Senjuro sleeping

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I wanted to end this as quickly and as silently as I could, I was about to take out my blade and slash their neck, when I realize I was using both of my hands to hold Senjuro.

I sighed deeply disappointed in myself before I tilted my head to the left and counter-attacking by punching the demon somewhere on his neck, the hit sent him flying but for some reason, a weird purple-ish liquid was leaking from something that was in my fist.

I was holding Senjuro up using one hand, while I use the other hand to absolutely demolish those demons without moving that much, the only weird thing was the fact that I had a weird purple liquid leaking out of my hand, each time a striking land, and the more successful the hit was, the slower the demon that was hit got.

Now we continue where we left off

I tilted my head to the side dodging a needle that was thrown at me, as soon as the needle passed by my head, it exploded making a lot of noise and releasing some sort of gas in the air, they probably expect me to breathe the gas in, and then it's game over.

But I was worried about something else, the huge noise that the explosion created made Senjuro sleeping face disturbed, he look like he was going to wake up.

But hopefully, he didn't and continued sleeping but if they launch more of those attacks they will eventually hit him and that is not very good.

Suddenly the demon's skin started to grow some weird purple color vein, his healing was slower and his face look like he was in pain.

"Arghhh, what did you do to me"He screamed out, while I felt Senjuro was waking up on my back due to the noise.

"It's poison, you currently have more than 10 times the normal dose needed to kill a demon," I said looking at him

The other two demons following in his footstep also fell on the floor in agonizing pain, it was as if somebody put the sun inside their veins, they all started to scream in agony but because I felt Senjuro body jerk a bit on my back and that he was going to wake up any second now, I removed my sword from the sheet, using the only hand

I had available and cut all three of the demon's necks before they noticed anything.

They realize that they weren't feeling any pain in their body like they felt like just a second ago, but they couldn't also feel their bodies.

They realize too late, they were about to die but instead of cursing me, they looked at me and smiled, they all laughed but before they vanish all three of them said something in sync

"You better count your days....."

They didn't get to finish their sentence because their bodies completely disappear, but I could roughly guess what they were trying to say.

"Probably something along the line of you better count your day Atoru, because master won't make the same mistake twice and this time he will come to you personally, "I said in a low voice before I walked away

The only good thing I gained from all this, is that Shinobu poison is a bit weaker than I thought, I know for a fact I injected more than 10 times the lethal amount of poison but those demons didn't get affected that much.

Matter how fact, what I saw the poison do is just weakened the demon enough so that the next dose could kill it, but the effects were heavily suppressed until the demon got weaker, and then boom, it started taking effect.

So that's what she was trying to do with her poison huh, a slow-acting poison that demons will underestimate, and think it had no effect.

Making them cocky and thinking that the human's last hope didn't work and when they least expected it boom, they are now dying.

'Smart girl ' I thought while walking toward the Rengoku household

Thankfully there were no other demons in my path during the way

It would have been very repetitive if I had to fight another demon on my way back, I know I could just teleport back home but we are not that far away from the manor, and walking once in a while can go a long way.

The human body was designed for movement, and I also tried to not be too reliant on my techniques, especially the flying rajin because if I keep using it like no tomorrow, I may get lazy.

I heard a light snoring behind me, I checked to see if it was just Senjuro that had just fallen into a deep slumber, I'm guessing because of the lack of noise, he finally reached that deep slumber.

Now you would need a very big sound to wake him up, I could even fight with some demons with him on my back and he wouldn't wake up unless my back get hit or a loud explosion was created in front of me.

Time skip

After walking for a good hour and a half, the Rengoku household was within viewing distance, the only thing left was for me to walk there.

"Almost there"I mutter before I continued toward the house, I could tree jump the rest of the way there but I started by walking so I will finish by walking.

After 3 minutes

I finally reached the front of the gate and walked in, I walked toward Senjuro's room, I had to walk for a bit before reached a door that I slide open and walked in, using one of my free hands while I use my other hand to hold him on my back. I walked to his futon and slowly and peacefully place him on it, tucking him in.

A/N that should show his relationship with his little brother.