The fight continue

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

Pov Change

"Stone breathing Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest" Gyomei yelled out as he manipulates both the flail and axe weapons at both ends of the chain by swinging the chain on both sides to strike Kokoshibu using a two-pronged wide-ranged attack.

"Moon breathing Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazin," Kokoshibu said as he performs several crescent-shaped slashes that defend him from Gyomei's incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades.

The two clashed blades, and they went at each other throats aiming for a kill.

Now we continue where we left off

Pov change to Atoru

"Where am i" I muttered, I looked around in all I saw around me was complete and total darkness,

It was cold very cold it seemed like it wanted to devour me whole.

"Don't die on me Atoru" a familiar voice said

"Who said that," I said looking around not seeing anything at all except for that light in the corner.

I ran toward the light but the more I ran towards it the farther away it seemed to be and the more tired I was getting, I felt like I was getting frozen to the bones but I suddenly felt warm like somebody opens a fire near my body.

I got close to the light and when I jumped toward it to catch it, I was suddenly underwater in I could feel my lungs getting filled to the brim with water.

I swam up with everything I had in when my hand reached the surface.

I appeared somewhere else,it's looked like a small house,inside was a man, he was a tall and muscular man with long and spiky hair with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. he was slender and had shorter bangs and wavier hair. He also had a Demon Slayer Mark that was at the same place at the top of his forehead.He had a sole look on his face.

He wore a red haori over a very pale orange-colored nagagi kimono with a black umanori-styled hakama, a pair of zōri with red straps and white tabi socks, with a Nichirin Sword carried at the left side of his waist,. He sported hanafuda earrings.

"You must have a lot of questions Atoru," He said with a solemn look on his face

"Who are you in where are we," I said a bit cautious

"You don't need to get your guard up Atoru, if you sit down I will tell you everything I know," He said

I cautiously sat down on the opposite side of the man.

"So for your first question, I am your ancestor Yoriichi Tsugikuni and right now we are in between life in death," He said

Pov Change

Time-skip to 1hour in 30minutes

The Hashiras and the upper moon were fighting intensely with no side willing to give up,

You can't even recognize this was an entertaining district before all this started, the whole town was in shambles there was no survivor, there were civilians' bodies underneath all the debris and destroyed city.

"Flame-breathing Third Form: Blazing Universe, "Shinjuro said delivering a downward slash at Akaza.

Akaza dodge the attack by moving his body to the side but a part of his neck was slashed.

"This is the most fun I had in one night," Akaza said grinning like an idiot.

"Leg Type: Crown Splitter," Akasa said as he does a reverse rising axe kick that produces a shockwave once it connected with Shinjuro's sword.

"Flame breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun," Shinjuro said delivering an upward slash that cut though Akaza's leg like a hot knife through butter.

Akaza's leg started to regenerate but not instantly it was a bit slower than usual, Shinjuro use that chance to rush at Akaza saying" flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire"

"Eight-Layered Demon Core"akaza said sending a flurry of punches with each punch creating a shockwave with each punch but because he didn't have the support of both of his legs the attack was heavily weakened.

Which made it very easy for Shinjuro to get passed it and for him to try in kill Akaza so he can go to help his fellow Hashira.

Akaza leaned back in the sword missed his back by a literal millimeter, Akaza felt the blade getting closer to his neck but his leaning back saved his life.

His leg regenerated at that moment, he use his back leg to push himself off the ground kicking Shinjuro on his jaw and saying" Leg Type: Flying Planet Thousand Wheels" the kick launched Shinjuro upwards while he was still up there Akaza crouches with both his arms at the side of his body poised to strike. He then lunges upward creating two powerful circular shockwaves from the palm of his hands which he prepared to uses to strike Shinjuro with tremendous force he yelled out"Annihilation Type"

"Flame-breathing Fifth Form: Flame Tiger," Shinjuro said performing a bunch of sword slashes that look like a tiger in the sky.

Akaza and Shinjuro clashed in the air it look like a tiger was clashing with a shockwave it was a pretty sight.


A huge shockwave was sent toward the battlefield with Shinjuro using the gates, he looked like a demon with those veins appearing on his forehead the fact that he didn't have any pupils didn't make it any better, it frankly looked like two demons were fighting to see who was the strongest.

Their clash was defying gravity itself as they stay in the sky clashing for what felt like an eternity but what just a second in reality.

"Give me your all" Akaza yelled out putting everything on that attack

"HAAAAA" Shinjuro yelled out, putting in more strength more power more heart more fire giving it his all on that attack.


Another explosion appears in the sky, but this time Shinjuro's attack didn't mimic a fire tiger it looked like an actual fire Tiger chomping down on Akaza's attack.

And then it happens, Akaza was pushed down and hit the floor creating a huge crater that was made by Akaza's impact."Flame breathing Third Form: Blazing Universe" Shinjuro said swinging his blade downward aiming to finish this.

"Disorder" Akaza said punching rapidly at Shinjuro, the attacks create a barrage of large shockwaves, destroying anything in front of him.

Anything within a 50feet radius was destroyed crushed and burned to atoms.

When the smoke cleared there was a winner

Someone was standing while one of them was on the floor.

The winner was...

1.1k words

A/N make your guess on who won