Chapter 46: The Way of the Salted Fish_1

Early next morning.

Just after work started, someone hurriedly rushed into the logistics department from outside.

"Quick, get ready, we're having a big meeting today!"

Upon hearing this, those who were slacking off immediately put down what they were doing and headed towards the conference room. Only Song Lan had a gloomy look on his face, seeming utterly reluctant.

The Law Enforcers' department meeting was one of the few collective meetings that even the logistics department had to attend.

"Master, aren't you getting a promotion? Why do you look so unhappy?"

Once everyone had left the department, Elmon popped his head out of the mainframe, asking curiously.

Song Lan noticed that Elmon had picked up some bad habits after merging with his body, such as enjoying crawling into drawers and often surprising people by popping his head out unexpectedly.

Elmon took out his phone and said, "According to the search engine, promotions and salary increases should be happy occasions."