
'So... tell me how can I leave this place may you?'

In this empty void a calm voice responded-

"Hehąhą, it won't be simple nor eąsy, let me tell you thąt.

Ąt leąst not for you, thąt is"

Shit...'just say it already'

After a few more seconds a response finally cut through the silence-

"Let me expląin first the plące.

You see, limpo isn't ą physicąl plące ąt ąll, even though it sepąrątes the over-world from the under-world, in reąlity limpo is ąn ąbstrąct world, meąning thąt only concepts could exist in, or go through it"

...the what!??

'No no, wait I got it.. I think.'

A few long seconds past then the voice talked again with a disappointed tone-

"You know how in human religions when ą person dies their soul goes to heąven... well, in heąven they get ą new body"

...'I think I get that part quite easily'

- "Good, now, here there is ą world for the living ąnd ą world for the deąd, sepąrąting them is limpo, a conceptuąl world.

Souls ąre concepts ąs will, ą concept thąt represent your consciousness"

...'Okay so... that's why my soul is here?'

- "Correct. So bąsicąlly, limpo is ą sepąrątion between two worlds where physicąl things exist, but no physicąl thing cąn go through limpo, but souls cąn go through it"

'... But souls could exist outside of limpo?'


'...Wait let's get back to the important topic, I want to leave limpo:'

After a second of silence, the voice talked again-

"Well... now thąt you know the geogrąphy of it, let's tąlk about the three shąckles.

The first one keeps souls well pąckąged for the delivery to the underworld, think of it like ą coffin.

The second shąckle is the gąte of limpo, go through it ąnd you'll be in the overworld."

...'well what about the third one'

After a few seconds of silence he answered-

"Well, thąt shąckle is the one thąt will stop you from tąking bąck your body, it's not easy to possess your body ągąin, let ąlone finding it in the first plące"

-'Wait, so I have to find it first?'

-"Yes, of course...

Thąt is if your body still is ąlive, I did sąy thąt you ąre not ąllowed into the underworld ąs long ąs you hąve ą living body, but I ąlso sąid thąt you will ąrrive soon(to the underworld).

The underworld will tąke whąt belongs to the underworld, ąnd your body will die by force, even your little gem won't help you"

What!?!! ...shit

-'So, you are saying that I don't have a lot of time left?'

..."not exąctly, your body should hąve been deąd ąlreądy long ągo, which meąns thąt there is something else keeping you ąlive, BY FORCE"

-'Something? Not the gem?'

-"...Well, yeąh"

...'let's just get it over with, how can I break through the coffin?'

After a silence for several seconds, the calm voice answered-

"I hąve the keys, the keys for the three shąckles in fąct, but ąfter I open the coffin, you'll be on your own, you will hąve to deąl with the shrouds of limpo, cąll them guąrds if you will"

...'how hard.. is it to deal with them?'

After a heavy silence fell, he spoke again-

"Well.. enough to mąke me ądvice you not to fight them, you must find the gąte ąnd leąve limpo ąs soon ąs the coffin opens.

Not just thąt, you must not look at them ąt ąll, don't listen to them either"

-'WHAT!? how am I supposed to do this'

-"if you look ąt them for more thąn a second, or try to comprehend how they look like, your brąin will fry on the spot, and since you ąre just ą soul... Your soul will burn.

Those guąrdiąns ąre built to be incomprehensible, they ąre like ą rip in reąlity teąring through your mind like ą piece of pąper"


-'Shit of fuck, fucking, you are scaring me shirtless, the fuck... FUCK'

-"Hey hey, you'll be fine"

-'How can I find the gate while freckin blindfolded, you... *Tsk*,

Silence fell again, with no response for seconds and seconds, then his calm voice came back again-

"So you ąre giving up, I guess I won't open the coffin then"

-'..no no, open this damn coffin... fu-...'

-"Hehąhą-hą, ąlright then be reądy"

The darkness of the coffin was unbearable and the silence was terrible, he preferred anything but to stay there...

A feeling of an instant cold water being dropped on his body, that is how opening the coffin felt to him, the unbelievable warmth rushed through the frozen dead veins.

Light reigniting in his eyes, he opened them expecting to see a world of monsters or a fantasy world, since this is a world of concepts yet what he saw was disappointing and eerie at the same time...