Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I'm going to admit that you surprise me during this spar, but if this is your full power then you don't stand a chance against me, "I said looking at him, with a grin on my face.

"This is not everything that I can do,i had hoped that this would push you a bit but i guess its about time i take this seriously,"Kyojuro said as his green aura started to turn red and his skin started to turn red,as a bunch of Veins started to appear on his face.

I could sense the amount of power that he was emitting was strong and i could tell he couldn't maintain this level of power for too long, 'I'm just glad that i had placed a barrier seal, or else this whole place would have disappeared from the face of the earth.' I though

I smile before i made the ram hand sign, creating 50 copies of myself.

"This is going to be fun, "I said with a grin on my face

Now we continue where we left off

I blinked and Rengoku was already in front of me,he ignored every single one of the clones and rushed toward me.I blocked his sword with my own, but i noticed some cracks appearing on my sword, He was about to launch another sword strike but before the strike landed he felt something on his chest, Which caused him to look down to see a beautiful blue rotating ball on his chest.

I then made a hand sign as i disappear from my spot and appear above him, Slamming another blu ball but this time on his back.I heard the sound of my barrier breaking and because of that, I undid the Rasengan and touched Rengoku on his back, and teleported somewhere nearby.

Pov Change.

Somewhere inside the peaceful forest that was surrounding the Rengoku compound, two people suddenly appear out of thin air.

"Now that we are far away from the compound,you can go all out without worrying about hurting Senjuro"I said looking at the fiery demon that was standing a couple of feet away from me.

He breathed out and i saw actual flames get out of his mouth,His muscle Looked tensed but he got into his stance before he rush at me,at inhuman level of speed.

The speed that he was showcasing to me was league above anyone that i had fought or trained with but this time,i was expecting this huge burst of strenght.

He swung his sword toward my neck but i blocked it using my sword,The sound of explosion happening everywhere in the forest was heard,Animal were running away from the noice and even predator were running away from the explosion.

It was happening so fast all throughout the forest,whatever was fighting in there was fast.

Kyojuro try to attack me again but before he reached me,he got hit by something that he couldn't see.

But he could hear his brother voice saying"I did some change to my rasengan,i hope you don't mind"

"I would of been disappointed if you held back against me."Kyojuro said getting into a stance.

"This move will be my last move"Kyojuro said as he assumes a high stance.

Kyojuro could feel his muscle tearing from the stress off using those two techniques at the exact same time,but he bore through the pain and gritted his teeth.

He would show his little brother that he hadn't been slacking during all those years,he is going to show his brother the fruit of his labor.The power of flame breathing.

"Flame breathing Ninth Form: Rengoku "Kyojuro said as a crater that was half the size of a football field in length appear around him,the crater was about 10 feet deep,and Kyojuro aura was bursting with energy,The power emanating from his body was like a beacon of light.

Atoru saw that his brother was going all out,so he decided to grant his brother his wish,a blue aura bust out of Atoru body as his pupil disappear and vein appear on his forehead.A huge amount of chakra was getting release from Atoru body as the shadow clone that he made earlier appeared next to him, They were also inside this mode that Atoru was in.

Atoru was unconsciously sending more chakra toward his eyes causing his 3 tomoe Sharingan to spin around like crazy.

The seal that Atoru had place on his arm finally activated for the first time since Atoru placed it there,as soon as the seal open Atoru felt a surge of power rushing to his body.But unlike Rengoku,Atoru aura didnt leak out as much it was as if it was getting contained.

"Sun breathing Ninth Form: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance "Atoru said as he was ready for whatever Rengoku would throw at him.

Rengoku performed an extremely high-speed dash towards me as he unleashing a singular, devastating slash. The technique was powerful enough to completely carve out the ground in its wake.

When he was halfway through the distance between me and him,i unleashed a continuous a fast and powerful sword attack that took the form of a flaming sun dragon.

I arrived in front of him instantly and he seem not to expect such level of speed from me but i clashed against him and it was like slicing a butter with a hot knife because as soon as we clashed my wooden sword broke his sword and the hit that i landed on him knocked him out.

He passed out with a smile on his face,I look at his unconscious state before i turned off everything that i had turn on.And when i did that,my muscle were having a spasm.

"That to be expected,that the first time they experience such a high level of power"I said noticing how i was trembling and shaking.

And because my sharingan was still on i could see that i tear a lot of my muscle tissue."The seven gate was probably overkill but i didnt want to hold back and lied to him"I said feeling the small stress my body was feeling.

I look around at all the destruction that we made before i sighed, 'I'm going to have to fix this.'i though before I looked at my remaining clones and we got to work.


Rengoku woke after being unconscious for 3 hours, He looked around and saw that the destruction that was caused by his fight with his brother was nowhere in sight, apart from a lack of trees everything else was back to normal.

Rengoku then thought of the fight that he had with his brother and that put a smile on his face, as he finally got to see his brother going all out, even if he wasn't anywhere near his brother's level, he was happy he didn't mind and his brother was stronger than him, to him it just meant that he has someone that he can spar with to get better.

A/N This chapter should give you a brought estimate on where he stands in terms of power. Keep in mind in terms of swordsmanship he was going all out but in terms of jutsu, he wasn't going all out in fear he would kill his brother