Butterfly mansion(

Last time on I was reborn in demon slayer as Uchiha

"It would be a very bad to not recognize your talent and potential and that why you got such a huge jump in ranks, but in the meantime you should go rest your body so please follow those kakushi to the butterfly mansion"he said

I bow in then follow the kakushi to butterfly mansion.

In now we continue where we left off

After following the kakushi for a bit we arrive at mansion which was great to look at, it was a very big house with a lot of smaller house in it,I'm guessing it's to heal the injured people.

And coming out of the door was a small girl that had black long hair and purple eyes. she was wearing a kimono over the demon slayer outfit.

"Good morning, how may I may help you"she said softly, she seem to have been informed of me coming where before I even came.

"Oyakata sama sent him here because he need some healing"the kakushi said explaining my situation.

"I never seen you before,who are you if I may ask"she said curiously

"I am Atoru uchiha or rengoku depending on the person"I said,

"and who may you be"I said curiously because I never saw her in the show before. I honestly skip over most of the dialogue in the manga when I was reading it.

"Oh my, I forgot my manners, my name is Kanae Kocho," she said happily she seemed very energetic.

"Follow me, i m going to make sure you are in your top physical condition and ready to kill demons," she said happily

She I was the doctor so I followed her inside, my attention was mainly on the surrounding, for some reason, I keep forgetting that this is the Taisho period in Japan right now and technology is not that advanced yet.

"Hello, we there so can you please get in so I can examine you," she said smiling trying to get my attention

"Heh wait you are the doctor "i said surprise, I was not expecting someone that look around my age to be a doctor.

"Yes I am silly"she said sticking out her tongue at me

"You are childish"i said

"So what I'm 13 year old "she retorded

"Fair point "i said

After that little chat she started to examine me, she was checking my temperature with her hand and checking my body for scar, anything really.(A/N I don't think that efficient)

"Do you feel any different than usual"she said looking at me and I could see a lot of curiosity hidden in her eyes.

"Apart from being a bit tired, I feel just fine"i said honestly

I noticed a tiny child getting in the room

"Onee San who is he"she said looking at me like I was taking something away from her.

"He is a new patient, he here to get treated before going back to fighting demons"kanae responded with a soft smile

"Who is she, I never saw her before"i asked.

"Sis is he dumb or did he not hear me call you Onee San"the tiny child said

I ignored the child, and waited for Kanae to respond, "as you may or may not have guessed, this is my little sister Shinobu "she said while smiling

"You just need to rest and you will be fine," Kanae said looking at me after introducing me to this rude child.

"For how long before I can go out again"i said

"A week at most and by that time your body will be at peak conditions"she said smilling but from some reason I had the weird feeling I wasn't only going to rest during that week.

'Huh she has the personality of Shinobu when canon start but Shinobu as a serious type ish personality for now'I thought to myself

"That all you need to know, if there anything you want to ask or may want we will help you with it"she said to me

"No not really " i said before rolling myself in the bed cover

"Good night, "Kanae said before leaving closing the door behind her

I fell asleep

I was in dream land, when I saw everything around me was shaking with a voice saying "wake up sleepy head"

"Didn't you say I was supposed to rest during the week"i said still tired.

"Yes but we don't want you to get out there injuring yourself even more right," she said smiling

"So you want to...."i said inquiring what she want

"I made a few exercises that, you can do to keep yourself on top condition while also not straining your body too much," she said smiling

".....what are they," I said too tired to open my eyes.

"So we just got a bunch of information about you from the headquarters so I would like for you to demonstrate your ability while also trying to improve them "she said sounding excited

"O....k"i said looking dead tired

A/N The next few chapter may just be slice of life with no fighting because that not all that i want this story to be about i want him to a bit more human,a very strong human but still human in a kid he 11for god sake.

Kanae 17 when she die in Shinobu was 14 at the time meaning they have a 3 year age gap.

Kanae 13


Shinobu 10

So let just say for story sake it has been a year or two since they got saved by Gyomei and joined the demon slayer corp