Chapter 497: Assassin's Principle_1

Effort never betrays the diligent.

On an evening where Song Lan insisted on commuting to and from work by bicycle, passing through at least three deserted alleys, he finally encountered a white van at the entrance of the alley. Several people wearing masks jumped down from the van and ferociously pointed their rifles at his head, fiercely ordering him to get in the vehicle.

After climbing into the van, the familiar cloth bag covered Song Lan's head.

Without saying a word, the kidnappers drove the van at high speed for nearly forty minutes before stopping.

Several individuals roughly pushed and shoved him out of the van, which was followed by the exchange ceremony. The kidnappers and someone else stood about ten meters apart, confronting each other in silence. After a few minutes, the pressure on his shoulders disappeared, and he heard the sound of something heavy hitting the ground beside him.