
Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

it looked like a normal piece of paper with weird marks all over it, I put my hand on the seal before infusing some chakra into it, a huge white smoke filled the room before it eventually vanish and when it did, they was a stack of food just laying there, the food range from sweet, dessert, Japanese food all the way up to some modern food that I can make.

I didn't wait that long after the food appear before I started to eat it, the food that could feed a whole family for a month was reduced to nothing in less than 30 minutes.

After I finished ravaging the food, I remember that Rengoku's birthday is getting closer as the days pass and I still have nothing in mind.

'Wait,rengoku love watching sumo matches so why not get some tickets and watch a match with him ' i thought before thinking of a way to make my idea even better.

Now we continue where we left off

I went to bed with the only thing in my mind being how to find the best possible sumo match to watch with Rengoku, "Im his sibling so why do I keep calling him by his family name"I mutter to myself while letting my head hit the pillow. It was as soft as I left it, and because it was a bit cold today both sides of the pillow were cold, they were not warm.'I should make a seal so that the side of the pillow stays cold'I thought before drifting off to dreamland.

I woke up the next day feeling invigorated to start my day and find a present for my brother's birthday, I slowly got out of bed feeling heavy, I finally manage to get out of my comfortable bed without falling back on it for more sleep, I decided to do some light exercise to get the blood, pumping and flowing mainly through push up and jumping jacks, after doing that for a solid 30 minute I decided to stop and started to stretch my body, after stretching for a while most likely 10minute or so,i think because I have no way to exactly know how long I do the exercise for, apart from counting it in my head and I think that 600seconds is 10 minutes if my math checks out, after all that stretching my muscle started to relax and so I decided to take care of my daily need, like brushing my teeths and taking a shower, I washed my hair , and because I had time i also washed my blood-stained white shirt.

After i was done with all that,i put on some casual clothes on, there was no big difference between my normal clothes and the clothes that i wear to go hunt demon,the only thing that is added is for my demon slayer outfit is my sheet and some protection around my waist and that about it.

When i was ready,i open the door of the bathroom and walked out,the only thing i had in mind was how to find some tickets for a sumo wrestling match and if possible find a way to participate in it without using my gentjutsu just talking.{A/N Rengoku would mostlikely not accept the present if he found out the people were in a gentjutsu}

I walked outside the butterfly mansion and just continued walking,i walk into the nearest village and tried to sense anything at all,and i felt no particularly strong energy,everyone energy were at average level for a human being,which was a bit troublesome for me because im trying to find somewhere that actually have a sumo wrestler,

that didnt matter because i didn't care,so i just went inside the village and started to ask mostly everyone where i could buy some tickets and no one inside this village knew anything about it,I was perplexed because even with the westernization of japan sumo was still a very popular sport in japan,if i remember correctly it was still popular back on earth when i died.

I thanked everyone for there time before walking out of the village and going into the next one,This time i ran because i wanted to cover more villages for today,i saw the next village and so i slowed down and started to walk,when i got close to the village i saw a old man plowing his field while some kids were playing inside a circle,they were trying to push each or try out to make the other other fall out of the circle,and this gave me some hope,because this look almost identical to how Rengoku describe it,

So i walked up to the old man and asked"Excuse me sir,can i please get a moment of your time,it wont be long",The old man stopped plowing and looked up at me,i could see that he was conver in sweat,and that he was exhausted,but from what i saw from the field he is not even close to finishing.

He opened his mouth and said in a very old and dry voice"How may i help you,young man"

"I wanted to known,if you knew where i could buy some tickets for a sumo wrestling competition"I said.

"There is a place that you can buy them"He said before pausing to cath his breath,'How thirsty is this man'i though.

I waited with patience for him to continue and after 5 seconds or so he said"They are in the middle of the village just walk straight from here,you wont missed",his voice seem to get dryier as he speak so i just politely said thank you and walking away.

I walked away from the old man and the kids and walked toward the town following the instruction i was given which was pretty clear,follow a straight line is pretty hard to mess up ,After walking for a while i eventually found the person selling the ticket.

I walked toward him before greeting him"Good morning sir'"

"Good morning to you two,can i please get a reason on why you visiting"He reply nicely

"I wanted to buy some tickets for the next sumo match,how much would that be"i asked

"That would be about 10000 yen"He replied pretty quickly

"What about with a practice session ticket"I asked curiously

"Then that would be around 15000 yen,is there anything else you would like to add"He said writing something down

i though for a bit thinking about Rengoku personality,if he would like to sit on the floor or would he like to sit on a bench.

"I would like one ticket for me and one for the person im coming with,and i would like to not have any one in front of me"I said after thinking for a while

"Ok,then your total would be 40000 yen,is there anything else you would like"He said looking at me.

"No,that is all"I replied taking out the 40000 yen out of my wallet and giving it to him,he gave me the tickets,i took the tickets from his hands before politely leaving and walking toward the butterfly mansion to see if the twins are awake,if there are not awake im going back to the Uchiha mansion,there is something that i must do.

A/N Im doing some research on how a sumo fight go so hopefully i can write it well.