In the dystopian world of 2166, District Seventeen, my current abode, earned the dubious honor of being labeled the Federation's most decrepit sector.
The specter of unemployment looms large...
The count of missing individuals steadily climbs...
A relentless tide of fugitives...
As many people say, Enforcer is the most dangerous career on this planet.
And I, unfortunately, have become one.
(Cyberpunk + Post-apocalyptic, four completed novels over millions of words. Feel free to read in any way you wish.)
This sounds pretty cool. I just can't figure out why everyone votes for the generic stuff and copies, why not unique stuff like this.
Sounds so interesting. Hope more people add this to expedite release. I want to see some fresh stuff, not old, repeated, and stale. I like these kinds of summaries, staying a mystery until read.
Brilliant novel, absolute hidden gem. Started off very slow, but then gets real fun. Author really knows how to make the readers laugh. Unfortunately AI translation is ruining the experience with the frequent inconsistency of names and genders of multiple characters.
Sounds interesting.
Reveal Spoiler
I really like this story, I'm surprised that it only has 3 reviews after being here for over a year. It's smart, cleverly written, the characters are unique, the world building isn't a wall of words nor is it too slow. It has a good feeling, the humor isn't crude, and it's nice having a slice of life in a superpower world.