Chapter 15: We Are In a Free Love_1

Work at the most renowned restaurant in District Three.

A high income and daily encounters with celebrities from the upper class society.

A duplex apartment of your own.

A deposit hefty enough to carry out a lifetime of extravagance for an average person.

If required, one or multiple girlfriends delivered at your doorstep.

More importantly, a chance to bid farewell to the polluted city of District Seventeen.

Any corporate employee can hardly dream of a better compensation package than this. The price for these rewards is as simple as three things:

A signature, a letter, and a video clip.

Just accomplish these three tasks and your life will leap forward decades over one night, reaching the end of career, life and financial freedom.

Song Lan admitted that this was probably the greatest temptation he had ever faced in his life. The three requisites invoked by the antagonist pointed towards one single objective.

Betray and accuse Lu Xiang of clandestinely releasing Chai Ke and secretly conspiring a plot to murder Angel Foster.

He needed to sign a document coming straight from the prosecutor's office, carrying the official seal.

The content of the document was a confession he announced himself to the Law Enforcers, stating that he had eavesdropped on a conversation between Lu Xiang and Chai Ke during a late-night wake-up, where Lu Xiang assigned Chai Ke with the task of assassinating Angel, in exchange for Chai Ke's freedom.

The letter was an accusation.

After days of conscience condemnation, and having witnessed Lu Xiang silencing her colleagues, he could no longer tolerate Lu Xiang's atrocities, therefore he wrote this accusation letter to the prosecutor's office despite life-threatening risks.

The content of the video was a confession aimed at the citizens of District Seventeen.

Not long after he wrote the accusation letter, he feared being persecuted and released this video to the public media — if he were to suffer any accidents, it would certainly be a reprisal from Lu Xiang.

The reason for the assassin to approach him was simple, since he was currently in a passionate relationship with Lu Xiang and nothing could be more effective than a betrayal from a lover.

Realising this, the lump in Song Lan's chest finally fell.

Because, it also proved that the assassin and the powerhouse behind him did not know he was a survivor in Chai Ke's case.

Fulfilling these three requirements wouldn't be difficult. Within an hour, he could submit these three items to them, then say goodbye to District Seventeen forever, and realize his dream of living in the city.

An average office worker would not be able to resist the temptation in front of him and would gladly accept the offer.

However, Song Lan spotted the biggest loophole in these three conditions at a glance.

For those craving the truth, how reliable would the testimony be, if it came from someone who disappeared without a trace?

In his view, the only thing that really earns people's trust is a body found in Lu Xiang's apartment, murdered in the same manner as the previous victims.

Especially if this victim had previously released a video to the public media out of fear of Lu Xiang's retaliation.

"But if that's the case, what about Director Lu..."

Song Lan knit his brows, successfully portraying a troubled look.

"For your future, Lu Xiang is but a passerby. Once you arrive in District Three, they can provide you with a love interest that meets all your fantasies at any time. We can offer you a new identity, you will have nothing to do with District Seventeen anymore."

The words of the assassin were persuasive. It was as if he placed himself in Song Lan's shoes and considered all of his difficulties.

"I guess your girlfriend never mentioned her past to you."

The man stated confidently.

Song Lan could not refute this point as his knowledge about Lu Xiang was limited to her sudden transfer to District Seventeen as the department director of Law Enforcers.

His intersection with her was merely due to a meal he could not bear after consuming the nutrient solution.

"To her, you are a tool to remind her of past life. Even if we had never met, she would leave you one day," the assassin paused for a moment before continuing, "Besides, from your perspective, it may not be purely romance — living in District Seventeen plagued by crime, you need a reliable source of protection. She happens to meet your aspirations... But, all your concerns will vanish once you arrive in District Three."

This assassin,

He came prepared!

Not only did he offer an irresistible proposal based on Song Lan's character, but he also considered the emotional factors, instigating a rift between him and Lu Xiang.

If they accept his reasoning, they would naturally lessen the guilt brought by betrayal and develop thoughts of "She would leave me from the start anyway."

Under such dual shocks, hardly anyone could resist this temptation.

However, Song Lan was not currently indulging in the beautiful fantasy of living in District Three. Instead, his encounter from the afternoon flashed across his mind.

At this moment, the odor of blood in the apartment seemed to still linger at the tip of his nose.

For the sake of his mental and physical health, he did not open the bathroom door to witness the horror that lay at the other end.

He could not know whether the man in front of him had offered his colleagues an irresistible deal.

"I'm sorry."

Song Lan shook his head, "We're in love freely."

"Free love?"

The man looked as though he found something funny, his face turned strange. Considering Song Lan as his negotiation object, he held back his laughter, "I deeply regret that, but you must choose between dreams and love now."

Saying so, he pushed his bowl and chopsticks aside, stood up and walked towards the kitchen counter.

He steadily retrieved his tool kit that he carried along with him. Often, these tools provided another reason to compromise for those who refused the temptation, "Perhaps, I can give you some simpler options. Agree with us, or die, choose either one."

The man took out a syringe in front of Song Lan, prepared some stimulants that would keep him conscious.

He put on surgical gloves and then gently pressed his fingertip on the corner of his eye to ensure that the prosthetic eye began working.

Time was confirmed.

It was May 7, 2166, 23:37:24.

All the following records could serve as evidence against Lu Xiang after being processed in post-production.

"Mr. Song Lan, there is one thing I hope you understand,"

After that, the assassin turned towards Song Lan and said leisurely, "You are not our only choice."

"Before that, may I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"You've murdered so many people. Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid?" The man sneered, "Afraid of what?"

"Afraid that, somewhere, you'll come across the real killer."

The man was taken aback.

Digits jumped on the prosthetic eye, recording this eerie scene.





Then he heard the voice behind him, "Director Lu once mentioned that the killer's eyesight must have been enhanced by prosthetic implants, allowing him to monitor the victim's heart rate and blood loss accurately during the crime..."

In the next moment, his sight was filled with nothing but endless darkness, and his lingering consciousness drifted along this darkness towards the distance.

"Don't worry, it's just some insurance measures."