
Last time on what if I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I made a few exercises that you can do to keep yourself on top condition while also not straining your body to much"she said smiling

".....what are they"i said tired

"So we just got a bunch of information about you from the headquarters so I would like for you to demonstrate your ability while also trying to improve them "she said sounding excited

"O....k"i said looking dead tired

Now we resume with

I followed her and she lead me somewhere that I could only say was a place people would train in, I was still very sleepy.

"So from some the info we got, one of them say you can make clone, so how useful are they on a scale of one to ten," she said excitedly

"Why do I feel like, I'm a new toy you wanna play with"i said looking at her with one eye open

"Oh don't worry about that, just answer my question "she said smiling

"I'm going to say they are a nine out of ten, there very useful "i said scratching my head

"Could you please make one"Kanae said with what I could tell was light shining in her eyes

I made the ram hand sign and said"shadow clone jutsu"as one clone appear next to me .

"Wow this look amazing can you teach it to me"she said looking like a child wanting something from their parents.

"I would if I could, but I don't think you can do it"i said scratching the back of my head

"Why do you think that"she said curiously

"I try to teach to my little brother and my older brother, but it seem like I'm special because no one been able to get it "i said

"What can you clone do apart from making two of yourself "she said

"It's a physical clone so it can interact with the world "i said while making my clone pick her up over his shoulder

"Put me down"she yelled out

"As you can see they can interact with the world around them and sometimes they have their own mind. also, that pays back for waking me up from my perfect dream, "I said smiling, the dream was literally perfect but I got woken up from it.

"Ok I'm sorry, please put me down"she yelled out

"Leave my sister alone "yelled out a furious Shinobu running at me

I dodge all her attempt at hitting me

"You usually are so serious I'm just demonstrating my ability like she asked I'm not hurting her "i said smilling

"But that was enough for me" i said as made my clone disappear

"I don't trust you"Shinobu said looking at me with eye that could kill

"Oh what did I do to deserve such hate"i said looking down to the little girl acting like I was hurt.

"Hm"she said before going to check on Kanea

"So what the next test"i said smiling

"Oyakata Sama want you to try and create new technique or improve the one you have right now so you have a higher chance of survival"Kanae said after getting her balance back

"So the you telling me to just rest for a week was not true"i said feeling like I had been lied to.

"Yes and I was chosen to oversee your training and make sure you don't overdo yourself "she said smiling

"You are way to friendly"i said a bit suspicious, there is no way a girl was that friendly

"That how she is"said a small Shinobu

I blitz Kanea and took whatever she was reading that was in her hands and read it myself.

Name:Atoru Uchiha

Date of birth:unknown


Personality:cheerful playful caring

Breathing technique:flame breathing (master level)

Water breathing(intermediate),thunder breathing(intermediate),in potentially stone breathing (beginner)

Ability: from what was reported by Shinjuro Rengoku so far he can make clone of himself walk on wall and water, he also can copy anything that he see when his eyes turn red

Weakness: from what was observed from the final selection, he tends to not go all out from the beginning and play too much with the demon, if this habit doesn't stop he may get himself killed.

Relative:Rengoku Kyujuro (big brother),Senjuro Rengoku (little brother) Shinjuro Rengoku (dad)

Skin color: brown, tan(A/N I've never seen somebody that is just straight black it's just brown plus with what he looks which is the cover of the story)

Eye color:gold

Height: 4'11½" (A/N fun fact Shinobu canon height when we first saw her In canon)

After finishing reading all that I looked at her and said

"Why do you have a folder full of my information "

I was suspicious of her.

"Everyone has a folder personally for them I have one,you have one basically ever demon slayer has one of these"she said(A/N This wasn't shown in the show but im guessing they have it so I added it.)

"Make I ask why"i said still suspicious

"To make sure we have all the necessary information about you so we can choose the mission best suited for you or if you die we know which family to say that too"she said that last part a bit sad,

From her facial emotion u could guess that the last part happen a lot.

'I don't remember reading this in canon'I though

I gave her back the piece of paper with my info on it.

"So what was plan for me to do"i said lowering my guard just a bit

"First you must master total concentration breathing constant not just have it on while fighting for a brief moment, it must be on at all time"she said before taking in a deep breath and letting it out while saying"so we are gonna train you using pots and your goal is to blow in them until they exploded"Kanae said looking serious once again

"Oh ok so when do we start"i said getting ready

"Now"she said as she pointed at a bunch of jar in the corner

A/N in this story I'm give the demon slayer corp more brain cell so instead of sending one of there only chance of killing muzan there will try their best to make sure he prepared in get enough experience to not fall for demons petty trick

In make sure he is very dedicated to the cause in have back up plan if something unknown happen.

I also change some stuff about final selection A hashira along with a bunch of high ranking demon slayer will be over looking it making sure to look for talent in not let them so soon in for those who survive because they got saved they will be eliminated from the test in they can try again

I realise that the first chapter I forgot to say that this story is just me rewritten my story with better grammar and because I know what happen next. I can do better foreshadowing. There is a high chance this story differ from the original tho.