
Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I checked his pulse and it was the fine everything was normal, 'he truly did pass out because of over-exhaustion. ' I thought to myself looking at his sleeping figure.

After making sure he was fine, I walked outside the room, I had a very bad headache and I was very nauseous.

I try to drag myself back outside the room but I felt very nauseous and decided to sleep it off, there was no need for me to push myself this hard to get to my office.

Walking while being this tired won't do me no good, my body is not like his body, if my body tired I must give it some rest, I slowly walked toward the bed and slowly drop myself on it feeling dead tired.

I can't understand why I'm so tired, 'I should probably do a check up on myself when i wake up ' I thought as i fell asleep while hugging him

Now we continue where we left off

Time skip

Mc pov

I woke from my small nap and saw that she fell asleep on the bed, so I slowly got out of bed and when I got out. I covered her and walked toward the mirror, I then realise there was no mirror in the room.

"I need to remind myself that I do not have everything in my room" I muttered when I finally realise there was no mirror

I walked toward my closet and took out a very small mirror that I could use to see my face.

I put the mirror in front of my face before I sent some chakra toward my eyes.

My eye turned red with three tomoe spinning in each eye, I admire my eyes in the mirror and watch as they slowly spin.

"I know for a fact that this is not what it felt like"I said staring into the reflection of my eyes, I remember the burning sensation I felt in my eyes and the exact amount of chakra that was getting poured into my eyes and so I try to replicate it.

I sent more chakra into my eye and watched as the tomoe ain my eyes spinned like crazy, the tomoe started to change, the tomoe disappear and what was left was something brand new.

Both of my eyes change pattern, the black dot in the middle of my eye started to turn into a circle and the tomoe changed into the figure of a kunai, when my eye stopped spinning I saw it, in my reflection I saw the reflection of what I look like right now.

I expected to feel a lot of pain like before but weirdly enough I felt nothing except a strong surge of brand new power surging through my veins.

"I would have been happy if I had awakened this sooner" I muttered to myself as I felt some sort of info pierce its way through my brain.

"but no use crying over spilled milk, now that I have it I may as well use it" I muttered to myself as I watch my eyes spin.

All of my sense felt like they were enhanced to a brand new level, I could see so far and so precise there was nothing wrong with the eyes, I didn't feel anymore pain as I used it, and this power although intoxicating is very hard to get used too.

Everything was moving way to slow for my liking but that probably do to my enhanced sense and the reason im not feeling any pain is probably because the pain that I felt earlier was my body getting used to it.

If that the case that explain why I passed out, 'I wonder what kind of change my body underwent'

I thought before I stopped looking at the mirror in my hands and instead looked at myself.

I could see some minor changes, there was nothing to special about it apart from my pathway were a bit bigger and my muscle looked define.

"Let turn this off" I said as I turn off my sharingan and frankly, I had enough of looking at my atoms

As soon as my sharingan was turned off everything went back to normal speed.

I was no longer in this super slomo mod, which im thankful for, I slowly put the mirror down before I look at myself properly this time.

I felt normal and that huge intoxicating power went away as soon as I turned off my mangekyo sharingan, or whatever I decided to call it later on.

"Going to train will be repetive and I don't want to do that, I think I have reached a high enough level that I no longer need to train so hard every day "I mutter looking at my hands.

"I have trained in my workmanship so much that I can pretty much fight while I'm unconscious so I won't be training that"I mutter remembering that workmanship has now become muscle memory for me like I wanted it to be in the first place.

"All I truly need is to work more on my mind"I muttered to no one in particular

I slowly walked outside the room and slide the door close behind me as I left.

I walked until I had left the butterfly mansion, after leaving the mansion behind I walked for a while before I arrive at a very familiar cite, I looked at the place and saw a bunch of rocks everywhere, they we're very big rocks and near them. I saw my younger self doing pushups with some rocks on my back.

I walked toward a big rock before I put my back against it and looked down below, "This is pretty but it won't stay that way as long as he alive"I said looking at everything below me.

A/N the reason he being muttering the whole time is that Kanae still sleeping and he doesn't want to wake her up.