Chapter 79: Birth of a Friend out of Nothing_1

As a law enforcer, Song Lan felt like she had been bending over backwards for the criminals in district seventeen.

It didn't take a genius to notice that after Chai Ke's death, there was a decline in skilled criminals in the market. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry was trying to fill Chai Ke's space.

If you continue like this, you might not even qualify to add to Lu Xiang's merits.

That's why Song Lan felt the need to advise Mr. "Mouse". Killing a brute who didn't even manage to step through the meeting door wouldn't earn the law enforcers any brownie points with the leadership. Instead, they would be questioned about their long fights with these "trash fish".

For a long time, law enforcers in district seventeen had been scapegoats. The credit for achievements was always others', and they got the blame whenever anything went wrong, often in the most absurd ways.