
Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"What about with a practice session ticket"I asked curiously

"Then that would be around 15000 yen,is there anything else you would like to add"He said writing something down

i though for a bit thinking about Rengoku personality,if he would like to sit on the floor or would he like to sit on a bench.

"I would like one ticket for me and one for the person I'm coming with,and i would like not to have any one in front of me"I said after thinking for a while

"Ok,then your total would be 40000 yen,is there anything else you would like"He said looking at me.

"No,that is all"I replied taking out the 40000 yen out of my wallet and giving it to him,he gave me the tickets,i took the tickets from his hands before politely leaving and walking toward the butterfly mansion to see if the twins are awake,if there are not awake im going back to the Uchiha mansion,there is something that iI must do.

Now we continue where we left off

I walked toward the butterfly mansion at a steady pace and did not go any faster or any slower than that speed. I did that just because I wanted to think about my way back, and considered how far away this village is from the mansion.I have plenty of time.

"So, I know that Muzan killed every single Uchiha except me, but how did he do it, if there were an Uchiha with flying Rajin and all the things they left down for me, there is absolutely no way that he stood a chance, I'm not even 18 yet and I'm already stronger than all the moon" I muttered to myself

'Something here is not adding up, it's either that I'm an anomaly and I'm growing faster than a normal Uchiha would, or muzan caught them when they were at their weakest' i thought.

I was genuinely trying to find a good reason on why muzan would kill the Uchiha clan after 800 years of doing nothing, 'even if I don't remember much from the show, I still remember Muzan personality. He isn't the kind of person to risk his own life over nothing, as a matter of fact, he acts cocky to anything weaker than him, and act cowardly to anything stronger than him. I can't think of anything the Uchiha have that he would wa...' I suddenly thought of something terrifying, if this turned out to be true then he would be hundreds, if not thousands of times stronger than his original self.

"I need a way to verify this theory," I said before suddenly rushing toward the demon slayers headquarters, I was going to ask Kagaya something."I hope what I'm thinking of is just a theory and not truly real, because if it is, this will be terrifying to face."I muttered out-loud


I arrived at the demon slayer headquarters nearly instantly, I decided to politely knock on the door,after waiting for what felt like an eternity for me but was actually a few seconds. The door slowly slid open as I saw the face of the head of the demon slayer. Kagaya Ubuyashiki, he had a slight purple mark over his right eye but the mark was too small to make any big difference, Kagaya looked at me with a gentle smile but when he noticed my worried face, he said in a soft and careful voice "What did make you so concerned my child?"

"Kagaya-sama, May I please ask you for something? "I said with a bit of worry in my voice

"Go ahead my child" He replied in a soft and caring voice

"When muzan killed the Uchiha clan, did he leave any bodies,?" I said getting anxious

"Yes, he did, and from your worried face I can tell that you want to know where they buried right,"He said with a soft voice that for some reason was calming me down

"Yes, I would appreciate it if you do," I said less worried but still very anxious

"They are buried inside a mountain near the demon slayer cemetery, but you would need a key to enter, "He said softly

"Why does it have a key?," I said a bit curious

"We don't want the king of demons to absorb the Uchiha," He said softly while handing me a key

"Here is the key, When you arrive at the cemetery go straight, you will find a cave go inside, and then you will see the door, use the key to open it," He said softly

"Thank you, "I said bowing gratefully

"You welcome, now go find what you were looking for, "He said softly

I nodded before disappearing from the demon slayer headquarters,

I appeared inside the demon slayer cemetery and walked in a straight line, the more I walked the more the feeling that something bad was going to happen was growing inside my heart. I saw the tombs and graves of all the fallen demon slayers that the demon slayer corps could retrieve. The cemetery stretches for miles on end but I was not here to look at those gravestones.

I walked in a straight line until I found the cave. I followed the instruction and walked inside and after 5 minutes of aimlessly walking around, I saw it, it was a wall. It looked like a dead end but I just continue to walk toward it, until I was just in front of it, I then my hand on the wall, and I felt a door.

I took out the key from my pocket and shove it into the door, which caused it to open, I didn't even know if I did it correctly, all I knew was that the door was open, so I walked inside, I was blinded by the light for a few seconds before my eyes adjusted to it.

I saw what i came here for and checked...


A/N I wonder what got the mc so worked up, what could Muzan possibly do against someone as strong as Atoru I wonder...