You have 2 option

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I have trained in my workmanship so much that I can pretty much fight while I'm unconscious so I won't be training that"I mutter remembering that workmanship has now become muscle memory for me like I wanted it to be in the first place.

"All I truly need is to work more on my mind"I muttered to no one in particular

I slowly walked outside the room and slide the door close behind me as I left.

I walked until I had left the butterfly mansion, after leaving the mansion behind I walked for a while before I arrive at a very familiar cite, I looked at the place and saw a bunch of rocks everywhere, they we're very big rocks and near them. I saw my younger self doing pushups with some rocks on my back.

I walked toward a big rock before I put my back against it and looked down below, "This is pretty but it won't stay that way as long as he is alive" I said looking at everything below me.

Now we continue where we left off

I open my eyes to see it was still daytime and not much time has passed since I took that small nap.

"The twin should be awake by now"I mutter as I remove my back from the rock.

I slowly got up and started to walk back toward the butterfly mansion. "I feel like Muichiro would have been able to kill that demon by himself even tho when I arrived he looked like he was about to lose, he is an untrained 10-year-old boy that was able to damage a demon that at the least could rival 10 adult man combine" I muttered as I remember everything that happened that night.

"Even tho I saw him losing with my own eyes, I have a gut feeling that he could of immobilize the demon until the sun rise kind like Sanemi was doing before he joined the corp." I wondered to myself, I have never seen him or his brother fight but im already thinking of them as swordsmen.

"Although it's very far back, they do have the tsugikuni blood of Michikatsu flowing through their veins, so at the very least workmanship should come easier to them"I muttered out loud

"At the end of the day, it's their choice, if they want to join they will even if im against it, im not really good with the idea of someone as young as them fighting demons, call me a hypocrite all you want but I was literally breed for this, my body was made to kill demons and the only reason I'm training Kanao and Takeo is that I want them to be able to defend themselves if a demon attacks them, I never want to see them in the frontline. It could have been better if I taught them nothing but if they got attacked which is very likely going to be a demon, I will blame myself for not teaching them the basics"I said to no one in particular,

"I do sound like a hypocrite right now"I mutter to myself, from afar I started to see the butterfly mansion come into view so I just started walking faster.

I reached the gate pretty fast and started to walk in the direction where the twins were kept, I walked toward the healing area in the closer I got to it, the more I could smell an earthy scent around me, I could smell a lot of different herb and medicine but that wasn't what I was looking for so I just ignored the smell in the meantime.

I slowly reached the door where the twins were being kept at and I slowly slid open the door.

I saw 2 beds that were close to each other and I saw a little girl in a white nurse shirt feeding time some sort of medicine that they must swallow and from the smell and look of it, I guessed that it was bitter and by their reaction, my guess was confirmed.

No one seem to notice me enter the room so I had to knock on the door to get their attention,

They finally looked toward me and I could fully see that they were still bandaged up, especially Yuichiro he seem to have the most bandage overall but Muichuiro mostly had a bandage around his stomach which I guess is fair considering a demon fist went there.

I also saw the nurse that was treating them was none other than Aoi, "Aoi can I please get some time alone with them"I said in a serious voice.

She seems to notice my serious tone which shooked her for a bit before she nodded her and left the room, as she passed by me I just said"I will be quick" to which she nodded before leaving the room. (A/N yes it shook her, that how rare it is for him to be serious)

I slide the for close behind before I walked toward the boys and arrived in front of their beds.

"You guys probably have a lot of questions so ask away," I said looking at the twins

"What happened that night," Yuichiro said immediately

"Your house got attacked by a demon that almost killed you in your brother but luckily I was still in town and came back just in time to save you both"I answer honestly

"I feel bad because you guys live got derailed because of a demon so I'm here to give you a proposition," I said getting straight to the point, there is no point in playing games

"What is it"Yuichiro said looking at me

" If you guys want nothing to do with the demon slayer corp that alright, I can just make you think all of this was a dream with your permission of course, I will also put a seal around your house that make invincible to demons and also never let them in"I said before pausing and making sure they heard me.

When I saw that they understood I continue by saying"Or you two become my tsugoku and I train you on how to be a slayer, the choice is yours"

"How many people die to demons," Muichiro said after not speaking up this whole time.

"Around 2 to 5 thousand" I answer honestly

"I will give you time to think about it, I have a eye test I need to take"I said as I walked out of the room.

A/N he know that Kanae would make him take an eyes test because of how much his eyes bled.