Chapter 168: Safe Travel, Avoid planting Flags_1

One significant benefit of travelling as representatives of a large corporation and a trading convoy is that they don't have to squeeze into a vehicle with mercenaries.

The employer's off-road vehicles and transport trucks were safely tucked away in the middle of the convoy. Song Lan and Lu Xiang sat in the rear row, enjoying the air conditioning inside their car.

The convoy's boss, Lyu Feng, was a very talkative man who showed a keen interest in their positions as investigators from the Tesla Tech Biological Department, and he chatted incessantly from the start of the journey.

"I'm specialized in the electronics business, and I've been planning to explore the market for bionic humans recently,"

said Lyu Feng. "Perhaps we can become business partners in the future."

"We are from the technical department. We don't handle sales,"

Lu Xiang promptly responded, in order to prevent Lyu Feng from leading the conversation towards the price and sales of bionic humans.