A familiar figure

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I bow to him saying" you summon me, Kagaya-Sama, how can I be of assistance"

"I'm sorry if I bother you by summoning you here," He said in a soft voice

"Don't worry about it Kagaya-Sama, you didn't bother me at all," I said politely

"You are here early so why not wait for your other fellow pillar" He said in a soothing voice.

I nodded before I sat down and waited for the other pillar to show up, so that i know why I have been summoned.

Now we continue where we left off

I feel like I sat down for a while before I saw 3 people sliding the door open to get in.

There were 3 familiar figure getting inside in coming toward my direction,when they got closer I noticed that they was 2men in one woman.

They seemed familiar,one of them was a hulking figure among compare to the other two. He was incredibly tall. He was powerfully built and extremely muscular. He had spiky black hair and a prominent scar running horizontally across his forehead. he had white eyes with no visible irises or pupils.I made the realization that it was Gyomei so the other two were Kanea and Tengen.

Gyomei wore a black and white uniform typical of a Demon Slayer, with bandages over his shins resembling kyahan and white zōri with an olive green happi draped over his shoulders. The collared frame of the happi contains the kanji for the Japanese Nianfo/Shin Buddha chant (Namu Amida Butsu?) from the top-down, along with the separate kanji all over cloth at the back. He also sports a large-beaded necklace around his neck and carries just when he is not fighting demons, which means he has it on right (A/N he is 21 right now)

Kanea was the second one to enter, if I had to describe how she looks like right now, it would probably be that she has a slender build, much like her younger sister Shinobi, She was rather tall for her age(A/N she currently 15year old)and had notably red lips in contrast to her pale complexion. She had long, straight, black hair that reached just below her waist, worn down with two shorter clumps over her shoulders, and arched, ear-length bangs on either side of her face. Her eyes were a pale violet and slanted towards the sides of her face, bright and bug-like, with many notable white sparkles reflecting light off of them.

She wore a purple-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, as well as a piece of black fabric around her calves and zōri with pale straps. She also sported a pair of green and pink butterfly hairpins that she wore adorned on either side of her head, She also wore the white butterfly-patterned haori that fades to mint green then pink toward the cuff and hem.

Tengen followed right after in he wasn't wearing his usual ninja clothes that he has on most of the time, Instead today he seem to have change that now he wore a sleeveless and dark turquoise version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, along with a wrap of burgundy cloth around his calves with his tattsuke-bakama pants tuck in, and white-strapped Zōri. He also wears two thick, golden rings around his upper arms and what appear to be a pair of finger-less blue gloves, secured around his middle finger with a band of white and his wrists with another set of thinner gold rings, this time with two on each side. As well as this, he sports a white head-wrap that covers his hair, leaving only a thin ponytail visible to fall behind his head from between its layers, which is adorned with a large headband of pale gray that's decorated by six light pink gemstones, three large and arranged in a line, and three small and arranged in a triangle to the far left. A chain of smaller, pale blue gemstones hangs from each side of this headdress, framing his face, and he also wears what looks to be red eye make-up around his left eye, consisting of alternating large and small dots that run inwards, towards his eye.(A/N He is currently 17)

The sun that was hitting the diamond caused the reflection to hit me in the eyes, When they noticed me they seem to lighten up, Tengen had a smile on his face as he saw me, his teeth was clean enough to radiant the sunlight to my eyes again, I swear he is doing this on purpose.

And because of that, I had to keep closing my eyes over and over again trying to stop the reflection of the sunlight from getting into my eyes.

Kanea looked amused and Gyomei seem like he could 'see' me, I'm saying more like he can recognize my presence.

everyone then sat down in Seiza position which is just the way that Japanese people sit down, basically your legs folded underneath your body, the tops of your feet on the floor, and the buttocks resting on the heels.

It is a good way to sit, I didn't like sitting that way for a while because I wasn't used to it before Shinobu taught me the benefit of sitting like that, it helps in maintaining proper vertebral alignment, aiding and even preventing back pain. Additionally, sitting in an upright position helps improve blood circulation, a vital part of the general muscle, bone, and organ health.

One thing that people seem to forget when you are dating a nurse is they are very protective of your health and want you to stay alive as long as possible considering the risk the job of being a demon slayer entails, Let's just say even if I eat a lot my diet is balanced. Not that I'm complaining

"Now that all of you are here we may start," Kagaya said in a soft voice

Every single one of the Hashira noticed that the purple mark that usually was over Oyakata's face, was smaller than you usual, and he seem healthier than usual.

"Oyakata sama did you find a cure to your disease," Tengen asked curiously

"Thank you for asking Tengen, I am getting better by the day thanks to the help of Atoru healing."Oyakata sama said

"But I didn't call you here today for that," He said softly before continuing" I want you guys to welcome the new wind Hashira" Oyakata sama said

When he said that I realized this whole time, that there was someone else in the room, I couldn't see them before because of Tengen Shining gems were blinding my eyes.

He was tall and muscular man with spiky long white hair and large pale purple eyes. His face and body were covered with scars, that I'm guessing were accrued over his many years of fighting demons.

He had a crazed look on his face, he looked like somebody who was on crack not going to lie.

He wore a green-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, unbuttoned to expose his chest and abs with a white long sleeved shirt over it with the kanji for kill etched on the back, white buckles around his shins and tabi socks with a pair of white zōri with green straps.

1.2k words

A/N Sanemi abrasive, hot-blooded, rash, and stubborn, often times impulsive and quick to lash out. And if we had his hunger for battle, this is gonna be fun to write.