That is expensive

Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

'Who does he think he is to look at me with that face,He should feel honored he even get to look at me'I said proud of my look

"Is it or those it smell like fish in here,or that coming from you"He replied nonchantly.

'How dare he look down on me like that,how dare he disrespect me'I thought

"Im going to kill you,you little shit"I said with venom in my voice,i rush at him aiming to kill this little shit in front of his brother,i will kill everything he hold dear and then maybe i will feel accomplish.

When i got close to him,i swear i saw him smile,all i heard him was"You fell for it"before my vision went dark

Now we continue where we left off

Pov Change Atoru

"I hope i didn't spend too much time in here"I mutter as the dimension-like space that she trapped me in, was shattering into pieces.

"I hope to never meet another lustful demon ever again"I mutter as I appeared where I was before she teleported me in there.

Senjuro was still looking around the shop for some Haori for Rengoku so he didn't notice me disappearing behind him,

I could feel the demonic energy leaving the store which meant that this shop was probably one of the places she use to lure people in.

I was thinking about how the demon problem was now done and accomplished when I was taken out of my thought by 3 demonic chakras coming toward my direction and from the feeling they were giving me.

They were not happy one bit,it seemed as if they could feel that one of them had died, which is weird because demons usually don't care about other demon death, even if the other was their partner.

But those demonic chakra' chakra that I'm feeling are very mad, so either they can feel she got murked or they are hungry and are ready to hunt, either way, I'm going to get involved one way or another.

"Oni-san, I found what i want to give Kjujuro for his birthday"I heard Senjuro's voice say behind me.

I turn around to see what got his attention so fast,i look at him and saw that he was holding something, so i remove my attention from him and focused on what he was holding, It was a black Haorie with a bunch of flame design on it and the lower down you look, the bigger the flame, the fire also started to change color the farther down you go, from a red color to a blu one.

The inside of the haori was pure white, it looked like it was made out of good material, it probably would last him long but just to be safe, i might put a seal on there just so it last longer.

"So, what do you think," Senjuro said looking at me and waiting to see what I thought of what he picked.

"It looks great Senjuro, you have great taste" I replied honestly

He smiled before he folded the haori and walked toward where we are going to pay, I followed after him because I'm the one paying,i reached the counter pretty quickly considering this was a pretty small shop.

Senjuro put down the haori on the counter while I asked"How much is it"

"1,500 yen," the person behind the counter said

'Holy hell this is expensive,haori usually don't cause that much, they are usually cheaper, so it's either this one is very expensive or one of its kind, or I'm getting scammed, either way, I'm losing money' I though as i looked at the man with a look on my face that says, how the fuck is this so expensive.

"My good sir, i understand that you may think this is overpriced, but this Haori was made using material from the west, it is one of its kind"The man responded

"But if you don't want to buy it, guess this young man will not get the clothes that he chose, do you really want to take that away from him, "The man said looking at Senjuro

'Is this man really going this far, come on"I thought as i realize what he was doing.

"Fine,"I said as i shove my hand in my pocket,i removed my wallet from my pocket before i take out the exact amount of money needed to buy the clothes without looking at it,

Some perk of being a seal master is that you can practically make anything with a seal as long as you have the skill and are creative enough to make it.

He took the money and counted it, to make sure it wasn't missing anything, he even put the money near a light source,' Those this man thinks the money is fake' I thought looking at the man.

"Thank you for doing business with me,i hope to see you again,"He said with a smile after he counted the money.

"Let's go Senjuro, we need to get back home before it is your bed time," I said looking at the flame-haired kid.

"Coming," He said following me.

I walked with Senjuro but because this is his first time out, even if i wanted to leave,i stayed with him looking at the beautiful night sky while eating different food, but at some point, i noticed that he fell asleep.

I look over at the sleeping figure of Senjuro and he looked adorable,i didn't want him to wake up,so i slowly put him on my back and put a lot of effort to make sure it was comfortable for him, it didn't take me long because I have experience in giving piggyback.

A/N is it a dick move from me to make demons attack him while he is trying to make his brother have the best time possible, Yes, But now when he fights he will be limited forcing him to use his brain.