this darkness only pain can be felt, engulfed in silence and void unable to sense anything, he can't see he can't hear or feel anything, except for a burning pain growing inside his body.

He couldn't move his hands nor clench his body to ease the pain even for a little, it was torture unlike any other.

He screamed within the confines of his mind hoping for salvation, yet heard no response, he started to lose hope as his body burned with agonizing pain.

Even the strongest minds won't handle such torture for too long yet he still exists, fighting for another second of existence even though he could let go and let his mind fall.

Fueled by mere willpower he kept screaming in pain.

For seconds after seconds for minutes after minutes for hours after hours, but time was meaningless to him he couldn't feel nor sense time.

And then within the darkness a calm sound echoed into the infinite void-

"You will arrive soon"

I flinched in disbelief, who or.. what is that? I couldn't concentrate on it due to pain...

I took a minute then responded-

'Who.. who are you?... are you Ciphr?'

Those words did not come out of my mouth but instead came out of my mind.

heavy silence downed on the space but a few seconds later I got a response-

"Ciphr? Pfft-hehaha-ha, Ciphr has no authority here, you are in my land where I am supreme"

His voice was calm and heavy and somehow reassuring, but where are we then, 'his land?' What land is that?

As if listening to me, he responded-

"I think you humans call it.. limpo, as long as your body is alive your soul will never be allowed into the underworld"

'Underworld? Am I going to the underworld? And is this really how limpo looks like?'

After a moment he replied-


Is that all he has to say?

In any case I must find a way out, 'hey can you help me out'

A second later he replied-

"I can, but I will not help you, there is a sensitive order in which things run, I can not sacrifice that"

'What!? ... alright well, at least is there a way around it, does the rules give me something like a backdoor?'

A few seconds of silence, then a few more seconds, then he replied-

"... yes, but it won't be for free"

'...what's the price'

A second later he replied-

"Nightmares will be drawn to you"


... no reply

'Ok ok, I'll pay the price just help me out'

-"alright then, let's begin"


[Vol3: Neŵ moon- part two]

In front of the white granite wall which was covered with cracks scribbles and dirt.

a young boy who doesn't look older than seventeen stood motionless as he stared at the wall with a frown, today he plans to do something crazy.

He blinked then turned away, after a few moments of walking he now was in front of an old house that looked unclean in comparison to the few houses surrounding it and was smaller.

He opened the door with the sound of creaking wood that echoed in the empty house, byet he ignored it and closed the door behind him, going up the stairs that led to the second floor.

This house was old and hasn't been cleaned in a long time, it was empty off of most of its furnitures.

The only reason why it wasn't too dirty was because there ware no family of people that play around the house, it was empty with only dust piling around.

As the young boy opened the door in the second floor he was met with a messy room, it was filled with papers and images that made it looks like a detective's office or a crazy person's room.

He got closer to the wall that was covered with images of a forest and sighed.

He said to himself-

'Father... I'll find you, I know.. I know that you are still alive.

Ever since they built that wall... the cops stopped searching for missing people, and stoped searching for you.

How disgusting.

I know that it's dangerous yet, I'll go today'

He talked to himself like this multiple times every day in the past but today he dragged it a little longer, trying to avoid what he has to do next.

Eventually he went and took a larg bag that contained many things that are important for survival, and before he walked out of the room he looked back one last time.




Standing in front of the white flat surface of the wall he blinked, it won't be easy to get through the wall but he already prepared his tools.

As the young boy descended from the other side with a robe, he jerked the robe to get it off the wall's top edge, it fell swiftly to the ground.

He turned around and his eyes widened, in front of him is a wide landscape of woods and trees yet...

It looked eerily off and uncanny, the young boy was yet to find out what actually was wrong.

He looked back at the wall and took a board pen out of his bag, a second later he wrote something on the wall and ran to the woods.

He wrote- "Nuah was here" his writing wasn't the best but it held deep emotions.

He wrote it as a symbol of what he thew behind... 'a meaningless thing'

As he walked through the eerie woods he kept turning his head around and around, he couldn't stay calm not with all this weird feelings as if thousands of eyes are watching him, it felt as if the trees themselves had eyes.

He noticed something else, the shadows of the trees acted eerily unnatural.

He often get lost in time gazing at a specific shadow hoping to catch it doing the wrong movement.

In the end he ignored all of that and kept walking.

Eventually he saw a strange thing in the distance, it was a ragged old house, a small one.

Slowly Nuah approached the house and finally stood in front of it, it looked both new and old at the same time, it looked okay but also off.

He drew a breath and entered the house, his eyes widened.

In front of him is a small room, the only room with a bed in the middle, the room has several bird skulls littered around the corners, and on the wall hanging a bag a knife a bow and some arrows.

Beside the bed is a shelf with an old book on top of it...