The gap widen

Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I look around at all the destruction that we made before i sighed, 'I'm going to have to fix this.'i though before I looked at my remaining clones and we got to work.


Rengoku woke after being unconscious for 3 hours,He looked around and saw that the destruction that was caused by his fight with his brother was nowhere in sight,apart from a lack of trees everything else was back to normal.

Rengoku then thought of the fight that he had with his brother and that put a smile on his face,as he finally got to see his brother going all out,even if he wasn't anywhere near his brother level,he was happy he didnt mind and his brother was stronger than him, to him it just meant that he has someone that he can spar with to get better.

Now we continue where we left off

"Rengoku are you alright"I said after noticing that he was awake.

"Im alright so no need for you to worry, "Rengoku said with a smile but he showed a pain expression when he try to stand up.

"Sorry about that,i might have broken most of your bones,"I said scratching the back of my head.

"That just means, I wasn't careful enough,it has nothing to do with you"Rengoku replied

"Let me heal you,"I said approaching him.

"I would appreciate it if you"Rengoku said

I walked toward Rengoku and when i got close enough to him,i put my hands over his abdomen and a green glow appeared on my hand.

His bruised body started to heal at a visible pace,"Atoru during our fight,i noticed something"Rengoku said as Atoru was healing him.

Atoru looked at Rengoku with a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean by that, "I said looking at Rengoku very confused

"Your eyes didn't look normal during the fight, The tomoe inside of them were spinning, "Rengoku said

"Oh, that i was sending chakra into my eyes so that's probably why it was spinning so fast, "I said explaining how my tomoe spin the more chakra I sent into it.

"You are probably right, "Rengoku said remembering what he saw in that split second, how his eyes didn't look like 3 tomoe spinning for a second but that probably was the effect of him using the gate and heavenly breath at the same time.

"Ok you are now fully healed,"I said looking at Rengoku's healed-up body, I'm going to admit that his clothes still looked thorn apart and destroyed but at least he was healed.

"You might need to change, "I said

He slowly got up and said"I feel completely fine, so your healing ability has improved a lot"

"Yeah,it can heal wounds pretty easily, but enough about me, how did you manage to pull that off"I said thinking about how Rengoku found a way to mix the gates and the heavenly breath technique together.

"It's not perfect, even if it gives me a great boost in power,i can only maintain for about 5 minutes before my body give out on me,pushing it further would probably have caused me to pass out for at least a few months at best and cripple me at worst," Rengoku said

"And you risk it all in the beginning,also why didn't you go all out from the beginning this amount of power would have made me surprised for a bit and you could use that to win, "I said a bit confused

"That would have been a cheap victory and i don't want that"Rengoku said almost immediately

"How are you not an Hashira yet, with the level of strength you are above any other demon slayer,"I said a bit surprised that he was still a Kinoe.

"I didn't kill a moon or even yet killed that many demons, so i currently don't deserve to be a pillar,"He said

"Bullshit, you will even give Sanemi a good run for his money, "I said looking at him

"Strenght is not everything,"Rengoku said

"You need strength to kill demons and you have that, you are a pretty good leader, and most of all you have a kind heart if that aren't enough for you to become a pillar then i don't know what else will suffice, "I said looking at the fiery hair teenager in front of me.

"Thank you, "Rengoku said looking at me with sincere eyes.

"Anytime"I replied feeling happy that i had at least lifted up his mood

"Let go back home, I'm sure Senjuro is worried sick about us now,"i said

Rengoku nodded before we both disappear from the forest and appear in the Rengoku compound.

Rengoku looked taken it back at his sudden change of scenery, looked at me and said"Didnt you need to have Physical contact with me for this technique to work"

"yes that is how the technique work"I replied

"Then how did we go from the forest to the house without me seeing you move"He said

"Well i did have contact with you when i teleported you"I said walking away as something in his pocket poofed out of existence.

He seem to realize what happened before a smile appeared on his face."You never stop amazing me Atoru"He said

"But when exactly did you have time to put it there"Rengoku asked confused

"Well you see,I made a small shadow clone and all i had to do was just have contact with you once to place it, and i got the chance when i teleported us away,so if I wanted i could have made him use a jutsu but that would be unfair and feel like a cheap win, so instead I met you head on in a clash with everything i had to offer, "I said

"This confirms it, No matter how much i tried,i would never reach your level even if you work half as hard,but this is not going to stop me from trying, Atoru you better not slack off or i will catch you to you and show you why I'm the older brother,"Rengoku said with passion in his voice, for a second there i think i saw a dude with a green jumpsuit in a bowl cut behind Rengoku but I'm probably dreaming.

"You can try"I responded

A/N 100chapter i never taught i would Reach this milestone but here we are