The date (prize)

Last time and I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

"Sure just give me us some time to get ready," said Kanea

"Sure," I said

30minutes later

"We are ready," said Kanea

I looked up to see Shinobu wearing a purple kimono with an umbrella while holding an umbrella over her head, she looked great.

Kanea was wearing a pink kimono with some flowers on them.

"You guys look amazing," I said

"Where are you going to go with us," Kanea said

"Grab my hand ladies" I said

"Sure, with pleasure," they both said grabbing my hands.

I used the flying rajin to get close to where we going to not just appear out of nowhere

Now we continue where we left off

"Oh so you managed to finish that technique," Kanea said

"It took me a while to get there but I made it, but we not talking about work right now," I said as we were approaching the town

We walked and talked till we reach the very lively city. Even if it was night, the city was as bright as day and so may activities were going on.

We reached inside and they both were in awe at how lively it was.

I walked with them in the direction of a restaurant.

"We can't go on the activities that I prepared for you ladies on an empty stomach," I said

"What would you customers want to buy from this time establishment," said the waiter

"I would like some Ginger Tsukudani," Shinobu said

"I want some Unaju ," Kanea said with a smile

"Can I get some syake-Daikon?" I said

"Yes, it will be done," he said leaving

We made some small talk while waiting for the food to come.

30minutes later

The waiter came back and started to serve the food

"Here are your food ladies," He said serving their food first.

"In here you sir," he said handing me my order.

"Would guys want any desert?" the waiter asked

"shingen mochi please"Kanea said

"Shinobu do you want anything"I ask

"Mochi" she replies

"Sakura mochi," I said (A/N he is addicted to it)

After eating

"That would be a total of 5 thousand yen," The waiter said

After that my wallet got a bit lighter. I decided to guide to the activities plans.

"Get a chance to win a goldfish," a random merchant said I noticed that Shinobu was staring intently at that goldfish.

"Hey, why don't we go and play that," I said pointing at the dot games.

"Sure, I see no problem," Kanae said

"Hello good sir would you like to try your chance at winning a goldfish," He said

"Yeah,I would love to try my luck"i said

"Here are 3rings that you would have to throw at those bottles if you managed to get all of them in one go, you get the prizes," he said giving me some throwing rings.

I took the rings and just toss them. All three of them landed the bottle.

He looked shocked for a bit before saying

"Congratulations you won a goldfish," he said grabbing a plastic bag with a goldfish in it.

I took it and turn around and gave it to Shinobu while saying "here it's your fish now" with a smile on my face

"Thank you Atoru," She said blushing

"Where is my present" Said Kanea pouting like a child.

I just pat her on the head while saying "it will come later"

She just smile.

After that, The butterfly girls just drag me around to the games or the activities they wanted to do. The more they drag me the lighter my wallet was feeling till we ran into something I didn't think I will run into a young master.

"Hello beautiful lady why don't you leave this guy comes to a man that can cover all your needs," he said

I blinked once and twice to make sure this was actually happening. He was still there

"We wouldn't leave our kareshi for you," Kanea said (A/N I did research and if you want to know kareshi mean just google it)

"Ho that's so sweet of you," I said forget about him

"Do you know who I am"He yelled out pissed

"Are you girls ready to go try something else"i said completely ignoring his presence

"My dads own half the thing around here so don't you dare disrespect me"He yelled out

"Yes, your dad not you," I said turning my Sharingan on briefly in trapping him in a small gentjutsu in Boku no pico.

I walked away with them and ended the date by watching the beautiful blue full moon while watching some fireworks in the background.

"This is so beautiful," Shinobu said with bright eyes looking at the fireworks.

"It truly is," I said looking at the firework

Shinobi was shivering a lot due to the cold so I gave her my jacket so she could get warm away.

I looked over at kanea in she looked happy.

"Thank you for this wonderful day," she said happily.

"You welcome...." I try to say before getting kissed on the lips midway through my sentence.

Her lips tasted like mint.

"Got your first kiss," she said with a smile on her face.

I smiled trying to hide away my blush while taking Shinobu on my back.

"Grab my hands," I said in a sweet voice

She grabbed it and I teleported them back to the butterfly mansion

"You horrible man that's how you treat the woman that gave you her first kiss," she said teasingly

"Your sister is asleep and I need to put her to bed," I said to the teasing Kanea

I carry Shinobu to her room thinking about how I just spent half a million yen on something that was supposed to be a small date.

After dropping Shinobu off I went back out to say that Kanea room was open

I got in to make sure she was asleep.

"Do you mind keeping me company??" Kanea said


Then something snapped inside the mc head he couldn't take that much teasing for so long plus with how much alcohols he took that night he just put on a silencing seal on the wall in went inside the room what happened next was up to history.

A/N I'm trying my best to make sure the relationship doesn't seem forced upon it was built upon. The amount of new things about Japan snacking make me want to eat Japanese fold myself