New high score

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

I can see stuff ahead of me by at least a kilometer, in unlike before I can clearly see people's organs in muscle structure along with their chakra pathway, it is like my Sharingan merged with the Transparent World.

I could even see a tiny fly flapping his wing 300 meters away from me, I'm guessing that is what I got instead of an ms when I broke down, an upgraded 3tomoe Sharingan.

Now we continue where we left off.

But anyway back to what my purpose here was, to begin with, I look around in search of someone, whose lifeform was changed, more demonic-like, after a bit I found it, and when I look closely at it, I can see that he was about to kill someone in an alleyway, I unsheathed my Nichirin blade from the sheat as I throw it in the direction of the demon, while I infuse my hand with chakra to make it reach there faster.

Pov Change

"Don't worry little one, you will be more when you are a part of me" The demonic figure said

"Get away from me,"Yelled out a very scared and frightened woman.

"You can scream all you want but no one is going to save you,"The demon said licking his lips

The woman looked scared beyond belief, in the demon was enjoying every second of seeing the fear running through her eyes, She looked horrified, and that pleased him seeing that look on her face.

"Enough with the chitchat time for dinner,"the demon said lunging toward the woman, the woman close her eyes accepting her fate.

But nothing came, she didn't feel the pain of her flesh getting devoured by a demon, nor felt that freezing feeling that people get when they are about to die, When she opened her eyes, the demon was nowhere to be seen, in the only thing looking back at her was a young man, that looked way younger than her.

"Are you, alright mam,"The stranger said in a distressed tone.

"Who are you, and where is the demon," I said to the young man

"What are you talking about mam, you passed out randomly and I was worried about your safety," He said, I wanted to say that I was getting attacked by a demon but for some reason, I didn't have any memory of getting attack by a demon, I just remember passing out inside the alleyway.

"I don't know what came over me that I thought I was getting attacked by a demon, but thank you for talking some sense into me," I said apologetically to the young man.

"Don't worry about it mam, everyone has a bad day"He said

"I don't want to take more of your time," I said as I walk away

Pov Change

I watch as the woman left the alleyway, carefully but alive."it's better for her if she thinks she was imagining everything" I mutter under my breath as I watch the woman get out of my line of sight.

I use my illusion ability every time a civilian is involved, to make sure they don't put inside an asylum for saying stuff like demons are real to people nowadays,"Ignorance is bliss" I said looking at the last remnants of the demon body decomposing.(A/N the woman couldn't see the demon body decomposing because of the genjutsu same reason, she didn't mind his skin color.)

"This demon taking care of, where to go next,"I said a bit in a hurry

"Why are in such a rush, cacaow"The crow yelled out,

"Ok trying to kill as many demons as possible in one night," I said explaining my reasons.

"Head northwest from here, there is a demon harassing the town, the demon target especially target human kids," The crow said

I breathed in deeply before I vanished from the alleyway almost instantly.

I reappear on top of the mountain that was overlooking the town.

Time skip

The light of the sun finally illuminated the land of Japan, as a bunch of demons went to get some cover from sunlight,

"I did it, I beat my personal best," A young man with dark hair said

"You killed 40demon in one night, color me impressed," The Kasaigai crow said

"I Could have done better if I didn't stop so much for some snacks," I said

"You called those snacks, you ate more than 5sumo wrestler, and you dare to call that a snack" The crow replied sounding offended

"No feather cleaning," I said

"That was a perfectly reasonable amount of food to eat," The crow said with no shame whatsoever

"That's what I thought" I reply as the crow went back to being obedient

"Atoru Uchiha, Please report back to headquarters." a crow passing by said

"Do they need me 'instanly' or not that urgent?" I said to the crow flying above my head

", Atoru Uchiha please report to the demon slayer headquarter as fast as possible "The crow repeated before going away

I pull out a kunai from my pouch, I pulled a white kunai with a weird paper tag on it, and I infuse some chakra into my kunai, and I instantly disappear from my spot in reappear, in front of Oyakata sama.

I bow to him saying" you summon me, Kagaya-Sama, how can I be of assistance"

"I'm sorry if I bother you by summoning you here," He said in a soft voice

"Don't worry about it Kagaya-Sama, you didn't bother me at all," I said politely

"You are here early so why not wait for your other fellow pillar" He said in a soothing voice.

I nodded before I sat down and waited for the other pillar to show up, so that i know why I have been summoned.

A/N the reason I keep saying his voice is smooth for Kagaya is that, it is how his voice is described, a soothing voice that can put others at ease. but I think they will be a bunch of short-time skips until The mc reaches 15.