The battle dying down

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

And then it happens, Akaza was pushed down and hit the floor creating a huge crater that was made by Akaza's impact."Flame breathing Third Form: Blazing Universe" Shinjuro said swinging his blade downward aiming to finish this.

"Disorder" Akaza said punching rapidly at Shinjuro, the attacks create a barrage of large shockwaves, destroying anything in front of him.

Anything within a 50feet radius was destroyed crushed and burned to atoms.

When the smoke cleared there was a winner

Someone was standing while one of them was on the floor.

The winner was...

Now we continue where we left off

As the smoke screen disappear the figure of a man possessing unruly orange hair that flares out around his face, becoming redder near the ends above his ears, that he wears messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin, bushy black eyebrows and bright, orange eyes that redden near the pupils, that are slanted inwards and shaped so as to give him a furious appearance but right now the only appearance he had was that of a tired fighter.

Using the third gates for so long did allow him to defeat Akaza but it also destroyed his muscle in bones, they will heal given enough time but that was the drawback of the 8inner gates.

His traditional cloth were ripped and destroyed.

The body of akaza was deteriorating on the floor,

Akaza body was a bloody pulp, it was completely beaten up, the flame that were produced by Shinjuro's body burned Akaza to a crisp.

Even if Akaza wanted to regrow back his head, he couldn't because his head was not the only part of his body that was completely destroyed.

Out of Sheer exhaustion, Shinjuro fell on the floor, completely tired with his body emanating steam, his muscles were having a spasm, he was taking deep breaths in and out.

He was tired mentally in physically he couldn't even move a muscle if he wanted to but he won.

Akaza vs Shinjuro (winner Shinjuro)

Pov Change

"Thunder breathing Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash"

Sandā said as he releases a series of powerful long-ranged attacks that look like lightning striking doma from afar.

"Scattering Lotuses," Doma said as he swings his fans creating a blizzard of long-ranged razor-sharp ice shards shaped like lotus petals.

Their attack clashed but Doma was overpowering Sandā attacks.

" don't break so easily, I'm just getting started~," Doma said with a smile.

Sandā was very hurt, steam was coming out of his body.

"Trust me I'm not done yet, you sociopathic bastard," Sandā said with sweats coming out of his body.

He was breathing heavily in the bad part about this is that the sociopathic bastard is probably not going all out when he is giving his all.

"Wintry Icicle," Doma said as he spawns numerous icicles to impale Sandā.

"Thunder breathing Third Form: Thunder Swarm" Sandā as he makes several sword slashes that mimic lightning that he uses to defend himself from the icicle.

Sandā was able to destroy most of the icicles but not all of them, as some of them didn't get destroyed and instead impaled him.

The ice was trying to spread but because Sandā was currently using the third gate most of the ice melted.

"Oh my, you can resist my ice~," Doma said with a surprised look on his face(fake)

"Let's see how much can you resist my ice," Doma said with excitement(fake)

"Thunder breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash trying to decapitate Doma.

"Freezing Clouds," Doma said as he creates a large wave of cold wind and uses his fans to scatter them.

Sandā rushed at Doma with everything he got but Doma weirdly just decided to jump back.

Sandā got away from the cold wind but not unscathed, his left eye was frozen completely,

His vision was reduced greatly.

Sandā was in a lot of pain but this didn't stop him from continuing to rush at Doma."Cold White Princesses" Doma said as he creates the upper body of two female humanoid figures at the end of lotuses using ice with the ability to blow icy air toward Sandā.

The wind generated by the attack was cold enough to instantly freeze everything around including Sandā.

"Oh, I expected you to last much longer," Doma said with disappointment in his voice.(fake)

Doma approached the frozen status of Sandā pushing it, The Frozen status fall over in shatter into a million pieces on the floor.

"You really thought you had a chance this is so sad," Doma said with tears streaming down his face (at this point you know the drill)

Sandā vs Doma (Doma win)

When Doma looks around he sees that each upper moon we're fighting there respective Hashira,

But then he saw Akaza losing to the flame pillar.

Doma rushed in the direction of Shinjuro.

Pov change

"Water Prison Pot," Gykko said as he creates a vase structure made out of water that trapped Mizu inside of it.

Mizu couldn't use any of his breathing styles while stuck on this water structure.

His lung will be full with water if he even tries to breathe in,

"Aren't you going to use one of your fancy breathing styles to defeat me?" Gyokko said in a mocking tone

"Thousand Needle Fish Kill" Gyokko said as he summons floating fish demons from his pots which spit out a barrage of poisonous needles. The poison contains paralyzing properties which immobilize Mizu on contact.

Mizu was in a lot of pain but because of the poison he couldn't even move also because of water pot that he was in, the situation was very dire.

Mizu was slowly fading in and out of reality.

"Isn't this ironic a water-breathing Hashira drowning in water?" Gyokko said looking at Mizu slowly dying inside the water pot.

Mizu knowing no matter what happen he was going to die decided to flip off Gyokko as he was dying.

"How dare you flip me off you bastard," Gyokko said pissed off

"I was going to leave your dead body to do a pot but you don't deserve that Ten Thousand Gliding Slime-Fish" Gyokko yelled as he summons a total ten thousand slime-fish from multiple pots to attack Mizu, When Mizu tries to cut these fishes, their severed bodies spread a poisonous liquid before the fish turn to dust.

The fish that they didn't get cut by Mizu ate him leaving nothing but bones.

"If I rush now I may be able to find that kid," Gyokko said rushing toward the direction he saw Kanea run off to.

Mizu vs Gyokko(Gyokko win)

Pov change

"Stone breathing First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar," Gyomei said as he throws both the flail and axe towards Kokoshibu and manipulates the chain by rotating it thus causing the axe and flail to also rotate in order to drill and grind right through

Kokoshibu skin.

"Moon breathing Ninth Form: Waning Moonswath," Kokoshibu said as he creates a stream of long-ranged crescent-shaped vertical and horizontal slashes along with numerous crescent moon blades with the gigantic version of his sword.

The two attack clash sending shockwaves throughout the battlefield inside this seal they were equal in power.(A/N I love Gyomei but if the seals wasn't there he would die against Kokoshibu High to mid diff)

No one was giving an inch to each other in they were fighting with all they have,

This battle was a pretty spectacle to witness but how long with it last?

Will Gyomei be physically strong enough to stay in the fourth gate till sunrise and win or will his body give out giving the victory to Kokoshibu?

Pov Change

Shinjuro body was on the floor completely out of stamina in defenseless against any enemy who would attack it.

"You look very tired~," The voice of someone said to Shinjuro

Shinjuro couldn't even move his body to see who was talking to him.

The person in question walked into Shinjuro's line of sight saying" you killed my best friend so it's only fair that I kill you~"

He was saying all that with a smile on his face.

An idea popped into Doma's head" It would be a waste to kill but since you were strong enough to kill Akaza-dono why not replace him~" Doma said with a smile

Doma cut himself before injecting his blood into Shinjuro's body" I'm sure your son will be happy when he sees you again" Doma said with a smile on his face.

Shinjuro was trying his hardest to resist he didn't want to become a demon no matter what happen he will never become a demon.

His eyes burned with a blazing fire as he temporary open the third gate again pushing Doma away.

"Oh you resisted it but for how long," Doma said before doing a gesture with hand that made Shinjuro fall into his knee before falling onto the floor lifeless.

"What a waste of blood" Doma said with visible disgust on his face

"A shame really no matter how much you resist it you are going to become one," Doma said with a smile on his face

A seal on Shinjuro's appears on Shinjuro's stomach for a second before it disappears completely out of thin air.


A/N I wonder what will happen when Atoru in Kyojuro learns what Doma did?

Also, did I do a good job at writing Doma's sociopathic personality.