Mission not wake up my brother

Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"Thank you for doing business with me,i hope to see you again,"He said with a smile after he counted the money.

"Let's go Senjuro, we need to get back home before it is your bedtime," I said looking at the flame-haired kid.

"Coming," He said following me.

I walked with Senjuro but because this is his first time out, even if i wanted to leave,i stayed with him looking at the beautiful night sky while eating different food, but at some point, i noticed that he fell asleep.

I look over at the sleeping figure of Senjuro and he looked adorable,i didn't want him to wake up,so i slowly put him on my back and put a lot of effort to make sure it was comfortable for him, it didn't take me long because I have experience in giving piggyback.

Now we continue where we left off

While his hands were around my neck,i used my two free hands to hold him still before i started to walk back home, my attention never left those demonic presences, I only hope that dint don't come for me and they just kill themself, that would be great.

I walked a bit longer with Senjuro on my back and me just admiring the stars while walking,I reached the edge of the town after a bit of walking and headed toward the direction of the rengoku household where i can put him to bed.

"It took us around 2 hours to get here,i can make it back before midnight"i mutter before i speed up just a little bit.

"Just you wait....one..day..i..will..be..better than you"I heard Senjuro mutter in his sleep.

I tilted my head to the left as a projectile the size of a needle miss my face by an inch, it was so small that you wouldn't even notice it being thrown at you, the needle landed on a tree trunk and went 4 inches deep before stopping.

If this needle could go into a tree trunk so deep, the damage it would have done to the human skin is a lot worse than what it did to the tree,i acted like i didn't know anything and continued on my merry way,i was not stopping for anyone.

A bunch of needles kept coming at me, with most of them having a paralyzing effect ,i dodged them all and made it all look like it was pure luck, i continue to walk back home as if nothing was happening to me.


After 15minutes or so 3 things dropped down in front of me at a very slow speed, they were moving so slow that i would be able to take a nap and wake up before they even reach where they were going, they were probably not slow but to me, they look like a snail while I'm a cheetah.

"Just drop dead and make this easier for us"One of them said looking at me.

I looked at it before saying"Can you please move you are blocking my way"

That seemed to hit a nerve but unlike normal demons, they just rushed at me with the intent to kill in their eyes,it seemed like they don't like to get disrespected.

To bad for them, they choose me as the food and I'm not really in the mood for this, but considering Senjuro is on my back right now and too many fast movements will wake him up,i wanted to end this as quickly and as silently as i could,i was about to take out my blade and slash there neck, when i realize i was using both of my hands to hold Senjuro.

I sighed deeply disappointed in myself before I tilted my head to the left and counter-attacking by punching the demon somewhere on his neck, the hit sent him flying but for some reason, a weird purple-ish liquid was leaking from something that was in my fist.

I was holding Senjuro up using one hand, while i use the other hand to absolutely demolish those demons without moving that much,the only weird thing was the fact that i hade a weird purple liquid leaking out of my hand,each time a strike land,and the more successful the hit was,the slower the demon that was hit got.

A/N My PC charger not working,my phone is a mess,meaning i would probably post less than 5 time a week until it fixed