Failed Plans

**Author here, hope you enjoy this book. I re-wrote it and then re-wrote about 10 more times. I'll just keep updating it until I'm happy. Please leave feedback because I really do want to improve. Thank you all!!**

A teenage boy with deep black eyes looked up from his favorite anime and sighed as a buzzing came from the speaker in his hollowed out room. He was just getting to the end of the Wano Arc and the speaker had rudely interrupted a battle that he didn't want to miss. Irritation lit his eyes as he stood up from the mattress on the ground with fluidity, taking time to gingerly grab the encased remote to press pause on the show before walking over to the door for his room.

"Mission assigned: 003, Huntington is coming to get you." A loud mechanical voice echoed into the empty room. He stuck his hands out of the hole before he was handcuffed. He pulled his hands back in and leaned against the wall, lazily awaiting for someone to come and get him.

'irritating' 003 thought as he roughly kicked the cement walls. He had been waiting for more than 10 minutes and that was long enough to finish the current episode. No sooner than that thought left his mind, the door buzzed open and a woman white lab coat stood in front of the entrance. Two military officers stood beside her before she moved her head to the side as a signal to follow her. Dr. Huntington was pretty in 003 eyes, but it was clear she feared him. Not that she shouldn't, of course, he was dangerous according to everyone here. There were only two people in the facility who could get an upper leg on him physically but none could brutality wise. That was the point in being raised as an assassin after all. Huntington walked briskly down new corridors and pathways that 003 wasn't familiar with. His hands twitched and his eyes darkened at the thought of this new, unseen area. He didn't like the unknown. She led him to the last hallway with large double doors, pulling one open and revealing a large round table with 015 and 0357 waiting for him, a group of 10 soldiers surrounding the area. In the middle of the table was a hologram with 3 faces that 003 was all too familiar with. The two adults were famous political figures in his country after all and that made them easily recognizable. He took a seat in a chair by the table, resting his cuffed hands on his lap.

"Your commands are as follows" the woman in the white coat paused ensuring everyone was listening. "0357 you will take Norman Gauthier, 015 you will take Lily Trian, and 003 I want you to take their son Kelvin Gauthier."

003 snapped his head up at his command, wondering why he hadn't gotten the main person as he usually did. 0357 smiled at him smugly as 015 looked like a scared cat once again. 003 had no emotion on his face, so just him raising his head and leveling his eyes with the woman, well, it had scared her to no end. She cleared her throat "Norman is our target for this mission but it is a complete family wipe-out. They will be hosting a politically aimed party for their son's, Kelvin Gauthier, birthday. The packets placed in front of you will be everything you need to know about your target. Do not fail, if you think you are going to fail? Escape."

003 snorted at this thought, as he watched her closely, even when she avoided eye contact or faced in another direction; he found it amusing to no end the way she shook in fear. Sure, 001 was by far the strongest out of all the kids yet she had more personality and depth than he did. He had seen 001 have friendly conversations with their peers, yet 003 had none of those qualities. He preferred being in his mostly empty room and would even opt to starve than leave his room. His emotional mannerisms were that of a robot, he didn't have the ability to thrive in the way that normal kids did. 003 knew the higher-ups had even talked about disposing of him once the need for him ended so he just created the need for him. He was far more cruel than any other kid in their care and that scared Huntington and even most of the soldiers to no end.

Huntington soon left the meeting room after breathing deeply a few times to calm her racing heart. As she trailed along the corridors she stopped by various rooms to remind herself that some kids were normal, they felt guilt and grief for what they had done. They react to pain. She needed that reminder whenever she worked with 003. He was a calamity that brought everything down with him. As she continued down the corridor to the exit lounge, she found the young assassins dressed in normal clothing instead of their white issued outfits. The only girl, 015, still looked unsure of her target and that made her even more worried about 015's mission. It was only her third so far. The other boy, 0357, was still staring smugly at 003 who looked beyond the door with disinterest. Huntington found Lisa examining each of their weapons before handing them to the military officers and sending them on to the helipad. 003 looked back at Huntington once more as he strode towards the helicopter before smirking. As the massive gateway closed in their ascent, she pushed herself out of sight against the wall, sliding down.


He stood inside his target, Kelvin Gauthier's, room. 003 looked around with interest, the room was full of anime posters and figurines. As a self proclaimed lover of anime, he was fascinated by all of the new manga posters and the massive sword collection that sat in glass cages and holsters around the spacious room. His target was in the shower so 003 decided he'd take his time looking at all of the things in the boys artillery. He found cosplays, gloves, RGB keyboards and various gaming systems. He even found a life size Zoro figurine in the closet. The shower soon shut off and a teenage boy with orange hair and freckles came out of the bathroom only to pausing only once he entered the closet as saw 003.

"Who are you?" The boy narrowed his eyes

"Ah, I just liked your room so I figured I'd look around." 003 murmured, his eyes wide with wonder

"Well, can you get out while I change? You shouldn't even be up here, the party is downstairs." Kelvin intended on complaining to his parents again about the easy access to his room and how he most definitely needed a lock now.

"Can you change in the bathroom? I'd like to keep looking" 003 pronounced, again in amazement by all of the items. He even saw Elucidator from Sword Art Online in the hidden depths of the swords. He picked up the sword and swung it aimlessly while the boy stood slack-jawed. 003 suddenly swung the sword at his target only to make a slight cut on his chest. "Wow, so this is a real sword. How lovely!"

"Dude, what the fuck? Why did you just cut me?!" Kelvin yelled before backing up slightly. He pushed his hand to his chest checking how much he was bleeding. "This is why I don't like these parties! Someone always has to mess with my stuff. Mom!! Justin!!! Someone crazy person is in my room!" He shouted

"It's a shame it didn't do more" 003 examined Kelvin's wound slightly before lunging at him again "If you die, I can take these right?" He said with excitement

'I wonder if I can dual wield like Kirito' he thought as he continued to swing at the boy. Kelvin managed to dodge all of the oncoming attacks and even managed to twist out of being cornered. 003 nodded his head slightly as he moved to cut down Kelvin who managed to parry a fatal shot with his arm. He began to cry out as blood seeped out of his arm but it didn't affect 003 in any way. He was enjoying this fight, he even admired this boy's ability to dodge. Instead, he picked up the Dark Repulser and swung even wilder at the boy. 003 had no swordsmanship experience, he was trained in guns and daggers but these swords were wonderful. 003 decided he'd take pity on the boy, dropping one of the swords to pull out his pistol and shooting the young boy point blank. Blood pooled around Kelvin's chest as he tried to apply pressure to his own wound. 003 bent down to pick up the sword and check the pulse of Kelvin, watching closely as he stopped struggling and the light in his eyes dimmed.

After he confirmed his death, 003 sat on his target's bed and admired all the swords in Kelvin's room. He gathered them in his arms, various kinds from different animes, and even last minute grabbed a smaller Zoro figurine. As he went to jump out of the window, a loud bang stopped him. A pain he had never known spread down his leg as he turned to see a target, Lily Trian, holding a gun that was smoking. She breathed heavily as he looked at her with cold eyes, he smiled at her as he put his other foot on the windowsill; blood dripping all over the floor. She looked down at her son before screaming in fury. 003 attempted to jump as she fired another shot. He saw blood bloom on his new clothes. He soon lost control of his hands as he fell from the window, pitying the fact that he didn't get to keep all of his new figurines and swords. He even cursed at 015 for failing his mission. He further cursed the organization that put him in this position.


[The system has recognized a creation]

[The system is being assigned to the creation]

[The system has found an error]

[The system is attempting to assign]

[Interference has been noted]

[The system is too weak to respond, allowing intruders to assign]

[Assigning Job and Title]

Job and Title error.. retrying

Job and Title error.. retrying

Job and Title error.. retrying

Job and Title error.. retrying


[Job and Title accepted]

Name: Hero Daenerys // Age: 17 // Trait: Ever Flowing

Job: Useless Trash // (Sin of Wrath)

Level: 6

Race: Human

Title: The Denouement of the Gods, Lord of the Void

HP: 100/100 (1200/1200)

MP: 100/100 (450/450)

Strength: 4 (70)

Agility: 3 (75)

Stamina: 4 (70)

Perception: 7 (90)

Intelligence: 8 (110)


Sin of Wrath Lvl.1 [Upgradable]

Transient Life Lvl.1 [Upgradable]

Skill: Abyssal Lvl.??? [Upgradable]

*description unavailable, level up needed*

[Soul Transplant commencing]

[Soul Transplant processing]

[Error: Soul transplant failed]

[System re-routing… soul shards attached]

[System re-trying soul transplant]

[Error: UNKNOWN]

[Error: Intruder has overridden the system]

[System X has taken place of System A]

[System X has been updated to Lvl.0 -> Lvl.1]

[System X re-trying Soul Transplant]
