Chapter 350: Do Androids Dream of Banquets?_1

Because of her work, Lu Xiang was very proficient in interrogation techniques, and her presence was commanding during the process.

Dr. Bai Zhu's arrival bolstered her further; in front of Song Lan, she opened a webpage and within three seconds recovered the attendance records Song Lan had created during the overtime period, as well as found his three account usernames and passwords.

"Now what do you have to say?"

She looked up, glancing at Song Lan.

With the account information in hand, everything Song Lan had done using these accounts was laid bare, just as Dr. Bai Zhu often said: in the world of network data, any action leaves a trace—it just depends on whether the relevant department wants to investigate you or not.

Confronted with this ironclad evidence, Song Lan, a suspect under interrogation, felt ice-cold and his scalp tingled.