Birth of a God

***100 years ago***

Zeno Daenerys stood outside of quiet suburban home, his fists clenched in anger as monsters poured out of a hole in the sky above the city. Birds the size of planes dove towards the buildings and ground; monstrous wolves tore people apart before their mouths could move to scream, ogres smashing windows and any people in their path. Ash filled the air as the Great Juva Forrest burned, the large arcing flames consuming everything in their path. Zeno squeezed his eyes shut as the noises of chaos surrounded him, suffocated him. Someone grabbed his arm attempting to force him to run but he remained as still as stone, refusing to move from his place. The world seemed to be moving at a pace that he didn't quite recognize. This was New Talon, a place of a safety for many yet it was as if hell itself expanded from the sky. The communications radio in his hand buzzed with life again "the undead are swarming, we need backup!!" someone was screaming into it before the line cut again. He could only hear the large electrical buzz as he tried to take in the complete decimation that was caused by the outpouring of monsters in the sky. His wife and children were in the city. His hands began to shake as emotions began crashing against the carefully built wall. It swelled until he crashed to his knees, tears streaking his ashy face.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have tried to bring new magic into this world. What have I done?" He cried out, clutching his hair in his hands as sobs wracked through his body.

A deep voice echoed in his head [Are you tormented by memories? Burdened by guilt?]

'What the fu-' Zeno thought raising his head quickly, his heart racing at the deep voice that seemed to bounce against the walls in his head

[Are you ready for more? If you are, we ought to talk.]

"Who are you?!" He screamed as a yellow light flashed out of the sky, embedding a large black and red sword into the ground in front of him. It stuck out of the pavement, causing a large crack in the middle of the road.

'What the hell is this?' He thought as he backed slowly from the sword, gazing around for the person who spoke earlier

[This? This contains a portion of my power.] The deep voice thrummed through his head as Zeno spun around once more. Ash was flowing freely into the street now, wolves had spotted him at the end of the street and were slowly making their advance.

"and who are you?" Zeno asked aloud, slowly inching towards the sword in case the large wolves got too close.

[I suppose you can call me a God.]

"If you are a god, how could you let this happen?" He screamed, attempting to inch even closer to the sword as the wolves howled into the sky. Their eyes targeted on him as if it was their lucky day.

[Being a god doesn't mean I have control over all, especially those who try to upset the balance of the world by bringing new magic into it. Take my sword and my blessing cause chaos and ruin for anyone who has ever hurt you. That was your goal after all, wasn't it?]

Instead of thinking twice or questioning the deal presented to him, the young man ran towards the sword at full speed. Gripping it in his hand, it slowly reformed from a large broadsword to a smaller katana style sword.

[The System has recognized Zeno Daenerys as a Player]

Notifications resounded in the young mans head but instead of paying them any mind, his stride increased towards the wolves as they all began to circle him. He had never used a sword in his life but he was determined. He sword sliced through the leg of a smaller wolf as if it was butter.

'So it's just like a fucked up game, great.' Zeno thought as he arced his sword again at another wolf, just slightly slicing it's stomach. He was thankful there were only 3 wolves currently attempting to attack him. His mind was racing as swung once more.

Zeno was now panting, he was overexerting himself. He needed to end it and he needed to end it soon. He took a deep breath before pushing his own limit swinging and slashing at the wolves in front of him. A smaller wolf clamped on his leg as he arced it back down cutting the head off. A small box and pelt dropped as the wolf disappeared from his leg. He refocused as the larger wolf looked at him with brutality. He stabbed towards the other smaller wolf, luckily catching it in the heart. It also disappeared leaving behind boots, coins and a tattered pelt. Zeno finally gazed at the last wolf. It stood on top of a car before jumping towards him. He pressed his sword up through the body as the large wolf landed on top of him. The wind was knocked from him as he tried to breathe deeply. The wolf struggled momentarily before it too turned into armor and large sum of coins. The system automatically collected the loot, preparing a blue screen with his stats and inventory

[You killed a low-level Citherid Wolf]

[Level up!]

[You killed a low-level Citherid Wolf]

[Level up!]

[You killed a mid-level Citherid Wolf]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Name: Zeno Daenerys

Title: Knight of Terror

Level: 5

Attribute Points: 10

HP: 103/200

MP: 3/10

Strength: 21

Agility: 21

Stamina: 15

Perception: 19

Intelligence: 34

He sighed before swiping the screen away, the world was drowning in the mayhem, swearing to save his wife and children he chose to ignore the frantic beating in his heart as he made his way to the horses. He would become a monster and lean on this blessing to ensure their safety. He would sacrifice his own humanity to ensure their survival. That much he was sure of.