
After a few minutes of inspection nuah found nothing, nothing that can help him find his father.

The old house was rather neat as dirty as it was, and the book was weirdly empty.

He walked around the old house multiple times, a small glass window an unscathed floor and weird writing ubove the bed that said- "don't trust the book"

Nothing that he searched for, after a few more rounds around the house he gave up got out then left.

He didn't go in a specific direction he mostly just went as far from the wall as he could.

Walking through the ominous woods his feeling of dread increased, yet the young boy ignored it, he kept saying to himself that he is just scared, that this feeling is fake, Somehow this calmed him.

After walking for a while nuah saw an unexpected thing...

He saw a play ground, one for kids to play around and spend their time.

It looked old with many broken parts, for a while he stared at it he then walked towards it, the young boy felt an eerie feeling, one thar he can't dismiss.

He was suspicious of it, it didn't make sense for a play ground to be here, so why is this one?

He stood in front of a medium sized slide, he thought for a second then climbed up the ladder, then he slid down.

As he was going down the rusty slide he felt sorrow clench his heart, when he was at the bottom he stood up and left it, ignoring the suspicious play ground.

Getting back into the woods was no fun but he didn't want to stay in the play ground anymore, he never had memories in a play ground, yet the young boy wished.

As Nuah walked through the woods for a few minutes he saw something that terrified him, in front of him stood the same play ground... only one thing is different, this one has no slide.

His eyes widened in disbelief he looked around multiple times, he tried to check if he is hallucinating.. yet he wasn't.

He walked slowly towards the uncanny play ground, slowly and carefully, after a few seconds he was again on the play ground.

It wasn't normal, Nuah felt unease he kept turning his head around and around, in fear and worry.

He kept saying to himself, 'why? What is this? Where is he? Is this real, am I dead?'

He sat on the swing to calm his nerves, he kept thinking and thinking but to no result.

After swinging for a few seconds he then stoop up and left in a hurry, he was almost running, in fear.

A few more minutes of running he then saw it again, the play ground stood empty and shallow in the middle of the gloomy woods...

He drew a deep breath, fear and terror finally downed on him heavier than he can handle.

He stood motionless, shook.

Then.. he walked to the play ground with sweat soaking his face.

This playground has no slid and.. no swing, Nuah looked around unable to believe it, what is going on?

He looked around and around, he tried to inspect the play ground and each and every angle and corner of it hoping for an explanation, yet he found nothing.

He ran away, this time he played not.

After a few minutes he.. saw the damn play ground again, and as he expected it didn't lose any other ride, it seems to change only when he play with one of them.

Thus he played in every game on the play ground, he wanted to see what will happen if he played everything.

As he ran through the woods... stood in front of him, an empty place, devoid of its monuments, it looked like a square on the ground nothing more.

Slowly Nuah walked towards the empty play ground, he did not know what's going to happen yet he expected the worst

He was trembling as he walked towards the empty stage his body tensed in fear, when his foot stepped on the empty ground, he saw something...

He saw blood, in front of him the empty stage is not empty anymore, the swing the slid and all the other games of the play ground re appeared out of nowhere.

But, on each and every one of them.. corpses, dead bodies of kids that were either tied to the metal or wrapped around it with their broken and torn limbs.

Their blood flowed down fresh, puddles of blood covered the play ground, tainting it.

His heart stopped in terror, he was speechless, his fingers trembling in fear.

As he turned around to run away he heard the sound of every dead child screams- "don't go, play with us"

Their screaming sounded as if their vocal cords were torn off, speaking merely with their lungs.

Nuah flinched then ran away, but this time is different, when he got out of the stage his eyes widened, he re entered the stage from the other side, by force.

This stage is imprisoning him, and when he tried to exit, the stage just teleported him to the other side.

Unable to contain his fear, the young boy screamed from the depth of his lungs, yet no reply to his cries.

The sound of the broken kids resounded- "if you don't want to play with us then... we, we, we will play with.. you"
