Chapter 399: The Number One Case_1

No matter whether it was Sector Seventeen, the United Government, or the large corporations, they all faced an exceedingly long day.

It wasn't yet dawn when Lu Xiang rushed to the scene of the accident, where Captain Doug had already led the special ops team to complete the site investigation.

The members of the ops team were all on high alert.

"The convoy of Cloud Biological Pharmaceutical was attacked. Although no casualties were found at the scene, but..."

Doug hesitated to continue, because for a moment he didn't know how to categorize the "guards." If they were considered victims, this would become the biggest case in Sector Seventeen in recent months.

The carcasses of the "guards" were strewn about the street, some appearing to have been flung out, others looked like they had been crushed by massive force, and some bodies had been corroded with densely packed holes.

What frightened Captain Doug even more was the identity of these people.