
Last time and I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"Also why didn't you tell me that was her food," I said

"I thought you could read" she replies

"Hey at least now we know how long it takes you to wake up from getting injected with wisteria" she added

"Wisteria is only supposed to affect demons, I'm human how did that affect me," I said

"May have something to do either with your bloodline or the huge amount of it that was injected in you" Kanea said

"And someone wants to apologize for their actions,"Kane said

I noticed that Shinobu was in the room which made me tense up for a second.

"I am sorry, and I hope that you have it and your heart to forgive me"

Now we continue where we left off

Time skip 2 years

There was a bunch of trees covered in snow animals were hiding inside their nest and some were in hibernation, it was a beautiful full moon. The sky was clear with no sign of rain or a storm incoming. It was truly a wonderful night.

"It's is so peaceful tonight," said a young man with dark skin and golden eyes, he had black hair that turned red at the end.

"Atoru Uchiha please report back to headquarters," said a crow.

"I'm coming," The young man now known as Atoru said getting up

Kanea suggested that I should pick a hobby outside of training so I started to draw.

I made some dye and dyed the tip of my hair red.

I didn't want to look like someone else. I am my own person.

'Over the last two years, I have bonded with the butterfly sisters and trained myself with all I have'

I thought taking out a kunai that had some weird marking on it. I made one handsign as I instantly disappear from where I was standing.

Demon slayer headquarter.

When I open my eyes again, I was in front of oyakata same.

I bowed in front of him.

"I heard that you summoned me Oyakata sama," I said bowing

"So you finally master the technique you have been working on for the past two years," Ubuyashiki said

"Yes, I did" I reply

"The reason I summoned you here is simple," he said pausing before saying

"I want you to become a pillar," he said

"Are you really sure you want a 13-year-old as a pillar Oyakata sama?" I said bowing

"Yes, I am certain. I was going to pick you as a pillar 2years ago with your ability to combat such strong demon with little to no difficulty, the only reason I didn't ask you to become one back then is that you were working on techniques that can help you and I didn't want to bother you" he said

"If you have such trust in my ability then I accept," I said

"Then from today onwards, you are now the sun-breathing Hashira," he said

"Thank you oyakata sama," I said

"You are now dismissed, don't leave Kanea waiting," he said

I smile with a light blush on my face and leave.

Butterfly mansion

I arrive at the butterfly mansion after a bit of walking. I enter it and went inside.

While walking inside I suddenly get a hug from behind in here a very happy voice said

"You are back, I missed you so much"

"Miss you too Shinobu," I said

"Let me check on you to make sure that you are fine," she said dragging me

She dragged me to where she examines people.

We got there and she made me sit down.

"Remove your shirt"she said and so I did what she asked and removed my shirt.

She examined my body to look for scar or any trace of battle injury,taking in my pulse to see if anything irregular happening.

When she was done her face was as red as a tomato.

"Are you done checking on me or are you just going to continue in stare at me~"i said in a teasing tone

"Stop teasing my sister"said a voice that just came inside

"Hey Kanae," I said to her while putting my shirt back on with a smile on my face

"What brings you to the butterfly today," she said

"I just got promoted to the status of a pillar and I wanted to ask you two beautiful ladies on a date," I said (A/N he has been with them for like 2years visiting teaching in making bonds is it a stretch for him to ask that. Plus during that period in Japan men's we're allowed to have more than one wife)

"Bold of you to ask both of us at the same time" she replies

"I am a straightforward person so I'm not going to beat around the bushes, "I said

"Are you sure you can handle both of us?" she said

"100% sure I can, so what will it be" I say

"I would love to," said Shinobu

"You heard her we going," Kanea said

"Let's go then," I said

"What about the injured people," Shinobu said

"It's just one night you guys will be back soon enough to check on them," I said

"Sure just give me us some time to get ready," said Kanea

"Sure," I said

30minutes later

"We are ready," said Kanea

I looked up to see Shinobu wearing a purple kimono with an umbrella while holding an umbrella over her head, she looked great.

Kanea was wearing a pink kimono with some flowers on them.

"You guys look amazing," I said

"Where are you going to go with us," Kanea said

"Grab my hand ladies" I said

"Sure, with pleasure," they both said grabbing my hands.

I used the flying rajin to get close to where we going to not just appear out of nowhere.


(if you could take a guess on how strong the mc is what would you say)

A/N mc doesn't want to look like someone that he is not so that is why he changes his look. I'm trying my best to not make his personality bland did I succeed in that?